Chapter Eighteen: Pool Obstacle Courses Are The Devil Pt2

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•Ino's POV•

Everyone began to swim through the course once Guy-Sensei shouted 'In the name of youth SWIM!' Or something like that, I wasn't really paying much attention. What had me distracted? Well I have a slight problem.

It might not be considered as a problem in the eyes of another but in my fragile and overthinking mind IT WAS A FREAKING APOCALYPSE OF ANGRY YANDERES!!!!! The war waging in my mind started because of one person and one person alone. Shikamaru Nara. It's like he took earthquake resistant glue and pasted a picture of himself in my brain, because I could not stop thinking about him. And trust me when I say I've tried.

My face has practically been a tomato being steamed for the past few days and my internal organs (near my stomach) felt like they were under constant attack by a cookie dough mixer. And it felt weird. I looked into what I had eaten that day and it was nothing that could cause fever, lightheaded-ness, or stomach ache, and it DEFINITELY did not explain the constant thought of that stupid lazy Nara in my head.

Yes yes I know you all think of me as the amazingly talented and all-knowing love expert/match maker yes? And that I should know all the symptoms of a crush, possibly even love, but one itsy bitsy problem. I REFUSE TO ADMIT THAT ID LIKE THAT- THAT- THAT LAZY ARSE IN THE SLIGHTEST!

This has been happening ever since that darn paint ballon/capture the flag thing, when he grabbed my hand to pull me on stage. His hands were so soft...I mean- his hands had no effect on my ingenious mind whatsoever. Tch, but even if I were to like him Temari would claw out my eyeballs with her talons and order her brothers to burn me alive in some witch hut or whatever. When actually she should be burned for being the real witch.

So currently our team was watching TenTen slowly swim through the course, she was doing okay but something bugged me. Yes I understand that everyone in our group was watching TenTen but is it strange that I didn't want Shikamaru looking at TenTen? I mean, I didn't mind that Sasuke, Naruto, or Neji was watching her (because I not so secretly ship Neji with TenTen, just like you) but anyways, ah no, just so many strange emotions.

It's so weird. I've never had these feeling before. I've read romance novels, articles, taken magazine tests, but never had I thought any of those symptoms would actually apply to me. It's not like I thought I'd never fall in love or something, but it's sudden, like a bus crashing into me.

Oh shoot. I shouldn't use that as a reference to how I deal seeing as Sakura's parents ummmmmmmmmmmmmm............ I SAID NOTHING. Wait- I thought nothing? Whaaaaat.

You know what just just never mind.
Well it seems like TenTen is on her last lap, in last place.

And the updates continue! I just want to thank you all for helping me hit 6k ON THE DAY OF MY ANNIVERSARY! Daww I really love you all!


P.S I am aware that some of you really really enjoy this book, but please don't pester me for updates or go on one of my other books and say 'update 31doh' I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, but please don't do it, I think I've made it obvious that I update 31DOH every Tuesday unless something comes up or I want time off to write ahead.

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