Chapter Sixteen.

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—With Dani. —

A light beamed straight down onto Dani's face causing her to wake up. By this point she had gotten used to being repeatedly knocked out and woken up by blinding lights. She also had no idea as to what time it was. For all she knew it could be 5:00am or maybe even two days could have passed. Around her was nothing but black walls with chains surrounded her. Somewhere behind her a table sat with different tools that had been used to torture her endlessly. Her arms were covered in scrapes, bruises, and dried blood around her wrists. She could still feel fresh blood running down the back of her head from the last time that the man had knocked her out.

"Oh look, she's awake finally." The man's voice bounced off the walls, echoing around her eerily and sending chills down her spine. All of this was a sick and twisted game. For what felt like an hour, the man had done nothing but knock her out and dance around in the shadows to avoid his face being shown. To Dani he seemed like a real life Joker from Batman. Every time that he had stabbed her he would lunge forward and drive the knife into her thighs,  then jump back into the shadows and howl with laughter like a maniac. Honestly it wouldn't surprise her if he really did have the corner of his mouths slit open as well. Really anything was possible at this point and that scared the life out of Dani.

"Would you like to know something?" He asked. His footsteps slowly made their way towards Dani. She tugged against her restraints as he moved closer to her. "When your father died I was right there beside him." he let out a low chuckle. "Hell I was the one to put a bullet in his head..." He paused for a moment. His eyes stayed trained on her. So many different ideas filled his mind as he watched her squirm against the restraints. He circled around the brunette to the table. His fingertips brushed over each knife, surgical tool, and gun as his mind tried to decide which one to use. "Of course that was after the fact that I stabbed him over fifty times with a dull knife."

This caught Dani's attention. That's just sick, she thought. Her eyes flicked around the room in search of the man. Again he was no where to be seen. Dani wasn't sure what could have possibly possessed her to ask, but she found herself asking anyway. "W-why a dull knife?" This caused him to be sent into another fit of manic laughter. He now knew which one to use on her. He grabbed the knife off the table and plunged it deep into the middle of her back. She tossed her head back and let out a loud agonizing scream. Slowly he pushed it deeper and deeper until his hand was covered in her sickly sweet blood. Oddly enough the feel of her crimson blood dripping down his skin, and the sound of her whimpers aroused him more than it probably should have.

He leaned forward to where his lips brushed against the soft skin of Dani's ear and whispered, "It rips rather than cuts."

--With George.--
Three hours earlier.

George rolled over on his side, his whole spine cracked at the stiffness when he sat up. Dried blood was caked on his face, shirt, and arms. He looked like something out of a slasher film. "What the hell?" He questioned no one in particular. Around him Matty, Jorel, Austin, and Danny laid unconscious. George slowly climbed to his feet and began to wake his friends. They all groaned and held their heads in their hands.

"Where are the rest of the guys?" Austin asked weakly. He pressed a piece of his hoodie to his forehead to keep it from bleeding anymore.

"I have no idea-" George frowned for a moment, realizing that he hadn't originally brought Austin with him, or even Danny for that matter. "Austin what are you doing here?"

"See what happened was-"

"GEORGE!!" Jordon yelled as he ran down the street. Dylan and Aron followed behind him. Each boy was covered in blood just like George.

George glanced behind him and shot Austin a look that told the younger boy that they weren't done talking yet. He turned his attention back to Jordon. "What happened?"

Jordon came to an abrupt halt in front of George. He took a deep breath before continuing. "Jeff took Dani."


"Not sure." Jordon paused and pulled out his phone. "Aron went with him too and payed off Truth and Arina to try and kill us."

George's fist balled up at his side, his jaw clenched. As much of a cliche as it was, his only thought was, Now it's personal.

Mama I'm in love with a criminal (A Johnny 3 Tears love story)Where stories live. Discover now