Running out was the only thing that felt right at the moment.There is a world wind of problems happening all at once. And I want to try to fix it.
But everything is going so fast; so many emotions I'm feeling and I don't know what to do.
I don't think I can fix what happened. Maybe Shawn can't fix what happened either.
My heart wants to forgive him. But my mind is telling me otherwise.
So now, I'm driving down the road with no destination in mind, but all I know is I need to get away from Shawn.
I sigh, leaning back onto the seat, stepping on the pedal harder making the car pick up speed.
The car suddenly stops as smokes emits from the front of the car.
My heart pounds against my ribcage as my breathing becomes short.
On instinct, I reach for my phone to call Shawn.
But I'm tempted not to because I know he's drunk out of his mind and he's in no condition to drive.
So instead, I call an uber. I'm dreading going home because I know Shawn going to there.
But I didn't bring any money so I don't have a choice.
The uber arrives behind my car as I get out. I called the tow company and they said it'll be about an hour when it arrives.
I'm not about to wait an hour in the pitch black in the middle of the night, and I'm emotionally and physically tired as hell and all I want to sleep.
I get in the uber without saying a word, as the man drives away.
I get to the house and mumble a 'thank you' to him as I close the door.
Getting the key under the pot of plant we have in front of our house, I open the door and put the key back.
Reluctantly, I tip toe to our room because Shawn is no where where I left him, which was in the kitchen an hour or two ago and he's not in the living room, or the restroom.
I open the door to see Shawn laying on the bed, shirtless with just his basketball shorts. He's on the side of my bed which makes my heart soar to the clouds but makes me mad at the same time because he shouldn't be doing this because he's the one with girls.
Staying here means that he's gonna win and he knows I won't leave.
So I have to leave because he has to feel the pain I felt when I saw him and when he said all those hateful words to me.
Anger fills my heart as I walk to the closet and starting packing a duffle bag full of clothes.
I'll come back when he decides to surface on what he did wrong and apologize.
I know this is really immature of me but, I need him to know.
I close the door to the closet we share as I grab and duffle bag and begin picking out my clothes.
The door swings open as I'm about to put my favorite pair of jeans in, startling me.
A tired Shawn stumbles in, rubbing his eyes, dazed for a few seconds.
Realization hits his face making his features emotionless.
"You scared the shit out of me, at least warn me!" He exclaims taking a few steps forward.
"Well, you don't have to worry about me any longer." I seethe, ripping random articles of clothing from the hangers making them rattle against each other.
"What the hell do you mean? You can't keep doing these things to me (Y/N). Leaving me and having me worry about you!" He yells.
"You seemed fine when you were sleeping when I got home!" I retaliate, zipping up my bag.
"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Shawn asks, folding his arms.
"What's up with your wedding band on the bed? I paid a lot for that."
"Stop talking! I'm so fed up with your bullshit Shawn! I didn't marry you to lecture me! You're not my mom!" I scream as tears fall from my face.
(A/N jchavez010 )"I don't mean to offend you, I'm just telling you what you did wrong." He shrugs, his expression not changing.
"See! That's what I'm talking about! I can't do this anymore Shawn! You've been putting me down since we got married! You changed, and I hate it!"
"It's not my fault! I don't mean to! I'm doing the best I can (Y/N)." Shawn pours, these sudden emotions popping up out of no where.
"I'm leaving because you cheated. I love you so much Shawn, I really do. But I think we need time apart." I sniffle, my voice cracking.
Shawn visibly stiffens. "You're leaving me?"
"You can't expect me to forgive you and come crawling back to your feet when you were on another girl merely hours ago! That's not how it works!" I burst, stomping my foot on the ground.
"I was drunk! You know how I get when I drink!" He explains, throwing his hands up.
"You know how you get too, and yet you still did it. I'm going to give you time to actually process what you did and how much you hurt me. I don't know if I'm coming back, but I just need to get out."
UNEDITEDyou can thank jchavez010 for pushing me to write this one by continuously muting herself on FaceTime. Little snake, love you tho <3
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Shawn Mendes Imagines
Fanfictionhope you cry reading this or some shit started: october 13, 2015 ***** ©all rights reserved (copyright) @confucius-shawn