Chapter Two

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"Hey have you seen George?! We need to get a few of these people out of here!" Dylan yelled to Aron over the music.
"Do I look like I'm his mom or something?" Aron spat angrily. Dylan held his hands up in defense not entirely sure what had gotten in to Aron.
"You looking for George?" Jorel asked coming up behind Dylan with Vanessa trailing behind him.
"Yeah you seen him?"
Jorel nodded and pointed down the hallway at the bathroom door, "He had Dani Rose with him."
Dylan's eyes grew wide with surprise, Jorel laughed and shook his head. He too was shocked to see the school's number one goodie two shoes out at a party. But of course she was with George, and he had a certain way of drawing in even the most non-rebellious girls and making them bend to his will.
"Was she okay?"
Vanessa turned her attention to Jorel and Dylan when she had picked up on the conversation, "I heard from Harper that she had chugged half of George's beer so that Aron would leave her alone."
"And she didn't throw up right away?" Dylan asked in disbelief.
Vanessa shook her head, "No, not in front of Aron. After he had left George carried her to the bathroom and they've been in there ever since."
If anything Jorel had thought that maybe she would chug a beer to try and impress George but not to get Aron to shut up. Maybe she's finally at the point where she's had enough of me and him messing with her and is willing to do anything to get us to stop. He shook his to try and mentally clear his head.
"I'm gonna go check up on them, I want you guys to try and get these people outta here."
"Got it." Vanessa said and went in search of Harper, Kiara, and Katrina so that they could help her.
Jorel watched Vanessa's figure until she disappeared around a corner, a small smile spread across his face. Dylan lightly punched his shoulder then left to check in on George and Dani.

George stood behind Dani, holding her hair back so that it didn't get in the way as she threw up all the contents of her stomach. He felt bad for her as her body shook from constant upheaval. If he had known that she was going to do that he wouldn't have let her cause now she was sick and her shirt was soaked in beer. She leaned back from the toilet, her face pale, and her skin felt clammy. He shook his head and helped her lean back against the wall so that he could get a wet rag.
"Why are you doing this?" She asked him weakly.
He shut the water off and knelt down beside her, "Because I'm a nice person despite what people want others to believe."
She took the tag from him and placed it across her forehead. He could tell that it was going to be a while before she would be able to stand, to him she looked like she was on her death bed.
"What do you mean by that? You've been nothing but nice to me." She watched him through half closed eyes waiting for him to answer.
"By that I mean, Aron tries to make me and Jorel come off as these guys who play women, hurt people, and all these other things. I'm really not bad man, neither is Jorel."
Dani nodded her head in understanding. She knew what it was like to want to be your own person but someone else was always trying to force you to be someone that you're not. She understood perfectly what George had meant.
"Sounds like how my mom treats me. She's always forced me into cheerleading, school clubs, and volunteering for things. Honestly I hate doing all that stuff. For once I would just like to let my grades slip and go to parties like these with real friends." She paused to look up at him, his face was blank of any expression. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to dump my problems on you."
"No it's fi-"

"George? Dani?!" Dylan called from the other side of the bathroom door. He waited impatiently for either of them to open the door.
"What?" George asked bitterly as he pulled the door open  just enough so that he could see Dylan.
It was clear to Dylan that George was still a little bit angry about what him and Aron had planned for later. "Look I'm just checking to see if she's okay." He said sincerely. George sighed and opened the door wider for him to step in.
"Hey Dani, how are you feeling?" He asked hopping up onto the counter.
She looked at him suspiciously through half closed eyes, "Fine I guess."
He gave her a tight smile then glanced up at George who was watching Dylan closely. "Well I just came to make sure that you were feeling okay."
"Well I'm better now, thank you for your concern Dylan."
"Alright." Dylan said then jumped off the counter. "Oh and Jess left with Matt already so I'll call you a taxi."
Dani's head snapped up, a look of complete horror covered her pale face. How could Jess and Matt leave without telling her or even looking to see where she was? No doubt she went back to Matt's house to "hook up". She sighed and rested her head in her hands. It was times like these that she hated Jessica.
"I'll take her home Dylan." George said softly, Dylan nodded his head.
"Fine but just get back here before Aron notices that you're gone." He whispered so that Dani wouldn't hear him. With that he left the bathroom to wake up the guys who had passed out in the backyard.

Mama I'm in love with a criminal (A Johnny 3 Tears love story)Where stories live. Discover now