Chapter Thirteen

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***special thanks to Filthy_Undead_Maggot for helping me with this chapter.
**any grammar errors please let me know and I'll fix them tomorrow.

The next day both Molly and Dani wore their matching footy pjs to school. Everyone gave them funny looks but they didn't care, all they cared about was getting through an entire day of testing.

"Ugh I am so not ready for this stupid chem final!" Dani groaned then slammed her locker shut. Her brow furrowed as she stared down at the pile of books that sat at her feet.

"I've got it." Molly bent down quickly and shoved all the books into Dani's backpack then slung it over her shoulder.

"You don't have to keep-"

Molly held up her hand to silence the brunette, "You got shot, I become the pack mule." She smiled and linked her free arm through Dani's. "You should really be trying to milk this out for as long as you can."

"Not likely." Dani shook her head. "I don't like all this special treatment that everyone's giving me, they act like kids don't walk through these halls in even worse condition than me."

Sadly Molly knew exactly what Dani was talking about. A lot of kids in their school were involved with the local gangs and they would show up to school sometimes bleeding from a stab wound cause they got jumped on the way. That had to be the only thing she hated about the school, and town. Nobody cares about you unless you're considered beautiful or famous. Or even if you're a war veteran they still don't care. It's pathetic honestly; practically makes Molly want to vomit from how bad it sickens her.


"Hello, earth to Molly?"

"Oh sorry, I just got lost in my own mind."

"You're telling me, I had to keep you from knocking over the sign language teacher."

"Oh my god." She let her head drop into her hands to keep people from seeing the bright shade of red her face was now turning.

A loud squeal escaped from Dani when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist, followed by a deep voice saying, "You called for me?"

"For gods sake George! Don't do that!" Molly scolded her brother, George just laughed.

"You okay babe?" He asked Dani. She nodded slowly, her hand pressed to her chest.

"For real though, don't scare me like that!" She turned around in his arms to smack him upside his head.

"So abusive..." He let his words trail off as he walked her backwards until her back was pressed up against the lockers. "..I like that." He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers for a quick kiss then moved to her neck.

Dani rolled her eyes and pushed his face away from her, "Now is not a good time to be horny."

He pulled away from her, a frown settled on to his face, Dani laughed and pointed at something that was behind him. Soon the distinct sound of Principle Brown's voice was calling George's name.

"Mr. Ragan when was the last time that you had your eyes checked?" Principle Brown reached out and grabbed a fistful of Georges hoodie and pulled him back off of Dani.

"Uhm probably when I was in middle school sir."

Principle Brown nodded once, "And was your vision 20-20?"

"Yes sir."

"So then you are fully aware that this is a school and not your pig stye of a room yes?"

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