11. Stay

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I pull up into the driveway and shut off the truck. I grab the bags from the passenger seat and run inside the warm house.
I walk into the living room to find Charlie already sitting down on the couch watching the game.
"Hey" I smile as I drop the bags in the couch
"Hey kiddo, how was shopping? And where is your sister?" He ask as he notices that I'm alone
"It was fun, I found the perfect dress and shoes for the dance and she went to dinner with some friends" I say
"I'm glad, kiddo. You want to watch the game together later?"he asks, "there's only like 30 minutes left."

Charlie got called into the station not even 20 minutes later. I walked into my room and put the bags on the end of the bed. I get the dress and the shoes and put them in the corner of my closet. I grab the books and organise them in top of my dresser.

I walk back downstairs and grab myself some leftover pizza from yesterday. I feel my phone vibrate. I sigh dropping the pizza slice on my plate and answering the phone.


"Where the hell is your sister? We were waiting for her but we got too hungry so we ate without her." She quickly says

"That doesn't make any sense. She told me-"I get cut off by Jess loud shriek

What is she?? A bat?

"Never mind. She just got here" she says letting a deep breath

"Okay. Bye Jess" I hang up the phone and go back to eating my pizza

It doesn't make sense for Bella to tell me one thing and do another. She is definitely hiding something.

I finish my slice of pizza and run upstairs. I take a shower and get dressed in sweatpants and an oversized shirt.
I brush my teeth and let my hair down. When I went back into my room I saw Jasper laying on my bed.
"Oh my God, you scared me" I say while I hold a hand to my rapid beating heart

"Sorry, darling" he says while engulfing me in a warm embrace.

"I missed you even though we were only apart for a couple hours" I say leaning my head against his cold chest

The coldness didn't bother me. In fact, it soothe me. It made my head feel better.
"Me too"
He then proceeds to kiss my lips. The kiss was slow and full of love.
At some point I had to breath so I had to break it.
"can you stay?" I ask him and he nods quickly

I turn off the lights and get on my side of the bed. Right after I pull the covers over me Jasper hands find their way to my waist and bringing me closer to his chest. I then turn around and burried my face in his chest. Even though Jasper's body temperature is very low, I sighed in happiness.
"I love you"he says quietly
"I love you" I say

I wake up the next morning wrapped in Jasper arms. I look up and notice that Jasper has his eyes closed but after I moved he looks down at me and smiles.
"Morning"he says


"I'm going to go home and get ready and then I'm coming to pick you up" he says quickly as he walks across my room

"What are we doing today?" I ask

" I was thinking maybe we could go to meadow and cuddle there" he says while flashing me a smile
I then smile and clap my hands.

"Sorry, I got excited" I say while looking down at my hands
"It's alright, darling"

Jasper jumps out my window and disappears into the woods. I then go downstairs and see Charlie's car gone. I didn't know he worked today. I enter the kitchen and see Bella cooking pancakes.
"Hey" she says
"How was dinner yesterday?" I ask sarcastically
"Um, I didn't exactly eat with Jess and Angela. Right after you left I walked to another book store and then I took a shortcut and some guys were there. They followed me until they had me trapped behind this factory but then out of nowhere a car shows up and guess who was driving, Edward freaking Cullen and he saved me. Then when I got to the dinner place Angela and Jessica had already ate so I ate dinner instead with Edward" she says quickly

"And how was that dinner?" I winked at her laughing
"It was weird" she says

"How?" I ask while taking a bite out of my blueberry pancake

"Have you ever seen the Cullens eat? I mean when I went to lower the temperature on Edward's car his hand touched mine and his hand was freezing cold" she says
I gulp and say "I don't know, um I have to go get ready, I'm glad your safe sis" I tell her

She nods and goes back to finishing some extra pancakes she was making.
I go upstairs and take a shower.
After I'm all done and ready I hear a car pull up. I look out my window and see Jasper walking up the steps.
I hear the knock and yell "I got it" I reached the door and open with a smile
"Hi" I say
"Ready?" He ask
"Yes" I say

Jennifer Swan (Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now