Chapter Fourteen

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"Where the hell are we?" Stephanie questioned. None of the buildings looked familiar to her, everything looked like it had been hit by a hurricane. Windows were boarded up, graffiti covered walls, garbage and other miscellaneous items were scattered all over the ground. As far as Stephanie could tell no one seemed to live in this part of town. Beside her Dani groaned and typed furiously at her phone. "What happened?" She waited for an answer but Dani ignored her and kept her eyes glued to the screen. "Dani...? Hello, earth to Daniella."

"Don't call me that." Dani mumbled but still focused on her phone. After another five minuets Dani tucked the phone into her pocket and shut off the engine. "Come on. Daniel's waiting for us."

"Wait, Daniel- like Danny Murillo? Theresa's boyfriend?" She asked. Dani just nodded her head.

"That's the one."

"I thought that-" Stephanie quickly closed her mouth when Dani turned and gave her the coldest glare that she had ever seen.

"Come on, they're at the end of the street." She waved Stephanie forward and led her to where Danny was waiting. When they reached the old liquor store Austin came and unlocked the door for them. They rushed past him and headed for the back of the building. Austin made sure that the girls hadn't been followed then wrapped the chains back around the door.

"Hey." Danny greeted shortly as the two females walked into the room. Dani nodded her head towards him then set to coming up with an escape plan for if things took a turn for the worse. Tally, Kyle, and Austin soon joined her and Daniel. They had set Stephanie by the back door as a type of watch dog- she hadn't been happy about that but it was the only way to keep her from getting in their way.

"Me and Kyle will move around the back of the shops and cover Jordon, and Aron; they are covering George, Matt, and Dylan." Daniel pointed to the marked spots on a map. He glanced up at Dani to make sure that she was following. She nodded her head once. "Okay, now Jorel is up in this building with Jeff." He circled a building that was diagonal to where George was parked in the car. "They don't move until Jorel signals them. After that Jorel and Shady are supposed to go around back and sneak into the old arcade to cover all of them from the roof."

"Hold on, all of this for a little bit of cocaine?" Austin asked. Daniel sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know exactly why Shady wants all the big theatrics but whatever he's planning it's obviously something much bigger than just your average drop." Dani spoke softly, all sorts of puzzle pieces -big and small- started falling into place in her mind. In a way she sort of always knew that something bigger was in the works but she could never figure out what. Now she knew. "Are you still willing to help Austin?"

He slowly nodded his head still partially unsure of what help he could be. But his best friend was out there and he needed to help keep him safe. "What do I have to do?"

"You and Tally will circle around the block and cover Daniel and Kyle from the third floor. There's a busted window on the east side when you walk in, use that as a vantage point." All four boys stared at Dani, jaws slack and eyes wide. She shrugged it off and headed off the the other room to gather their weapons.

When she came back each of the boys had the customized masks that they had put together a couple nights ago. The whole mask idea may seem ridiculous to some people but you could never be too sure who might be watching. She smiled to herself and handed them their own gun and pack of bullets. While she strapped a knife to her calf Daniel handed her a mask. She lifted her hair up so that it was easier for Daniel to strap it onto her face. As he tied the straps he whispered, "Remember to keep Steph close to you and stay at least one hundred feet behind George when tailing him." She nodded her head and grabbed a pocket knife for Stephanie.

Mama I'm in love with a criminal (A Johnny 3 Tears love story)Where stories live. Discover now