《Chapter 28》

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Luke, Calum and I are on our way to the hospital. Ashley is going into labor a week early. Ashton is freaking out, Michael is too and Hope is trying to calm everybody down.

"How are you doing Ashley?" I laugh. She's hooked up to a machine thing and is in one of those hosptial gowns.

"Never UGGGHHH! b-been better." She says.

"How far apart are the contractions?"

"Like five minutes maybe?"

Ashton walks over and wipes the sweat away from her forehead.

"It's to early! The baby can't come yet!"

"Well it's not really our decision anymore..." Nurse Hemsworth says.

"Will it UUGGHH! A-a-affect the health or anything?"

"Are the contractions getting closer?"


"It's to soon to te-"

"UGGHH GET THIS THING OUT OF MEEE!" she cries. Ashton's face looses it's color as Ashley squeezes his hand.

"We need to move her to the other room. The contractions are getting a lot closer." Hemsworth tells the doctor beside him. They wheel Ashley's bed down the hall, Ashton and I follow.


"Is it almost done?" Ashley cries.

"The baby's arms are alomst free, push!"

She let's out a ear-splitting cry.

"One more!"

She groans and sits back on the bed as we hear the amazing cry of a new life. Ashton stands up to go and see his first born.

"Ashley! It's a girl!" he laughs. Ashley lets out a weakened laugh.

"Do you want to cut the chord?" Doctor Mellark asks Ashton. Ashton cautiously walks over to where their new baby girl was laying on a plastic table. He took the weird shaped scissors and cut the thick chord growing from her belly button, as the baby cried louder. They wrapped her up in a little pink and white striped blanket and brought her over to Ashley. Ashley takes her in her arms as Ashton stands behind her, and she stops crying but doesn't open her eyes.

A beautiful little family.

"We must take her now." Nurse Hemsworth says, carefully taking the child from Ashley's arms.


"There she is! Miss America!" Hope coos as she takes the baby from Ashton's hold. The doctors had her in a yelllow blanket, a white hat with a yellow duck on it, and little white socks. Her insanely tiny hand had a little plasic hospital band around it.

Her eyes are open now. One is solid green, and one is a crazy mix of green, like Ashton's, and brown, like Ashley's. The doctors said that its probably only temporary but I still got tons of pictuers of them.

"What name did you guys decide on again?" Luke asks, not taking his eyes off of the baby.

"Dylan Mia Irwin." Ashton says proudly.

"I love it. Dylan." Hope says, passing Dylan over to Luke. She looks like a speck when he holds her. She's premature so she's tiny anyway.

"I'm calling her Bump until forever." Michael shouts from the little kitchenette. Dylan starts crying and Luke gets the most terrified look on his face. Ashley holds her arms out and Luke carefully puts her in his arms.

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