Chapter Fifteen.

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"...Daniella...Wake up princess."

Dani's eyes fluttered open slightly. A bright light poured on to her face causing her to shut her eyes momentarily. "What-what the hell?" She groaned once the light disappeared.

"Good. You're awake." A rough male voice said hotly.

She tried to move her arms but soon came to find that they were bound tightly behind her back by a couple zip ties. Once she opened her eyes fully she found that her ankles were also bound together as well. Her shirt was torn at the collar and went all the way down to her naval, her whole chest was exposed. She shifted in her seat to try and sit to where she was better covered but the only thing her efforts got her was even less coverage.

"Now I can see why George picked you," the man said. "You've got a nice body."

"Who the fuck are you?!"

The man smirked and pushed off of the table. He walked slowly around her like a lion stalking his prey. "It's always the same questions; who are you? What do you want with me? Why are you doing this to me?" He came to a stop behind her. "Well it's simple really, I want you to suffer. Maybe I'll kill you, maybe I'll just hurt you just enough so that you're still alive so when I send you back to him he can watch you die."
He watched as she struggled against the zip ties; they dug deep into her flesh causing new blood to drip down her hands. This excited him greatly. "Do you ever wonder what your insides look like? How everything is attached and what would happen if something got shifted to another place?"

Dani stopped moving for a moment to listen to the man's sick rambling. Who could ever think of such things? Better yet who was this guy and why did he choose her as his little test subject? "No. I have not." She replied.

"Hm. That's odd." He reached behind him and grabbed something off of the table. "Yet you want to be just like him."

"Like who?" Dani asked cautiously. She waited silently for a reply but the man didn't say a word. "Like. Who?" She asked again, but this time more firmly. Behind her she heard a little bit of shuffling then her head got yanked back and a pictured frame was shoved in her face.

"LIKE YOUR FATHER!!" The man yelled in her ear. His hand gripped tighter at her hair as he pulled harder. "HE DID THIS! HE'S THE REASON!!" Dani tried to look away but he just grabbed onto her chin and squeezed until a loud crack sounded. Tears filled her eyes from the pain. A slow grin spread across his face as he watched her. "And now you're going to pay for it." He whispered then released her face. As he walked away from her he could hear her begin to cry softly. This is what he had been waiting for, for the last twelve years. Revenge. Revenge for his brother.

Mama I'm in love with a criminal (A Johnny 3 Tears love story)Where stories live. Discover now