Chapter Twelve.

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"George! Let's get a move on, mom's already called twice!" Molly yelled up the stairs to her brother.

"I'm coming! Fucking hold on!" He yelled back to her.

She shook her head at him when he came stumbling down the stairs trying to put his shoes on. "You are a complete mess." She told him and pushed both him and Conner out the front door. George rolled his eyes at Molly then climbed into the front seat.

"Is mom going to meet us there?" He asked as he slammed the door shut. Molly simply nodded her head. "What about Dani's mom? She's coming right?"

This made Molly hesitate. Earlier in the day her mom had called and said that Miss Rose wasn't able to show up due to "personal matters". Even though Molly hadn't met Dani's mom, she knew from what Dani told her that Miss Rose was somewhat of an unfit parent. Molly sighed and glanced over at George. He looked back at her with a minor glint of hope in his eyes. A little piece of her heart broke for her brother. She never did understand why he kept hoping that Miss Rose would end up liking him and all that but he did.

Maybe it was because he wanted to just be accepted and not feel like he wasn't good enough for Dani.. Whatever it was he kept on trying. "I don't think she'll be making an appearance tonight." She said and turned her attention back to the road.

"I'll give her a call." George mumbled to himself and dialed the number. 

"She's probably not going to answer, she didn't even answer when the hospital had called her or when mom had." Molly replied quietly.

From the back seat Conner let out a heavy sigh as he leaned forward and plucked the phone from George's hands. "Just stop trying to get that bitchs approval."

Annoyance was clear in the younger males voice. Just like Molly, Conner didn't want to see his brother beat himself up over this any longer. Both siblings were just trying to look out for George.

"Conner relax." Molly glared at him in the rear view mirror, he rolled his eyes at her but sat back anyway. To George she said, "Just let it go for a bit okay? It's clear that she doesn't want anything to do with Dani right now so try not to push things."
George nodded his head, "Yeah. Whatever."


When they had arrived at the hospital George saw that Jorel's old truck was parked at the other end of the lot. What could he be doing here?, he wondered to himself. As he approached the door to the ER he saw that Jorel's car wasn't the only one there, Jordon's fiesta was a few cars down from Jorel's as well as Dylan's.

"About time you showed up man." Jorel said standing up from his chair. "We've been waiting for you, the doctors won't let us back unless you say we can see her."

"Why would they say that? You guys were here a few days ago right?" George questioned as they all made their way back to Dani's room.

Jorel simply shrugged, "Jordon said that he heard one of the nurses, and they said that you had already been by and had said to not let anyone back to see her until you came back."

"What? I haven't been here in almost a week." George turned to look at Jordon, he took a deep calming breath before continuing. "Who told you that?"

All four boys stopped to look at each other, they all shared the same look of confusion. Jordon pointed over at a medium height nurse with purple hair. "She's the one who told me that."

"Must've been a mistake or something." Dylan said, his eyes glued to the nurse.

Jorel smacked him upside the head. "What was that for?!" Dylan cried, rubbing his head.

Mama I'm in love with a criminal (A Johnny 3 Tears love story)Where stories live. Discover now