Chapter 7: Worse Danger

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Thanks for reading. Sorry about the wait. Please note that the parts in italics are Tiger Lily dreaming.
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I was dreaming. Unlike normal dreams, I knew that I was dreaming because it was a memory. A memory that I had to relive forever. Because it was the moment when my life changed forever...

The tranquility of the night ended abruptly as the door to my bedroom window started to rattle and shake. It was a pathetic little thing made out of flimsy pieces of wood held together with tattered lengths of slightly smaller wood nailed precariously to its frame. It was as ancient as the house and I didn't have the means or money to replace it. The shake was subtle and ended almost immediately.

My breath hitched in my throat as my eyes glance across the room at the wobbling window opposite me. I felt myself quiver with fear as my eyes darted around the room, trying to find something that might help me.

My eyes were wide and fearful.

The drapes rustled eerily in the wind, their light weight causing them to move briskly and freely. Rain lashed down as thunder rolled overhead and lightening stabbed in flashes of streaks. It was a cacophony of noises that made me feel uneasy.

My bedroom in the small wooden house was silent, but the wind chimes above my head clattered together and bashed into one another. Rumple had made them for me using shells from the beach, but, although they reminded me of him, I disliked the bashing noise they made that significantly decreased the chance of sleep.

A mid winter chill seeped through the wooden floorboards as I snuggled further into my comforter, trying to keep warm and not be so terrified from the loud winds.

Finally gaining confidence and bravery, I clambered from my bed and opened the wind. A sudden fish of wind pelted towards me and hit me like a bullet. I pulled the dressing gown Malcolm bought me tighter around my shivering body.

The temperature dipped as soon as the door was opened. Dark clouds obscured the moon. They churned grimly in the night sky, as black as charcoal. The moon cast down shivers of light with a ghostly glow. Underneath the moon, the rain moved towards the house like a terrifying wave over the city.

I gripped the window with my frozen, naked fingers, leaning out the window so that my hair was billowing in the wind and obscuring my view as I searched for the thing that tried to open my window, but the darkness of the night and clouds inhibited me of doing so.

The rain-shroud passed by, spitting at me with its undead tears. My unkempt dark curls billowed out behind her like a black river wrung into a mop and soaked my nightdress and dressing gown through to her skin. The rain lashed down like painful teardrops and lightning stabbed down. Lacerating rain stung my bare cheeks and neck, as the clouds throbbed grey with great sorrow and distress.

My hands clamped around my ears, blocking out the hurricane winds and feisty storm. I didn't let go, no matter how much I tilted from my window, until the Shadow's voice interrupted my thoughts. It merely said, 'Tiger Lily.'

'What are you doing here?' I asked coldly, because although it was pleasant seeing an old friend of mine, the Shadow had a tenancy to bring bad news. Last time he came, the natives had forced me to leave my family forever. As I finished the words, I uncovered my eyes and peeled them open to look up at him.

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