Chapter 24

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I woke up at 3 amand I just got dressed straight away. I put on a grey t-shirt dress, a flannel and my red boots. I applied like the littlest amount of makeup. I grabbed my bag, my phone, scarf, songbook and guitar and walked downstairs. I had some baked egg for breakfast at 3:45 am the doorbell rang.
"Hey, how are you?" I asked.
"Great." He said.
I was standing there he also ran red looking over me.
We were talking on the drive to the set and suddenly this song by Tim McGraw came on we went wild the song is called City Lights so catchy. When we arrived I first went to my trailer to drop our stuff and to look at my schedule.
"I have 30 minutes to show you around." I said.
"Let's go." Ian said.
I showed him the trailers from the other actors, he even met a few. And then we were just walking around in the woods but close to the set.
"My sister lives here in Atlanta, wanna visit her after shooting?" He asked.
"Yes, that would be amazing!" I said.
I tripped over a branch but Ian just catched on time.
"Thank you." I said.
"No problem." He replied.
When he put me back on the ground we looked at each other and then he kissed me. I didn't pull away, because it felt right, but I didn't see sparks fly. He pulled away.
"So what are we now?" I asked.
"I hoped we could be more then just friends." Ian answered.
"I would love too." I replied.
I grabbed his hand and we walked back to the set. We walked to my trailer and then I saw Chandler standing in front of it. He saw me and Ian holding hands, he tried to play cool but I could see he was hurt.
"Hey Chandler." I said.
"Hey Karlie.."
"This is my uhm... Boyfriend Ian." I said. Chandler looked shocked when I said that.
"Nice too meet you, Ian." Chandler said, while shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you too." Ian replied.
"Karlie can I talk to you in private?" Chandler asked.
"Yea sure, bit you get 2 minutes gotta get dressed." I said. While I signed to Ian that he could go inside of my trailer.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I just wanted to ask you if you wanna practice the scenes after script reading?" He asked. There's more he wanted to tell me bit I kinda just punched him in the face with Ian being my boyfriend, so I understand he will not ask me.
"Yea sure." I said.
"Okay, cool." He said and then he walked away, almost runned away.
I walked back to my trailer and heard a guitar playing. I walked inside.
"Enjoying it?" I asked.
"Ya! Your guitar is amazing, and you are too." He said.
"Thank you, I am gonna get dressed." I said while closing the screen that was in the trailer. Ian just kept playing guitar.
I finished dressing and opened the screen.
"Wow, you already look like Noa." He said.
"Thank you! Wanna come to the makeup trailer, see the walkers get done their makeup?😂" I asked.
"Of course, maybe they wanna do me too." Ian replied.
"Let's go." I said, we walked to the makeup trailer.
-after makeup-
Somehow Ian got himself talked into getting zombie makeup.
"Ian you hilarious😂" I said.
"Okay, you go and hang around with the other walkers and then I'll see you after script reading." I said.
"Okay, cya." He replied. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and then I walked away.
-after script reading-
I walked to Ian.
"I am going to practice the scenes with Chandler. Wanna watch?" I asked.
"Yea sure." He replied.
We walked to the set, I noticed Chan was already waiting for me.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey." Chan replied.
We just started talking about the script and where to stand and when to walk and stuff after that we started with filming
I walked into the room and I saw Carl.
"Hey." I said, and sat on the couch next to him.
"Hey." He replied. It was quiet for a few seconds.
"So, ho do you like it here?" Carl asked.
"It's okay, but like more as the half of this community is weak, they don't know what kind of danger is out there." I said.
"I know." He replied.
I looked Carl into his eyes. And said "I am glad I am not the only one." He smiled at me and then he leaned in.
He kissed me. It feels so so so right. Someone opens the door, we stop kissing.
"Noa can you help me with making some cookies?" Carol asked.
"Yea, sure." I replied and then I walked away.
Chandler walked to me.
"It feels right." He whispered.
"I know." I whispered back and then I walked with Ian back to my trailer.
"There's a very big tension hanging between you two." Ian said, while I closed the screen to get dressed.
"I know, he cheated on me tho, and it's difficult to forget someone, but you make it so much more easier, I feel happy with you." I said.
"Well, that means a lot to me." He said.
I got dressed and the we walked to Ian's car.
We drove to his sisters house. When we arrived he rang the doorbell. His sister opened.
"Hey Ian." She said.
"Hey Liz, this is my girlfriend, Karlie." He said.
"Nice to meet you." She said.
"Nice to meet you too." I replied.
I walked through the door with Ian, the air was cold, but something about it felt like home somehow. It was a very nice house and his mother was there also.
"Hey mom." Ian said.
"Who'd you bring with you?" She asked.
"This is Karlie, she is my girlfriend." He said.
"Hello Karlie, my name is Anne." She said.
"Nice to meet you." I said.
"Sit down, I have the photo album on the counter let me grab it." His mom said.
"This is going to be very awkward." Ian said.
"Don't worry." I said. I took off my scarf and Ian hung it over a chair that was next to him.
"Here are some photos from when Ian was still on the tee ball team. He was so adorable." His mom said.
"Aww, that's so cute." I said.
"He also used to have those Harry Potter glasses, and a twin sized bed, look here's a picture of him." It was adorable Ian kinda turned red.
"So Karlie what do you actually do?" His sister asked.
"I play in the TV show The Walking Dead. And I am a singer songwriter." I said.
"That's cool, how did you two meet?" His mom asked.
"Well, we were in a craft shop in Nashville and we just bumped into each other after that we got something to drink and we recorded a song." He said.
"A song? Like a real song?" His sister asked.
"Yea, I just finished writing a song and it was a duet, so I just dragged him to the studio recorded the song and then we dropped of the demo at my label." I said.
"What is your label?" His sister asked.
"Big Machine Records." I said.
"That's a label with very big stars, you are lucky." His mom said.
"Thank you." I said.
Ian looked on the clock and noticed it was time to head back again.
"By. Nice to meet you." I said. And then we drove back. We drove through this little town, and there was a candy shop so we had to stop😂 We were standing on this street and the autumn leaves were falling down the trees it was beautiful. We drove back to my place we made a stop for dinner and when we arrived at my place. We walked inside and my parents were already sleeping, I grabbed some glasses and filled them with some cooled water. Ian grabbed my hand and we just started dancing in the refrigerator light, the magic was floating around in the room.
"You are the most special girl I've ever met." He said.
"You are the most special boy I've ever met." I replied. That was a lie, because it is Chandler, I mean was.
He drank his water and then he walked to his car.
"Bye, cya Friday." He said.
"Bye." I said. I dropped myself on the couch and I just was thinking about Ian. He makes forget about the bad things that has happened to me. But I have this feeling like this relationship is going to fall apart, but when how long can we hold onto this relationship? I drank my water and then I walked upstairs, and I noticed I forgot my scarf at his sisters house, oops. I started writing a song about me and Chan. When I finished writing I fell asleep.

The Moment I Knew. // Chandler Riggs Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now