The wind howls through the window seals as I turn off my night lamp. I pull the covers off and get into the bed that Shawn and I share.
He's not home; he never is. Always out with his friends or at the studio.
But I'm no fool, he's with another girl. I just choose to believe he still loves me.
There's no time for me anymore, but what can I do. I don't control who he hangs out or what he does.
I just wish he would hug and kiss me like he use to. Or cuddle me while I sleep instead of having his back to me.
Now it's just text messages saying he's out, sometimes I don't even know where he is. The only time I see him is at night and the occasional dinner we share together.
But that's better than nothing right?
What am I saying? I'm pathetic, running after a guy that barely a knowledges me.
I know he's happy with that other girl. His flushed face when he comes home. His lips tinted with the tiniest stain of lipstick.
The marks on his back and purple love bites trailing down his body.
He doesn't think I see them. But he's dead wrong.
I sigh as i get I to the empty bed and cover myself in my blankets trying to get a good sleep.
There's no point waiting for him to come home because I'll just be wasting time.
Ten minutes fly by and the door jiggles open. His body is visible in the doorway as he slips in.
Shawn heads to the closet and strips himself of all his clothing except his boxers.
The reflection of the lights shut off as the bed dips. I close my eyes and level my breathing.
I hear him sigh and lay in the bed.
"I know you're awake (y/n)." He grumbles my name with such disgust.
I ignore his statement and preceded to go to sleep.
"I also know you know I'm with another girl."
My heart clenches as tears appear in the corner of my eyes, rolling down my cheeks.
"Why haven't you left yet?" He asks."Why haven't you left?" I whisper into my blanket.
"Speak up, you aren't a mouse." He tells.
"Why haven't you left yet? If you knew that I knew you were with another woman, then why are you still with me? Why didn't you just break it off? It would have been better than to break my heart even more than you already did." I sternly say, getting out of the bed, grabbing a hoodie and my keys.
"Where are you going (Y/N)? We haven't talked this out!" He exclaims going after me.
"I'm leaving. You can have the house, I'll send my half of the rent for this month." I mutter putting on my shoes.
"You have no where to stay. At least say for the night, it's late. I don't want you to get hurt." He stalls, standing in front of the door.
"I already am hurt, now move."
He just shakes his head and chuckles.
"Do you think this is a game Shawn. To play with a girls' feelings and not even care? Because it's not, and I'm sure as hell not going to let you stand around here and boss me around when I don't know where you are going have the time!" I yell pushing him out of the way.
"Go play with your other girlfriend. I'm done with you. I won't let you break my heart over and over and expect me to stay with you." I add through my runny nose.
"(Y/N), you can leave first thing in the morning. I just don't you to get into an accident." He says seriously.
"I'd rather die than spend another minute with a cheater like you." I spit finally opening the door.
"Are you serious?" He whispers looking at me.
"You know it."----------
Not edited.
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Love always <3

Shawn Mendes Imagines
Fanfictionhope you cry reading this or some shit started: october 13, 2015 ***** ©all rights reserved (copyright) @confucius-shawn