《Chapter 52》

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A//N: There is a time skip in this one so be watching

"EVERYBODY WAKE UPPP!" Mikey yells from the top of the stairs.

"WHAT DO YOU WANTT?!?!" Gen and Cal yell from their room. Luke and I laugh and slowly unwrap from our sheets.

I hear heavy footstep running down the catwalk. Michael stops right in the middle of the catwalk and I stick my head out of the door to see what he was doing.

"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!" he cheers, sticking his arms out and spinning around.

"Happy birthday Mikeyyy!" I cheer.

"Happy birthday dickhead." Luke laughs, sliding down the slide.

I slid right down the slide behind Luke and met him in the kitchen.


Candice is doing good with Luke, really good. She helps him make cereal, she plays Fifa and Mario Cart with him, and they nap together a lot.

I love it: the way his eyes light up when she asks him to hold her or snuggles next to him on the couch, or even smacks his elbow when he cheats at a video game.

"Coming Luke!" Candice calls. Seconds later she shoots out of the bottom of the slide. She runs up to him and he lifts her up on his shoulders.

"Can you reach those for me?" he asks, walking over to the far cupboard where our cereal was.

"These?" she asks.

"No those."


"No the ones a little bit more to the left."

"You're tall. You get them." she giggles. He grabs the Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Frosted Flakes

"You pour in the cereal and I'll get the milk." she says.

"But I always do the cereal. You get it this time."

"Fine but I'm gonna get it everywhere." she warns. She starts to climb off of his shoulders.

"Need help?" Luke asks, trying to help her off of him.

"No I got it..." she grunts. She locks her hands around his neck and swings forward and lands on the countertop.

Her stout little legs squat down and waddle over to the fridge. She hops down and gets the milk after climbing up the door a bit.

"You should be in gymnastics." Luke laughs as Candice hands him the milk.

They make eleven bowls of cereal and set them out on the island.

"Breakfast!" I call. Everyone pours into the kitchen, grabs their bowls and make their way back into the living room.

After everyone ate there cereal, the girls, including Dylan and Candice, make our way upstairs.

"Everyone get dressed and meet me in my room." Hope whispers. We all nod and go to get dressed.

I tossed on some high-water dark denim jeans and a Sleeping With Sirens shirt.

I meet Alex, Hope, Gen, Ashley and Dyl in Hope's bedroom.

Gen always dresses Candice so cute. Today she's in white leggings, a long gray sweatshirt, sandy-gray Uggs and her curly hair is pulled into a bun.

"Gen. Did you put mascara on this poor child again?" I laugh, looking closer at Candice's long, full eyelashes.

"No I swear! Man... you do something one time..."

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