1. Lies

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Our mother drove Bella and I to the airport with the windows rolled down. It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky a perfect, cloudless blue. I was wearing black leggings, a white oversized shirt, black and white converse and in my lap I had my black sweater.

   In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington state, a small town named Forks exist under a near constant cover of clouds. It rains on this town more than any other place in the United States of America. This was the town that my sister and I have been compelled to spend a month every summer until we were fourteen. Now on the past three summers, our dad, Charlie, vacationed with us in California for two weeks instead.

It was to Forks that we go now, not for vacation, though.

Bella and I both hate the cold. We both prefer to live in places where we could see the sun.

"Bella, Jenny...you don't have to do this" our mom said before we got on the plane.

"We want to go" I lied easily not wanting her to worry

"Tell Charlie I say hi" she says with a warm smile

"We will" Bella says and gives me a tight smile

"I'll see you girls soon and remember you can come back whenever you want to. Oh, and call me when you get there, both of you" she looks at me because I rarely call people when they tell me to call them.

It's a four hour flight from Phoenix to Seattle, another hour in a small plane up to Port Angeles and then an hour drive back down to Forks. 

When we landed in Port Angeles, it was raining.

"I don't mind the rain but it is way too cold for it to be raining." I tell Bella while we make our way to the baggage claim to get our bags.

"Me too. I'm starting to think we should have went to Jacksonville" Bella laughs quietly while I shake my head with a smile.

"Maybe but who knows, Forks may grow on us this year. And I do miss spending time with dad."

"What could possibly happen in a small town?" she asks as we get close to the baggage claim

Bella and I quickly get our bags and go outside and look for Charlie." found him" I hear Bella say from behind me


"Over there" I look over to where she is pointing and see Charlie waiting for us with the cruiser. Charlie is Police Chief Swan to the good people of Forks. The only reason Bella and I desperately wanted to buy a car was because we both refused to be driven around town in a car with red and blue lights on top.

When we get to Charlie he gives us both an awkward, one armed hug. "It's good to see you girls. How's Renee?"

"Mom's fine. She says hi." Bella says as she struggles with her bags

"It's good to see you too" I tell him

Charlie starts to put our bags into the back of the cruiser, struggling a little with mine.The only reason my bag was heavier its because before I left Phoenix I went shopping for winter clothes and shoes. Now Bella has a much smaller bag than mine, she went shopping too but didn't bought as much clothes as I did. What can I say, I love shopping.

I get on the back of the cruiser and Bella on the front. An awkward silence surrounded all of us on the car. "Bella, your hair looks longer" Charlie says breaking the silence

"yeah...um...I haven't cut it since the last time I saw you" Bella says quietly as she plays around with her hair.

Charlie looks at me through the rear view mirror. "Jenny, your hair looks different too."

"I had my bangs cut." I smiled at him. Bella's and I hair looked the same except I had side bangs that reached my cheekbones.

Bella and I had similarities but a lot of differences. She looks a lot like our dad, meanwhile I look a lot like our mom. I wasn't as pale as Bella, and our personalities are very different. I was more outgoing than her in a way. Back in Phoenix it was really easy for me to make friends. For Bella it has been difficult since she's a very awkward person. Even though we are very different, we get along just great.

Bella is my best friend. She is always there for me no matter what. I can tell her anything and I know she won't judge me or make fun of me. I honestly don't know what I would do without her.

We eventually made it to Charlie's. The house looked the same as last time I was here. Small, three-bedroom house with two bathrooms. Charlie puts my bag on the floor and I volunteer to take it to my room, I don't mind. We get inside the house, the first thing I see is the stairs that guide up to the rooms and to my left the green and white kitchen with the dining table on the middle, to my right the living room comes into view.

Charlie guides us upstairs. The first room is Bella's then a bathroom and then my room. They were all connected. Bella and I had to share the bathroom which is okay by me since we shared one back in Phoenix. When I get inside my room, I see the bed right next to the window and the closet on the opposite wall, that same wall there is a door that guides me to the bathroom.

I put my bag down and start unpacking. I put my laptop and phone on the desk and unpack my clothes. I then take out my school bag which I got it to fit on the huge bag and made sure I have everything for tomorrow. Tomorrow, Bella and I start our junior year here, which I don't mind but the fact that is like the middle of the year stresses me out.

I go to the bathroom and put my hair in a messy bun, and make my way to Bella's room. Bella stood next to her window.

"Hey, you okay?" I take a seat on her bed

"Yeah, I just don't want to go to school tomorrow." she answers as she looks out into the gloomy sky

"We're going to be okay. How bad can this actually be? Right"

"Yeah I know" she smiles back at me as I get up and go back to my room and get my pyjamas and go the bathroom. I had already unpack my toothbrush and body wash and all that stuff and put it on the bathroom.

I take a shower and brush my teeth. I checked the time on my phone 10:45pm. I turn off my phone and put it to charge. I then turn off the light and get on the bed. I spend at least 10 minutes looking out the window and looking at the moon. Until finally I fall asleep.

Victoria Justice as Jennifer Swan. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comment and vote and tell me your opinion. Love you guys

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