Chapter Six

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Three days had passed and Jorel still couldn't figure out who had hurt Vanessa. He had tried to get her to remember if she had caught a glimpse of the guys face, but she couldn't remember a single detail. All throughout those days Dani had spent as much time as she could comforting him and tending to Vanessa. He had to admit that Dani wasn't as bad as he had been led on to believe, it was all just Aron acting the little bitch he was. Jorel had tried to apologize numerous times to Dani but each she would silence him by saying, "Jorel everyone makes mistakes. No harm done, it's all in the past." For a while he felt okay with the fact that she had forgiven him but after a while he couldn't help but wonder why she forgave him so quickly, it wasn't like he had done something incredible to make her feelings change. Maybe she's just that nice of a person.
Speak of the devil, he stood up and went to open the door.
"Hey Dani," he said stepping aside to let her in. She smiled at him quickly before rushing over to Vanessa. It still amazes him how she knew so much about taking care of injuries and proper self defense. Yesterday him and Dylan had stayed behind with Dani while she watched over V and the rest of the guys got food; they ended up asking her all sorts of questions about her EMT class. She had told them that when she was little her dad used to stitch up kids that had gotten hurt during gang wars, and she was his assistant. Dylan had found that the most interesting part of her story, all the gory details and how she would help clean up the blood and try to calm down the kids. Jorel on the other hand he had liked her reasoning for taking the EMT course. To him it was the most selfless thing that he had ever heard anyone say, she had told him that when her dad had died he asked her to promise him that she wouldn't let the taint of this town corrupt her, that she would continue to help others who need it the most. Of course she had promised her dad to do just that, and Jorel respected Dani just a bit more because she had managed to stick to her promise. Aron was way wrong about this girl, she's like an angel or something like that. Whatever she was Jorel was just happy that George had fallen for her and decided to keep seeing her, or else Vanessa probably wouldn't have made it.
"How's she doing?" He asked calmly, Dani waved his question off and continued to change out the bandage. When she had finished she turned to him and smiled.
"She's fine Jay. The stitches are holding together and the pain medication is working, she'll be able to get back on her feet by Monday."
He nodded his head, his eyes stayed focused on Vanessa's sleeping figure, "That's good. Should we call th-"
Out of all the people who would possibly want to call the cops about this he had expected Dani to be the first one to jump at the suggestion, needless to say her current answer surprised him greatly.
"No?" He asked her just to be clear, she nodded her head in response. "May I ask why you of all people would say no?"
Dani closed her eyes for a moment and rubbed her temples, clearly he didn't get what I said a few days ago. "Jorel do you remember what I said about my dad."
"Yeah you said that he stitched up wounded kids who got hurt by the gangs."
She nodded her head slowly, Jorel stared back at her waiting for her to finish.
"Okay you're clearly not getting this, Jorel my dad was a street Doctor."
"That's why you agreed to help so quickly!"
"Well that and the fact that the streets don't snitch, no matter what." Jorel was slightly taken aback by how serious her tone had gotten.
"So when you made that promise to you dad..." He said slowly trying to piece everything together.
"I promised him that I would continue to help the kids on the streets."
"Wow that's actually really cool of you to do that, you know help them and all that."
She smiled at him then packed up her bag and grabbed her coat off the back of the desk chair. "I do what I can." She said then left Jorel alone with Vanessa.
The whole world seemed to turn on it's axis and spin out of control at this new piece of information. Never would Jorel have thought that Dani Rose's father had been a street Doctor. Nor would he have ever imagined her actually wanting to continue his work when she knew the risk that she was putting herself in. If she ever helped the wrong person she could get herself killed. He did understand her wanting to keep her word to her father but she had a nice house and fancy cars, and even money to go to college! So why jeopardize all of that by wanting to work with the gangs? None of that made sense to him, but still at the end of the day he was glad, to one degree or another, that she had chose to follow in her father's footsteps. Sure it was a selfish kind of happiness but he was still thankful for what she had done for him. He glanced back at Vanessa before switching off the light, "I wouldn't have you if she hadn't." He whispered softly to her then headed down the hall to his bedroom. Today has been a long day for him between helping take care of Vanessa and dealing with trying to figure out who had hurt her to begin with.
It's your fault dip shit. You are the reason she got hurt!
Jorel sighed and kicked his door shut causing the picture frames on the wall to shake. His room was almost completely dark except for a small bedside lamp, quickly he stripped out of his shirt and jeans before pulling the blankets over his body. Underneath his pillow he felt the small box cutter blades that he had taped on the inside of his pillow case. A small part of his mind kept screaming at him saying that he should just cut one more time and get it over with, he wanted so bad to give into those voices. But then again he couldn't.... He knew that he had to be around for when Vanessa finally got better, he had to pull through for her. She was after all the only thing that kept him happy these days despite the current events.
"Not tonight." He told himself and grabbed a different pillow to lay on for the night.

