Chapter 9: Bitch What?

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Day - I don't even know why I was counting in the first place

Day - I don't even know why I was counting in the first place

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"What the-" I gape at the duo before me, "What the fuck?!"

"U-u-uh." Temari stutters, helplessly turning to her brother in a panic.

"What? Is it so weird for people to be living in a house." The red haired male glares at us.

I think we have established that I am most definitely not the smartest person. However, I believe even the smartest person in our friend group IS CONFUSED AS HELL RIGHT NOW.

"Well isn't that unexpected." Tenten lets out a breath of disbelief. "Small world."

"Temari? Gaara?" Naruto tilts his head, which is oddly reminiscent of a lost puppy.

Temari looks like she's just seen a ghost. Girl's gonna need to book a tanning bed she's so pale right now.

"Hello neighbors." Sai waves innocently.

Speaking of people needing a tanning bed.

"Psst, why are we still standing here?" Tenten whispers loudly to Neji.

What happened in high school was some fucked up shit, especially because it was over guys. However by this point none of us really care all too much about it.

Tenten moved on first, a few months after we graduated. I was soon after. Only Hinata and Sakura took the longest. Hinata needed speech lessons, and Sakura had her family situation she was and still is dealing with.

So in terms of grudges there are none. I think we're only surprised cuz' we didn't think she'd be out of Juvi or wherever yet.

"U-Uh want to come in?" Temari offers quietly.

"What?" Both Shikamaru and Gaara chorus before glaring at each other.

"We'd love to!" I clap and bounce through their doorway.

Everyone awkwardly made themselves situated in Temari's living room. While on the topic of awkward, it's a perfect word to describe the atmosphere.

I see Sakura open her mouth to speak, but before she can Temari drops to her knees. Uh, she okay?

"I'm so sorry." She firmly states, head bowed.

"Oh my." Hinata gasps.

"I was a stupid stupid teenager that agreed with my friend group to do anything and everything to be with our crushes. Out unrealistic and stupid crushes." Her voice thick with sadness rings out.

"You don't have to-" Sakura starts.

"In the process I ended hurting you guys so much, especially you Ino, and I was a terrible horrible person." She sobs.

"I'm happy you're a better person now," I smile slightly before a rare seriousness takes over my character.  Jk.

"However we wish you and your friends had understood that we never even spoke to the guys before. We were our own friend group, with zero interactions with them. If you're going to attack someone at least study up first. Sheesh, that's like How to Ruin a Life 101, the basics." I kid.

"Thank you for understanding." Temari stands back up and wipes away the tears with a smile.

"Girl I'm getting the feels." Tenten sniffles.

Neji raises a hand to her shoulder to console her before it gets slapped off.

"Bitch don't touch me, I am EmOtIoNaL!"

Poor Neji won't be able to hand that crazy woman.

"Oh but, what happened since we last saw you?" Hinata asks the question on everyone's minds.

"Ah, well we were sent to a Juvenile Detention Facility. It was kind of like prison except for the daily lessons of behavioral reformation. I had plenty of time to mull over everything that happened. It was after a year there that I had been good. The guards were going to let me leave due to good behavior. However Karin went nuts and tried to stab me with her glasses. There were legit blades in those. Anyways, I was sent off to my brother Gaara who lives here now, Kankuro is in France." She nods along to her own story.

"I think this is the start of something great." I puff out my chest victoriously.

"Huh?" Temari asks, confused.

"The start of our friendship of course!" Hinata pipes in.

"Y-You guys want to be friends with me?!" The blond gasps in disbelief.

"Oh course!" Sakura pitches a rare grin.

Temari squeals in happiness.

"Aigoo, I have a new daughter to take care of!" Tenten tightly embraces Temari.

In the corner of the room you ca barely see it, but Gaara is smiling. Shocker right? I won't embarrass him by bringing it up.

Someone clearing their thought catches our attention, Tenten also detaches herself from Temari.

"So do you guys know each other?" Sai asks with the same straight ass face he has everyday.

"Use those artist eyes of yours boy."

"Yes ma'am."

"So, we brought a fruit basket to welcome you guys." Neji grins at our new neighbors.

"Eat up!"

Who would've thought our new friend is Temari.

Huh, small world.





~Fairy x

It's my birthday so I decided to be nice and release the chapter early.

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