《Chapter 16》

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We're backstage now. There are some girls standing around the guys, they weren't attacking them like all the other girls, they were just talking. The girls were shooed out by a security guard after a few minutes and the guys were told to get ready.

You know they came on stage because of the ear-splitting cries of the crowd. The guitar scale of Good Girls came on.

"She's a good girl

She's daddy's favorite"

Michael's raspy voice started. We found a place where the curtains broke and led onto the side of the stage. We snuck in and watched as the guys slayed on stage.

"At least that's what her parents assumed!" the crowd sang along with Calum. When the chorus came, everyone in the areana sang it so loud that, I swear, the roof almost came down.

"For the next song, we're gonna need a guest from..." Luke says. He turned his head just far enough to where he could see Ashley, Genna, Hope and I on the corner of the stage.

"I'm going to take this girl that is trying to hide behind the curtain," he says, getting up, grabbing my wrist, and taking me out on stage, in front of thousands of people.

"And she's going to help me sing the next song!"

"Are you insane!" I whisper/yell through clenched teeth.

"Uh... Michael! Tell them about the pizza guy that came to the bus last night!" Luke asks. He winks at Michael, meaning for them to stall for a little while.

"What?" He laughs, taking the earpiece out of his ear when we got to the other side of the stage, out of sight of the audience.

"Have you totally lost your mind? There is no way I'm going to sing in front of all those people!"

"Well you're doing it so..."

"No. Way. I am not!"

"There are ten thousand other people that would gladly take your spot right now so I guess..." he says, slowly turning back to the stage. I bite my lip.

"What, uh, what song?" I ask. He turns around and cheeses.

"Yes! There she is! The wild one!"

"What song do you want me to sing you dingus..." I laugh.

"End Up Here, you know that one right?"

By heart.

"Yeah I think so." I huff out. My heart starts racing and I get a little dizzy as I peek out of the curtain to see the huge audience who's attention was held on Michael.

"Hey. Listen to me. You sound amazing and everyone is going to know it tonight. Okay? Remember what I told you?"

"But they're here to hear your voice. Not mine."

"Well, sucks for them." He laughs. "You ready?"

"Now or never."

"Here's to teenage memories..." Luke breathes, taking my hand and running me out onto the stage. The lights were steaming on my skin as I squinted my eyes until they adjusted.

"So guys... this is Sydney DiAnn and she is going to help us sing the next song, okay?" He yells to the crowd. An eruption of 'Yeahs' and 'Okays' came firing back at us.

"Kay, Ashton, you know what to do!"

Ashton started hammering on his drums.

"Okay, Imma start it out and then you'll pick up on the chorus which starts after 'You're comin this way' okay?" I nod nervously and blow out a huge breath.

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