Chapter Eleven

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**note: if there are any grammar errors I missed please feel free to leave a comment about it. also it wont let me add more than one person to the dedication list so I would also like to mention that IvyVega2014 and UndeadPartier517 are the others that I wanted to dedicate this chapter to.

Voices filled Dani's mind as she struggled to open her eyes. A sliver of light would invade her eyesight every once in a while but it wasn't enough to help her wake from her sleep. What the hell happened? A few images came back to her, they played in her mind like a movie;

"Aron do you mind if I speak with my boyfriend for a moment?"

He glared viciously at her, his face burned a bright red. Matt rested his hand on his shoulder and gestured for George to leave.

"What are you doing here Dani?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"Me and Vanessa were worried sick about you guys. None of you have been answering your phones or showing up to class-"

"So you chose to come to Aron's?!"

Dani's brow knitted together in confusion as she glanced between George and Aron. "You say this like this is the worst place I could be."

George sighed deeply, "What if it is..."

This made Dani think for a moment. Sure Aron may be an asshole, but he's not violent... Well as far as she knew. Time most definitely changed her, so why not change him in ways that she knew not of? Was George being so protective of her because Aron was some kind of threat to her? If he was why would he continue to hang around him?

"George, what's going on? What are you talking about?" Her eyes trained onto Aron's back, her heart raced in her chest.

George rested his hand underneath Dani's chin and guided her face to where she could only see him. "There are some things that you can't know right now. Maybe at a later time and date, but not right now. Please trust me Dani."

Her eyes came up to meet his for a second before a loud bang filled her ears. Both her and George turned to see what had caused the noise, Aron stood with a gun in his hand. He had it pointed up at the sky. Dylan laid sprawled out on the ground with his hands over his ears. The rest of the guys just stood covering their ears and watching Aron closely. A sly grin covered Aron's face as he lowered his arm and pointed the barrel of the gun right at Dani.

George quickly moved in front of his girlfriend, hands raised at his sides. "Aron you don't want to do this man, it won't end well for either of us." He said calmly. Aron smirked and walked towards George. He aimed it right in the middle of his forehead. Behind the two boys Dani let out a small cry, Aron smiled evilly.

"Tell her George."

"Come on Aron don't do this... Whatever you want I'll do it. Just leave her out of this."

Aron removed the gun from George's head and raised his hands in a sign of defeat. George exhaled and sank to his knees while Dani stood frozen in place, her eyes wide.

The image seemed to burn out and a new one was now taking over and showing her a more recent image;

"Babe you have to take it easy okay?" George watched his girlfriends every move to make sure that she was healed enough to do everyday tasks. He didn't want one of her stitches to come out and be forced to take her back to the ER.

Mama I'm in love with a criminal (A Johnny 3 Tears love story)Where stories live. Discover now