"Why the hell are you doing this?" Shawn yells from behind me.
Tears flow freely down my face as I ignore his words.
I rush to the closet, throwing down a small suitcase for just enough to fit everything I need to get away.
As I'm shoving clothes in it, Shawn grabs my shoulders turning me around.
His heavy breathing makes me uneasy as I try to step away from him.
"Talk to me (Y/N) do you know how incredibly selfish you're being right now?" Shawn asks, grips tightening.
"Get the hell off of me." I growl thrashing in him arms.
I pull away, quickly grabbing the suitcase, zipping it up halfway before running out the room and downstairs.
But I'm not fast enough. Shawn's already grabbing my waist, yanking me backwards into him.
"Stop!" He screams.
At this point, I break down letting myself fall into his arms, not fighting him anymore.
He drags me upstairs closing the bedroom door and locking it.
"What the hell are you doing? Are you really trying to get attention from me?" He asks incredulously.
"Why the hell would I ever do that? I don't need your attention and if you think I do, you're crazy." I whisper, sniffling.
"I don't understand you. I didn't do shit, tonight's the release of the MSG album and this is why I have to deal with?" He scoffs, letting go of me.
"Shawn don't act dumb. You fucking cheater. I honestly thought we could do this again, fix our past mistakes but I forgot that it's never gonna happen. Because this is you, you're so fucked up and you don't care about anybody's feelings but yours. And I was so dumb to believe you cared about mine."
His face goes red as his eyebrows pull together.
"All you said right there was bullshit (Y/N). I gave you everything, you were my entire world. I know I fucked up in the past, but I'm trying. You are my heart and soul, why would I try to rip that out?" He asks, getting angrier and closer to me.
I walk to the cabinet and pull out a magazine, throwing it to his feet.
The papers fold and bend as it hits the ground making multiple noises.
He picks it up reading the cover.
"This, this is bullshit." He claims, chucking it across the room.
"SHAWN MENDES SPOTTED IN A HOTEL WITH CAMILLA FORMER 5H MEMBER" is fake to you? You can't lie to me Shawn, there are fucking pictures of you." I cry, pushing past him to the door.
"We didn't do anything in there! I was just hanging out (Y/N)! You're seriously jealous?" He questions, stopping me in front of the door.
"Shawn, let me out. I already know how it ended."
"I can't believe you (Y/N). You're going to throw away 4 years of our relationship because of some stupid magazine? I didn't take you as I quitter, and if I did I wouldn't have asked you to be my girlfriend." He declares.
"I'm not a quitter, I'm just protecting myself from you. Because if it's not now, you're going to find a way to break my heart anyway. This relationship was toxic the day you decided to cheat. I can't believe I took you back." Scoffing, I push past him, heading downstairs to get out of here.
"You're pathetic. There are tons of girls that would never do this to me. But here you are. I thought we would last forever. I wouldn't give you up, but you're so insecure and doubtful. Take this, I don't need it anymore." He takes a velvet box from his pocket and throws it downstairs. Pushing past me, he slams the door on the way out.
The car engine revs and then he's gone.
My heart breaks knowing everything he said was true. But what really hurt was what was in that box.
My sobs get harder as I open it. The shimmering of the ring shines through. A big diamond with a small band, simple but extraordinary.
I slip it onto my fingers, instantly falling down. Everything was a mistake but now everything is gone, just like us.
-------------- UNEDITED
hola, IM SUPER DUPER SORRY I WAS GONE FOR SO LONG, there wasn't a plot I wanted to write about but I found inspiration again.
I might end the book soon, not now but like in a few months. I wanna world on the book "mercy" if you haven't read the short preview like 7 chapters back, I really think you should.
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My best friend got it for me and it was the best ever
ALSO THE LIVE ALBUM ALMOST MADE ME CRY. It was so magical and I wished I was there in ny for the actually live show but this is so much more. :))