Chapter One

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The cool spring air blew Dani's hair around her face lightly causing the smell of her strawberry shampoo to fill the air around her as she walked towards school. All around her students were chatting with one another, parking their cars, or sitting on the hoods with textbooks in their laps as they crammed for a quiz. It was mid-spring in sunny Los Angeles, California and the last year before Dani went off to Harvard University. She smiled to herself as she side stepped Aron Erlichman, her childhood bully, and a group of his friends that were about to run into her.
One of them, Jorel Decker, stuck his foot out and hooked her ankle causing her to fall forward onto a larger male that was trailing behind the group.

George quickly reached his arms out to catch the falling girl in front of him. She was shorter than him, had an athletic build, and wavy brown hair. Usually he went for the blondes like Heidi Shepard, but this girl was different to him. She seemed... Real. Like as if she could hold her own if it ever came down to it, and even her boobs seemed to be real and not filled with that gel shit. He shook his head and grasped her arms a little bit more firmly to make sure that he didn't accidentally drop her.

Dani scrunched up her nose and her brow furrowed when she felt his hands grasp tighter around her. Granted he had caught her and kept her from landing on her face, but she was still disgusted at the fact that Jorel had the audacity to try and make her fall.
"Hey you okay?" The male asked gruffly and steadied her before bending down to gather her books and papers.
"Yes I'm fine, now please leave." She said irritated and yanked her things away from him.
He held his hands up in defense and backed away, "I was just trying to hel-"
"Well I don't need your help!" Dani snapped at him then turned on her heel to leave. She hadn't meant to sound so rude to him but the fact that he hung out with Aron Erlichman was enough to make her a little agitated.

"What was that all about?" He asked quizzically to his friends as he watched her walk towards the Senior building.
Jorel patted George on his shoulder and sighed, "That my friend was Dani Rose, senior class president, captain of the cheerleading team, and varsity choir leader." Jorel paused to take in George's expression, he could tell that George was interested in her. "Also Aron's neighbor and daughter of L.A.P.D's chief."

George's face fell slightly when Jorel informed him that she was the chief's daughter. There was no way in hell that he would be able to get to know her now. Damn it! Why does she have to be the daughter of the chief of police? If she was Dylan's sister it'd be slightly easier, still difficult but easier than the chief of police's daughter. Fuck man.
"Better luck next time man." Jorel said then took off towards his old truck.
"Maybe." George said to himself then followed behind Jorel and Aron.

Aron watched George carefully out the corner of his eye as Jorel drove them out to Dylan's place. He could tell along with Jorel that George was starting to develop a little "crush" on Dani and Aron would not have that. One, she was the daughter of a police officer, and two Dani Rose was by definition a goodie two shoes and sometimes a snitch. She just had that "I'm better than you" feel to her that Aron completely hated. Ever since they were kids she always thought that she was better than him just because her parents have a shit ton of money and he's practically dirt poor. It still surprised him that he has as much stuff as he does right now. Perks of having a few good friends huh?

"So you gonna risk it?" Jorel asked George as they pulled into Dylan's driveway. Aron turned his head to face Jorel. Clearly he had missed an entire conversation. He glanced from one friend to the other in hopes that one would fill him in on what he missed. But neither would say anything. "Are either of you shit heads gonna tell me what the hell I just missed?!" He yelled out.
George sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "Jorel just wants to know if I'm going to try and get with Dani Rose."
Aron scoffed and shoved Jorel out of the truck. He honestly felt bad for George. No guy at that school had ever been able to get her to go on a date, or even go to homecoming or prom, let alone hook up with her after a football game. Him and the rest of the guys at school could honestly say that Dani Rose may hang out with a bunch of sluts, but she sure as hell ain't a slut. The damn girl probably hasn't even been kissed. A low chuckle escaped his throat. "Hey if you wants to try and break her go ahead but I'm tellin you now that you're not gonna get too far."
George just shrugged his shoulders and followed Aron inside.

Mama I'm in love with a criminal (A Johnny 3 Tears love story)Where stories live. Discover now