"Shawn! Shawn! Over here." I hear the paparazzi yell as I'm on the red carpet posing.
"Why aren't you and Lauren together anymore?" I hear another yell.
I ignore them and keep posing for photos.
Because (Y/N) was right.
I heavily sigh and walk away from all the flashes to the interviewing section.
As I'm interviewed, multiple questions of Lauren and (y/n) like I knew they would.
I kept the answers simple and short like "Lauren and I just didn't work." And "(Y/N) had been busy lately."
But in reality, we aren't friends anymore and Lauren was just using me for my money.
I found out about it when I got a phone call from my bank saying that my debit and credit card are maxed out.
I was confused because the only person that has access is Lauren. Connecting the 2 together, I was furious.
I asked her what did she spend on, and she bought an apartment in New York.
I asked her why did she need a apartment in New York. Turns out she's moving there.
She left my apartment in a hurry for whatever she was doing and forget her phone.
It wouldn't stop dinging so I picked it up and they were text messages from a guy named Kevin.
I unlocked her phone and read them. She was cheating on me with him. He lives in New York, that's why she bought an apartment there.
I'm heart broke and (y/n) was right. She came over the next day to pick up her phone and I had a box waiting for her with her items. I broke up with her and she wasn't even fazed.
I lost (y/n) because I was stupid not to listen to her. I should have known she was right.
Six months later and I don't even care about the money and Lauren thing. All i care about is getting (y/n)back. Late at night when I think of her, I'm beginning to think I love her. I don't know where these feelings were seven months ago but there're here now.
The reason I'm here at the awards is because I heard (y/n) was going to be here. Her dad is a music producer so he's here, he's going to be hosting the awards tonight too. Also that I'm nominated for 2 awards.
But I couldn't give two craps about the awards. My trophy is hopefully going to be (y/n).
The award show is starting as I take me seat. Being 6'3 has its advantages. I scan the whole auditorium full of dressed up people and try to look for (y/n). I specifically requested that I wanted (y/n) to sit next to me.
It's been ten minutes and I don't see her, so she must have switched seats. Disappointment stirs in my head as I slump down to my seat huffing.
Suddenly someone gasps beside me and I look up and see (y/n) in all her glory . She's in a red dress that suits her body with black wedges and clutch. She looks absolutely stunning.
"My eyes are up here." I hear her grumble to herself.
There's the (y/n) that I know.
"Uh, I think I have the wrong seat." She says as she scrambles for her ticket.
"No you don't, I wanted you to sit with me tonight." I say leaning back on the seat.
"Where's Lauren, isn't this seat hers?" She questions harshly.
The thing with (y/n) is, she'll hold a grudge against anyone till the day she dies. Unless they give a solid apology.
My face turns hard as I hear Lauren's name.
"Me and her broke up. I broke up her." I admit. Looking away from her eyes.
She has an amused expression as she takes her seat. I can't stop looking a her, she's so gorgeous. I can't believe I haven't realized this sooner.
"So you found out she only wanted you for your money?" (y/n) inquires knowing the answer.
"It's starting." I announce, wanting to change the subject.
She just shrugs her shoulders and continues to speak. "Stop trying to change the subject Shawn . I was right wasn't I."
I puff a breath and shake my head. "Yes you were right. is that what you wanted to hear. Just stop talking about it." I snap getting angry because the topic of Lauren is ongoing.
Her expression is shocked from my sudden outburst. She sighs as her face softens to a look of remorse.
I just keep silent and watch her dad announces the winners.
10 minutes later, I get called for the nominees for Best Breakout Artist.
"And the winner is- Shawn Mendes!" The host says.
Everybody claps and cheers for me as I stand up to accept the award.
Walking to the stage, I get on the platform and walk to (y/n)'s dad. Smiling I wave to fan causing them to cheer louder. They aren't called the mendes army for nothing.
As I grab the award, my free hand goes to shake his and groups me in for a hug.
"Good job son, I'm so proud of you." He whispers as he lets go.
"Thank you sir." I reply.
"Oh my gosh, this is so amazing. I just wanted to say thank you to Ellen (if you get where this is from ily) and my fans. Especially my fans for voting for me. This is a huge honor to have this. I also wanted to thank a special someone in crowd for pushing me to keep going. I don't know what I would do without you (y/n). Thank you again have a good night." I say as I walk back to my seat.
Getting back to my seat, I see (y/n) looking at me and smiling.
Even if she doesn't like me anymore, I know she'll always support me no matter what.
She stands up and pulls her hand out expecting me to shake it but I pull her in for a hug.
She hesitates to hug me back but I get it.
"(y/n) I'm sorry for not trusting you. I should have known that she was just lying about loving me." I claim.
"Over these months about constantly thinking about you, I think I love you. Not as a friend but love love. But I get f you lost feelings for me. I was kind of late saying this but we could try a relationship to see if it works out?" I add on.
"I don't know Shawn, my feelings did t go anywhere for you but I want to take this slow. If you are willing to do that for me, I would love to be with you." (y/n) answers with a big grin on her face.
I nod my head and lean in to kiss her, she quickly turns her head so I pick her cheek.
"Not so fast pretty boy." She laughs. I smirk and turn her head and collide my lips with her. She gives in and starts to kiss back. This worked out in the end.
again with the crappy ending. This one was requested by the lovely @red_rosie.
thank her for this one :)
Hope you enjoyed
comment, vote, share! -b
love always <3

Shawn Mendes Imagines
Fanfictionhope you cry reading this or some shit started: october 13, 2015 ***** ©all rights reserved (copyright) @confucius-shawn