Strangers- 2

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    8 months later

  As I walk into to school, the hot June weather beats on my skin causing a sheer layer of sweat to cover my body.

  It's a good thing I wore shorts today. I quickly step into the hallway, mumbling a quick thank you to the person that held the door open for me.

  "(Y/N) hey! Stop walking so fast!" My best friend Venus shouts from across the hallway. Heads turn to my direction causing my to wince and shield half my body in my locker.

  Venus has been gone for the past two weeks due to a family emergency in the states. She's back and still as loud as ever.

  After the incident with Shawn a few months back, she came to our school as the new student. All bubbly and full of life. To top it off, she's gorgeous and everything a guy would want.

  She greeted me when she moved my backpack on the ground from the chair beside to and sat down.

  From then, we became best friends and I love her. She's the only friend I have and I'm so grateful to have her. She knew about the bullies and the notes. When I became friends with her, everyone seemed to stop messing with me.

  I still get some hateful words now and then but she's taught me to not give in to what people think of me and be my own person. That I don't have to live up to anyone's standards. She's truly a beautiful human being inside and out.

  I get pulled out of my reverie when she tugs on my shoulders, spinning me around. Her face lights up in excitement s she pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

  "I have so much to tell you (Y/N)!" She squeals.

  "I've missed you too Ve." I smile closing my locker as the bell rings.

  We walk together to first period since we're in the same class.

  Unfortunately Shawn is in this class too.

  After I ignored his texts and calls for a month, he gave up and now he only gives me dirty looks or doesn't even acknowledge me.

Thinking back at it, I kind of overreacted and was a little snobby.

I miss him.

A lot.

But what can I do? He clearly doesn't want anything to do with me. I can't make him just like me again. Shawn is very stubborn when he wants to be.

  I walk into class and surprisingly Shawn isn't late.

  He looks up and our eyes lock but he averts them to Venus, giving her his award winning smile as she blushes.

  Have I mentioned they are dating?

I would be lying if I said I'm not jealous but it's my own fault that I pushed Shawn away. But even if I didn't, he wouldn't think of me as anything else but a sister.

  I've never had any feelings for him. Even when I kissed him for a dare, there were no butterflies. No nothing.

  I don't know where my new found feelings for him are coming from I don't like it one bit.


There's gonna be another part peeps!

  I know I didn't write an imagine on Shawns birthday and I'm truly sorry for that :(

  I'll be double updating this week! To try to make up for it :))


15 votes for the nest CHAPTER!!!!

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