《Chapter 1. May 9》

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I was finally out of that place. No more college. No more mom always on my ass. It's my life, not her's, if only she could wrap that around her head.

"Sydney!" Genevieve yelled from the driver's seat, snapping me from my thoughts.

"So? Where is this house you've been talking about for, like, ever?"

Genevieve is my best friend. She's a music major, well...was, just like me. Our plan since seventh grade was for her to be the singer and I'd be the dj. We both went to the same college for two, treacherous years, until we both got sick of it. So, like all of the people that made it in this world say, we ignored what the world said, and chased our dreams.

"Right...down...uh... there!" I answered, pointing down the familiar road.

I bought us a house that would easily be payed with the money we are going to make. It's a cute little two bedroom house with a huge basement that has amazing acoustics.

She parked her black Hummer in the driveway and put her keys with the huge plastic Lilac that says "Genna" in the center, in her pocket. She tucked her white leggings into her faded brown leather boots and smoothed out her grey sweater in the reflection of the screen door. I looked at my Green Day shirt with the little hole in the armpit, my "perfectly faded" jeans as Genevieve puts them, and Off the Wall Vans, shrugged and walked in behind Genna.

The mud room was very small, barley even big enough to put any jackets and still be able to fit through, but it will do. It opens up into a cozy living room with a leather couch and two purple fluffy beanbag chairs that Genna and I wanted. A little kitchen with all black appliances and white cuboards was around the corner through some french doors.

Down the hall are our bedrooms. They are bare right now except for the beds and a dresser. But thats what Genna wanted to do today. Decorate.

Yay(please note the sarcasm).

I went to grab my suitcase out of the back seat while Gen measured the rooms.

Laptop, headphones, emergency earphones, charger, flashdrive, emergency flashdrive, and all of my CDs (Green Day, Blink 182, Bowling for Soup etc.). Check. I said in my head.

I set them in the room that Genna was currently in measuring the length of the closet floor. This room had a ledge right by the window. Just what I wanted.

"Why would you pick this house Syd? Its so... by itself..."

I did pick this house because it was by itself. Its in the center of a cul de sac of three houses. But the two houses on either side of us, are still for sale.

"So we don't have to deal with little kids riding Big Wheels down our driveway or frat boys and crap like that." I answered, double checking to make sure I had everything, more like triple checking.

"I don't really see what's wrong with frat boys but... fair enough. Now let's go shop please!" She whined.

I rolled my eye and grabbed my earbuds from my pocket, where they always were and followed her as she skipped down the sidewalk back to her car.

Gen is in Forever 21 right now, drooling over a pair of lavender high top Converse that we so can't afford until we get jobs. I'm checking out this store called 'This. Sick. Beat.' and yes, I'm pretty sure that its quoting Taylor Swift, but it has good stuff in here.

I go over to the 'New releases' rack.
1989, Taylor Swift
Four, One Direction
LiveSOS, 5 seconds of summer.

What is 5 seconds of summer? Are they any good? I reach for the album but a hand grabs my wrist. Genevieve. She drags me into some store and throws a dress at me. Like I know I need to, I go into the dressing room and try it on. This has happened on more then one occasion.

It was a cream lace dress that fell just above my knees, and a powder pink knitted belt to go around the waist.

"Gen?!" I yelled over the door.

"I know, I know hold on." she said as I heard her boots clacking away. A few seconds later she tosses an All Time Low t-shirt over the door. I slip it over the tank-top part of the dress and tuck it into the belt. There, that's more me. My dirty blond hair lays about two inches above my waist in its natural wave, I pull it all over to one side. I don't have a totally flat stomach, just a little bubble but not enough to show up when I wear tight shirts. But other than that, I have an okay body, I do my best to take care of it... but sometimes, you just need some damn Taco Bell.

Gen calls me out and I twirl in front of her, the bottom part of my dress fluttering out around me. If I'm not in faded jeans and a band t-shirt, then I'm in a shorter dress and a t-shirt. Gen may be able to break me away from my Converse or my Vans sometimes, but she will never break me away from my beloved band t-shirts. There is nothing more amazing then the satisfaction you get when you put on a t-shirt, knowing you are showing people that your favorite band is sooo much better than their's, because you have on the t-shirt. Gen splurged and got me the dress and shirt, and got herself a pair of metallic gold nerd glasses, even though her vision is perfect.

We bought our decorations for our room. Comforters, pillows, chairs, things like that.

We drove home, jamming to a new song that came on the radio called "Heartbreak Girl" by 5 seconds of summer. The same band that made the album I almost got my hands on. They were really good.

Genevieve finished decorating her room while I checked out the band I've been hearing so much of. She called me in her room. Her bed, which was on pallets instead of a bedset, was covered in gold ruffles from her comforter. She draped rope lights all over the place. Under her bed, around her closet doors, along her ceiling. Everywhere. Her room really came together, if this whole singing career doesnt work out, which it totally will for her, she could be a designer or something.

Mine is finally done. My bed was just lying on the floor without anything under it. It has a black and gray chevron comforter and gray puffy pillows. My bed is in an awkward possision because it needs to be by all of the outlets and they are all close to the corner of the room, so my bed is about a foot away from the wall and sideways. I hung curtains all around the outside of my bed and in the door of my closet. I hung all of my band posters, song lyrics, and pictures of me with my favorite band members on my only empty wall, and they took up the whole wall. I glued glow sticks to my ceiling fan blades so when it starts, it looks really awesome. I hung random glow sticks all over the place just like Genna did with her rope lights. Now for the best room. Our music room.

"Okay. Maybe all your techy stuff in that corner with those outlets and my mic in that corner..." Genna brainstormed out loud. I set my laptop on the desk and put my flashdrives and earphones in the drawer. I put my notebook on top of my laptop. I flipped through the pages.
New playlist
I scrawled a new list
Jobs for us

We set up everything. My bongos and acoustic guitar, and all of my "techy" stuff in my corner. Genevieve's microphone, earphones, thought book and her bongos were in the oppisite corner.

"Well Gen, the house is good for now" I said.
"Jobs now?" I ask her. She rolls her eyes.
"I guess" she says in a whine, dragging her feet up the stairs and to her Hummer.
I hope you all liked the first chapter! Stay tuned! (The song above is kinda the theme song for the story and thats a picture of halsey who will be playing syd::))-syd

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