(Alternate ending)
(At night time though)
(Y/N POV)As he held my face, he started leaning in. I wasn't aware of what was happening right now. His lips were on mine. I didn't kiss back at first. He stopped trying to pull away, but I wanted this so I pushed him back, colliding our lips together.
I was in his bed with no shirt or pants and just my undergarments. It got heated and we started taking off clothes one by one. Still kissing him, I help him take off his shirt.
"I really like you Shawn." I breathlessly say.
"Mhm same." He says kissing me again.
I furrowed my eyebrows at that answer but brushed it off.That night was full of moans and grunts from the both of us.
I fell on his chest, out of breath. I just lost my flower to Shawn. I smile at to thought of Shawn saying he likes me. Shawn Mendes likes me.
I lay on his chest for a few minutes before he pushes me off.
We don't say anything as I reach for my underwear and bra. He does the same to his boxers.
After I get in the bed again, Shawn turns his head and looks at me as if I've grown another eye.
"Uh, what are you doing?" He asks now fully dressed.
"I'm laying here. I thought I was spending the night." I reply.
"No you're going home. I done with you." Shawn admits opening the door signaling me to leave.
"Why Shawn. I thought you liked me." I growl getting up and grabbing my clothes.
"I don't like you. I was saying that so I could fuck you. I succeeded so now you have to leave." He explains smirking.
My eyes get teary as I put in my clothes.
"I lost my virginity to you." I mumble now crying silently.
"Are you crying? You should have know that this was one time." Shawn says shrugging his shoulders.
"Yes Shawn , I thought you liked me. You led me on, and like a fool I believed you. See this is why I don't get close to people. They just end up lying in the end." I exclaim.
Wanting to get far away from Shawn as possible, I push pass him bare foot full blown crying.
Going down the hallway, I see the stairs, but Shawn's arm I'm assuming grabs my shoulder pushing me into his chest.
"Let go of me!" I yelp, ripping myself from his grip.
He doesn't move at all and we're in the exact position.
"You can stay the night with me." He says making me look up to him.
"No, fuck you. I don't need your pity." I seethe wiggling out of his hold. Continuing to walk down stairs, shawn shouts "Stay here, it late out."
I make it to the door opening it and slamming it walking into the freezing night. It's like 9 or 10 at night and I'm walking home because my car is in the school parking lot.
As I'm trotting along, silent tears roll down my face.
10 minutes into my journey home, a guy sees me from across the street and walks to me.
My eyes go wide as I start running. I look around my shoulder, seeing him run too. More tears come out as I keep running.
Going into a alley, there's a passage way that I used to go to as a kid, I bolt through the small crack landing me into a run down park.
I stop running and sit in a bench looking around me, patting my pocket for my phone.
Suddenly a hand grabs my shoulders. I scream but another hand covers my mouth.
"Screaming's not gonna help you sweetie." The guy laughs.
I ignore what he says and keep screaming kicking and punching.
"Shut the hell up." He yells pushing me on ground.
I turn around and see his face. He looks like a homeless man making it more terrifying.
"I gotta make this fast." I hear him whisper making me sob. I'm about to get raped.
He jumps on me, ripping off my shirt and jeans. Punching him and yelling doesn't seem to help do I slowly stop.
Once I'm naked on ground, he pulls down his pants and I close my eyes, not wanting to see his member.
"Hope you're not a virgin." He laughs entering me as I let out a scream.
"Hey let go of her you bastard!"I hear someone shout.
He ignores it and keeps going at it making me cry even more.
Next thing I know, he's pushed off me and on the ground. The guy punches him over and over again until he's knocked out.
I don't make an effort to move, feeling drained. The guys face comes into view.
Oh my god (Y/N) are you alright?" Brian, one of the jocks at my school asks. He takes off his jacket, wrapping it around my naked body.
I don't say anything as he picks me up.
"What the hell happened. Holy shit, let's just get you home." Brian says walking to his car.
He puts me in buckling me up like a baby as I stare straight ahead, tears falling from my chin.
He gets in the car, turning on the heater as he grabs his phone and closes the door.
I hear Brian shouting at the person he's talking to " She got raped dude! If I wasn't there, she could've have died."
There was pause but then Brian continues "You were suppose to drive her home you fucker. No she's good. I knocked him out."
I don't even bother to listen anymore as I slowly fall asleep.
This is the dirtiest the books gonna get guys. You thought the one the saved her was shawn huh. I did too.
Hope you enjoyed :)
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Love always <3

Shawn Mendes Imagines
Fanfichope you cry reading this or some shit started: october 13, 2015 ***** ©all rights reserved (copyright) @confucius-shawn