Dani sighed happily as she snuggled closer to George, his arms tightened around her small frame. She loved this, this feeling of safety and security that she felt whenever George was near her. She had always had someone there to protect her from things, but the sense of safety that she felt with George was different, almost as if it was close
George watched Dani silently afraid that if he moved she would be uncomfortable. He liked how she fit so easily in his arms, like as if she made especially for him. The idea of him finally finding a good girl and staying with her made an entire grenade of butterflies explode deep in his stomach. Even though he's only been with her for a short while he felt a strong connection to her already. She stirred slightly, shifting her position so that her head rested over his heart. 
"Dani?" he asked her quietly, she lifted her head a little so that she could see his face.
"Yeah babe."
Internally he smiled at the new nickname that she had just given him, "Do you ever think about the future? You know stuff like what's going to happen."
Her brow pulled together slightly as she thought about his question, "Sometimes I guess." She pushed herself up from his chest and sat up to where she was straddling him. "I mean I kind of have to since its senior year and I have to put in college applications."
He sighed and shook his head at her. That wasn't what he had meant by "the future", he was looking for an entirely different answer. One that involved him being in her life past graduation. "Never mind Dani."
"You seem disappointed... What's wrong?" She let her hands run up his chest and shoulders, underneath her palms she felt his body stiffen. A small smile flicked across her face for a second before regaining her serious composure.
"Nothing, it's just that every now and then I find myself thinking about what's going to happen to us after we graduate." He looked up at her with saddened eyes, hoping that she would catch on to what he was trying to say without sounding like a complete loser.
"And by that you mean.. Our relationship?" She asked slowly, he gave a quick nod in response. "George just forget about tomorrow, tomorrow is today. The future isn't guaranteed so just live for right now." He smiled up at her and pulled her closer to him, "You are an amazing girl Dani Rose." "I love you too George." She whispered softly before drifting off into a restful sleep.

George on the other hand had stayed awake most of the night. He couldn't get her words out of his head. They seemed to keep echoing throughout his mind the whole entire night.

Forget about tomorrow, tomorrow is for right now... I love you too George...

The part that kept him awake was the "I love you" part, and not just the fact that she had said that to him, he was actually really happy about that, but just the idea of her saying "I love you too" made him a little uneasy. He hasn't said that to her yet so how could she just openly say that without him saying it first? Does she really love me? Well of course she does!! She said it to you! He sighed and rolled over on his side. Dani slept so peaceful beside him. He smiled and pulled her body right up against his. For some reason he felt safer when she was in his arms, like as if he was actually meant for something so much better than selling drugs and working at a pizzeria. She gave him purpose and life... No. She gave him more than that, she gave him a reason to love again and to make a better life for himself. She is his world, his queen even, and he'll stop at nothing to make sure that she's happy and protected. Even if that means following through with what Aron wants to do.

The next morning George woke up to the bitter smell of coffee and a pressure on his abdomen. He groaned and reached down to feel what was pressing down on him, a light giggle filled his ears when his fingertips brushed something fuzzy. "What the hell?" He mumbled and sat up partially. Dani smiled and pushed him back onto the bed, "Morning!" She said cheerfully, laying on top of George.
He grinned and pulled her closer, "Well I wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning."
She swatted his chest then passed him the cup of coffee she had made for him.
"Wow, sexy half naked girl in my bed and coffee? It must be my birthday."
Dani just rolled her eyes and flipped him off before heading down the hall to the bathroom. Once she had the water turned on she slipped out of her clothes and got in. "You're welcome to join me!" She called to him. From down the hall she heard a loud thud followed by George's footsteps coming towards the bathroom. She smiled to herself and moved more towards the water so that George could have some room.
"You couldn't have told me this when you-"
"When I..?" She said trying to prompt him to finish his sentence.
"You look beautiful..." His eyes followed every curve and line of her body, he had to turn away slightly so that she couldn't see his hardening erection.
"And you're getting a hard on."
His face flared red at her words, "Well it's your fault."
She rolled her eyes at him and wrapped her arm around his waist, her hands ran down to slowly pump him until he was dripping pre cum. A deep moan escaped George's lips, he couldn't take her teasing him anymore.
"You sure you want to do this?"
"I'm sure," she leaned up on her toes and kissed his neck, "I want to do this with you George."

Mama I'm in love with a criminal (A Johnny 3 Tears love story)Where stories live. Discover now