'(Y/N) pov'
Shawn and I just had a fight. I asked him who was this Melina girl on his phone. He keeps texting her and she does too.
Now we are sitting on his bed, me on one corner and him standing by the door.
"Shawn why can't you tell me who she is?" I whisper. "If you weren't cheating on me you would tell me."
"I said this before its none of your business (Y/N), stop being so clingy gosh." Shawn speaks sighing.
As he is about to sit down I grab his phone and try to unlock his phone. I know his password, it was my birthday. But it's not anymore, he changed it.
"Shawn what the hell, did you change your password?" I question frustrated and hurt.
"Yea so, I wanted a new one." he shrugs. "Now give me my phone back."
"After you unlock it and let me read your text messages." I answer wiping tears away from my face.
" Stop crying (Y/N) there's nothing to cry about." Shawn says as he rolls his eyes.
"What happen to the Shawn I know, the one that always made me happy, texted me at night saying you love me,giving my random kisses, I want that Shawn back." I cry.
"People change (Y/N), that was the past." He mutters.
I laughed, wiping my tears away getting up while gathering my stuff, also putting his phone on the bed.
" I guess if we have a relationship where we hide things from each other, we shouldn't even have one." I say shaking my head as my voice cracks.
As I walked out Shawn was calling my to come back. I just kept walking down the stairs.
"(Y/N) wait." Shawn yells as he hurries down the stairs, catching up to me grabbing my waist and spinning me around.
Tears streamed as I asked him what he was doing "Stop, let go of me, what are you doing?"
"I just needed to ask, are we broken up?" He questions.
" I don't know it's your choice." I say sniffling.
He thought about it for a second before giving a look and then when he let go of my waist, we were over.
" You can keep the sweaters, you took." Shawn whispers followed with a weak laugh.
I just nodded my head walking to the foyer." Hey Hun where are you going?" Shawn's mom asks mixing something that looks like cake batter in a bowl. "Oh dear are you crying (Y/N), what did he do?"
"Oh nothing, I need to get home my dog died." I lied. "He was 12 years old."
"Oh my gosh I'm sorry for you loss." Karen exclaims, putting her bowl down, wiping her hands on her apron coming to give me a hug.
"I need to go now, I'll see you." I say shuffling towards the door and opening it. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow honey." Karen says waving.
"Ok bye Mrs. Mendes." I waved about to close the door, "Please it's Karen." she says laughing. I say nothing again because I start crying again. Once I got down the step, Aaliyah comes up to me. Damn it I forgot she was playing in the front yard.
I quickly wipe my tears away croaking out a 'hey' to her.
Her happy expression became confused.
"Why are you crying (Y/N), is something wrong?" She asks grabbing my hand, leading me to sit down on the steps.
"It's nothing Aaliyah, Brown my dog died, I just loved him a lot and all." I answer.
"No, your lying, I saw your mom walking him 10 minutes ago, I was petting him." She remarks. I stay silent knowing she knows I was lying.
"It's about the girl Melina, the one that comes by a lot with Shawn isn't it." She whispers.
"She comes over?" I question.
"Yeah I walked into them kissing in Shawn's room, I wanted him to help me with homework so I went in without knowing. I saw her on top of him kissing ." She explains shuddering at the memory.
"Shawn gave me 100 dollars telling me not to tell anybody, I'm sorry from keeping it from you, it was wrong." I laugh at her comment.
"Well alright, I need to get home now, I'll see you soon I hope Aaliyah." I say sighing standing up to give her a hug.
"I know I'll see you soon (Y/N), and please, give Shawn one chance, I know he messed up, but he's stupid." she replies.
I wave to her nodding my head giving her a sad yet hopeful smile and begin walking home.
When I reached my house I was out of breath. Half way home I began running home. I quickly unlocked the door, slipped inside, ran upstairs closing the door and planting my head on my bed as I threw my stuff on my desk.
I began sobbing as I thought back to Shawn letting go of me. Oh I wish I had my Shawn back.
A few weeks pass, and everyday is horrible. I see Shawn with his arm around Melina's waist when they pass by. He would look at me for a swift second then look away, carrying on to what Melina was saying.
The bell rang, I sighed heavily closing my locker, next class is with Shawn and his new girlfriend, who replaced you; yay.
I trudged to class, walked to my class and slide down to my seat, hoping to be hidden from Shawn and Melina.
The bell ran and they walked in together holding hands and flirting with each other. All the students were here and there were no more seat left except for one next to me and behind me. Great. Melina looked at me and the seat behind me and rolled her eyes.
"Shawn, there's no more seats?" She whined.
"No baby, just sit down, I don't want you to get a detention, we are going to my house to study." He smirks. I felt a lump form in my throat as I tried to keep the vomit down. To think I lost my v-card to him.
Shawn sat behind me and Melina beside me. This is going to be a long class.
In the middle of me taking notes Shawn taps my shoulder harshly.
"Move your hair it's all over my desk, I'm trying to take notes." he says.
"Sorry." I reply barely above a whisper.
"Stop flirting with my boyfriend, he broke up with you for a reason." Melina sneers. "slut."
"I wasn't flirting." I grunt, raising my hand to go to the restroom. Once I reach the girls washroom I push open the door with the little strength I have and lock myself in one of the stalls, quietly crying, thinking of what I did wrong, was I a bad girlfriend?
Sorry I haven't updated, I've been busy with personal problems, I'll have the 2nd part up sometime this weekend :) -b

Shawn Mendes Imagines
Fanfictionhope you cry reading this or some shit started: october 13, 2015 ***** ©all rights reserved (copyright) @confucius-shawn