Chapter Seven

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Aron waited nervously for Jeff to come back inside the house, he knew that he was in trouble for his mistake. Damn it why couldn't I have just doubled back to make sure that she was dead?! If I had I wouldn't be in this situation! He sighed and let his head drop into his hands. "Damn it."

Jeff paced back and forth out on his back porch, the cigarette he held in his hand burned slowly. So many thoughts raced through his mind causing him to have a headache. He sighed and took a pull from the cigarette and sat down on one of the rotting wooden chairs. The setting sun burned the sky with vibrant colors of orange and red, he watched the sky for a while until he heard the back door open and shut. He glanced back to see that Aron had finally showed up. Jeff could tell that the scrawny man was nervous and slightly scared to be in his presence. A smirk flicked across his face.

"So, the girl is still alive huh." He said mostly to himself, Aron fidgeted with his hat. "You were supposed to make sure that she was dead, now Jorel won't leave her side. We need him to follow the plan."

Aron nodded his head slowly, "I kno-"

"DON'T SAY THAT YOU KNOW!" Jeff yelled and spun around to face Aron. He grabbed tight onto the collar of his shirt and shoved his cigarette onto Aron's skin, the smaller cried out in pain. Jeff smiled wickedly then released Aron and threw him on the ground.

"Next time that she's alone, you will make sure that she's dead." He said through clenched teeth. He paused and sat back in the chair, "Now as for the Rose girl she might become more of an asset to me."
Aron coughed trying to catch his breath before sitting up, his neck burned painfully from the cig burn.

"H-how..?" He managed to cough out as he pulled himself to his feet. He didn't understand how she could help him and Jeff, all she was good for was giving George a few blow jobs. Is there something that I'm missing? Aron moved to sit on the chair across from Jeff who seemed to be lost in deep thought. After a while Jeff finally pulled his attention back to the current situation.

"Aron there are some things that even you don't know." Jeff said then walked back inside his house. When he closed his bedroom door he collapsed on his bed and pulled out an old box from underneath. When he pulled off the lid he was met with the only picture he had left of his brother. His chest seemed to tighten at the mere sight of it, tears filled his eyes the longer he stared at the picture. "I will make them pay." He whispered to himself then stuffed the box back under his bed.

I am so sorry for the delay on this book but I've been swamped with oneshot requests, finding a job, and dealing with a lame ass boyfriend. Anyway here is the new chapter; sorry that it's not as long as the others, it's just a filler.

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