My stepmom and sister moved into our house a week ago, it's not going as I would like to expect. My boyfriend, Shawn just broke up with me not even 2 weeks ago and now I have to deal with this.
"Watch where you're going." Mya says, pushing past me to the kitchen.
"You're the one that bumped into me!" I yell, turning to her.
"Girls, no fighting please, it's barely 8 in the morning." My dad scolds, sitting down with a cup of coffee on his right side.
"You don't tell me what to do." Mya snarls at her stepdad, grabbing her backpack and slamming the door behind her, making the contents on the foyer table shake.
"She's such a pain in the as-"
"No cursing young lady." My stepmom steps in, pouring herself a coffee too.
I roll my eyes, grabbing a banana before heading out.
The first bell rings while I'm walking to class. But passing the lockers, I see Mya and Shawn walking together a little too close for comfort.
I tighten my grip on the backpack string, glaring at the back of her head.
Of course she would do this, she knows that I use to date him. She knows that I still love him. She knows, yet she still does this shit.
And she's barely been here for a week.
I close my eyes, take a deep breath, count to 5 and begin speed walking to my class.
The rest of the day is still crap. I see them everywhere together, at passing periods, lunch, they just don't want to leave me alone.
My friends and I, always sit at the same spot at lunch, the far left table, away from everyone and no one notices us and we like to keep it that way. But not today, today Mya comes over, with a tray in her hand. Shawn is right next to her, looking anywhere at me.
"Move over, there's no more seat except for this table, don't be a bitch." Mya announces. Shawn grabs Mya's hand, sealing their fingers together.
My heart pangs at the sight, but I don't let my emotions show. Sitting straighter, I turn back around and ignore her."Hello? Did you turn deaf?"
I grit my teeth together as my shoulders tense up. I go and reach for my backpack, but it's too late.
The tray of spaghetti spills all over my head, going down the front and back of my shirt, landing in my lap.
"Can you hear me now." Mya smirks.
I scream as the sauce burns me standing up and turning around to face her.
"You're such a bitch." I yell tears falling from my chin.
I'm not crying at the fact that the sauce is burning me, but that Shawn didn't do anything to stop her.
"And you," I point at Shawn. "I didn't take you as I fucking coward."
I don't wait for their answers before running to the nearest exit.
I run till I don't hear the chattering of the the students talking about me. The embarrassment seeps through my body and out of my eyes.
I run straight home and up to my room, to get rid of the spaghetti.The tears mix in with the water, as I sob in the bathtub.
Why didn't he stick up for me? We dated for 2 years, does that mean nothing to him?
Nothing seems to be right anymore.
The next two days, I stay home from school not going out of my room since the incident.
I can hear Mya laughing and talking through my door.
It's like she's trying to mock me. I shove a pillow on my face as I let out a whimper. There's a knock on my door, the 5th time my parents have tried in the last hour.
"I don't want to see you." I yell, but it coming as a hoarse sigh.
The person keeps knocking, not taking no as an answer.
Five minutes pass and they finally speak up.
"It's me (Y/N), it's Shawn. Open the door, you need to come out." He sighs."Why the hell should I listen to you?" I sneer, turning the other way, my eyes glossing over.
"Because I'm worried about you, I heard you haven't eaten in 2 days, that's really bad for your health." He tries to explain.
"I don't give a shit, leave me alone." I spit before even processing what I was saying.
I hear him sigh walking away from the door until his footprints are no longer heard.
The silent tears rush out as my face contorts into distress.
I didn't want you to leave. I didn't want you to give up on me. Please come back, I miss you. So much.
And then I close my eyes, crying myself to sleep once again.
UNEDITEDHoly shit guys I'm back, sorry for being gone so long, schools a pain in the asshole.
Didn't really like this one but what can I do
Hope you enjoyed I LOVE YOU GUS SO MUCH MY HEART HURTS <3333
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Shawn Mendes Imagines
Fanfictionhope you cry reading this or some shit started: october 13, 2015 ***** ©all rights reserved (copyright) @confucius-shawn