9. nope

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When I woke up in the morning, I instantly noticed the empty spot beside me. I was kind of upset he left before I woke up but at the same time I understand.

I look towards the pillow he was using and grab the piece of paper sitting on top of it.

Good morning beautiful

Sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up. Pack a bag.

P.S: I love you

I can't believe Jasper is a vampire and I'm his soulmate. I mean, I always knew we had a stronger relationship but I never knew why. I still love Jasper with all my heart and I will always will. I know it sounds crazy but I can't control what my heart feels. Yesterday I was very confused but then I decided to let my heart make a decision.

I still don't know what I'm supposed to tell Bella. I hate lying to her but it's not like I can go up to her and casually say, "oh yeah, Bells the Cullen's are vampires. And Jasper and Edward used their super speed to save us".
That sounds worst when I actually imagine it. I finally decide to get up from the bed and get ready for school.

When I'm ready I walked downstairs and see Charlie sitting down eating breakfast.
"Hey dad" I say happily

"Morning" he mutters as he takes a sip from his cup

"Today I'm going to stay at the Cullen's house with Alice,"I tell him

"Ok, are you staying until tomorrow only?" He asks while looking up from the newspaper on his hands
"That's the plan" I say

"Ready to go?" Bella asks while walking down the stairs
"Yeah"I say

I get on the passenger side while Bella is starting up the truck.
"We should hang out soon, only the two of us" I say

"Yeah, how about this Friday?" She ask

"Sure, we can go to the book store or to buy dresses for the dance" I say

"Sure" she says

When we get to school I directly walk towards Jasper and engulf(I think I wrote that word wrong) him in a hug. I feel happier when I'm next to him.
"Hey Rose, where's Alice?" I ask

"She went to class early today" she answers

"Hey Emmet" I say looking up at Emmet

"Shorty you know what we are, huh" he says with a smirk

"yep" I say as I bounce on my feet with a small smile

"Are you scared?" Edward ask a slight smirk on his lips

"Nope" I say and he laughs as he shoves me playfully

"Are you sure?" Emmet asks playfully flexing his muscles

"Emmet you're like a huge cuddly bear, don't even start." I laugh, "also from now, Ed stay out of my head."

Edward rolls his eyes and chuckles as he walks away towards class.

"Let's go to class" Jasper says

He intertwine our hands and start walking towards U.S history.
We get to class, we sit in the back and talk about each other. He ask me about my past and I tell him about how Bella and I use to spend the summers here and how in Phoenix I used to drag her to my shopping sprees.


"Hey guys" I say while sitting between Jasper and Edward.

Emmet and Japer start talking about something while Rosalie and Alice talk about shopping.

"You know how to play any instrument?" Edward turns to me

"no but I really want to learn how to play the piano" I say, "I used to take a class back in Phoenix but I had to switch out of it."

"Maybe I can teach you, I know how to play it" he offers

"that be cool Ed," I say smiling

Edward for me is like my big brother. I never had one but that is how I see him.

After school I walk with Jasper to his car where the rest of his family is there.

"I'll be right back" I tell Jasper. I go over to Bella

"Hey, I will see you tomorrow" I tell her

"ok, remember tomorrow Mr.Molina sixth and seventh period are going on a field trip" she reminds me

"yeah, do you know where I left my bag with my extra clothes?" I ask her afraid that I left it home

"passenger seat" she says

I get my bag from the passenger seat and go back to standing in front of Bella "thanks, bye"

"bye" she says waving her hand

I walk over to Jasper, he instantly puts his hands around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Emmet, Rosalie, Alice and Edward are going on a separate car, something about leaving us with some space" he says chuckling a little

I get on the passenger side.

~skip car ride cuz I was lazy to come up with something for that part~ (sorry)

Their house is beautiful. It has a lot of windows but still beautiful. I met Esme and Carlise, they are really nice people. They told me about how happy they were for Jasper.

Right now it is 10:56pm and we just finished watching a scary movie. I didn't want to but Emmet insisted on watching it.

I was staying on the guest room. I got under the covers and try to sleep but the shadows along the walls kept scaring. Even though the Cullens can not sleep they were all in their rooms.

I woke up crying and cold. I look at the clock on the table next to my bed.


I can't go to sleep after that nightmare. I got up from the bed and make my way towards the door. I make my way down the dark hall. I go to the second to last door. Jasper's room.

I knock on the door. I wait a few seconds.

Jasper opens the door and looks at me confused
"Jenny, are you okay?" He ask as he stares at the tears rolling down my cheeks
I shake my head no

"Come in" he says

I enter the room

"Are you okay?" He ask

"No, I had a stupid nightmare." I laugh a little

"you want to sleep here?" Jasper asks quietly tucking some hair behind my ear

"Yeah" I say
He nods
I lay down on his bed and pull the covers up to my neck. Jasper turns off the light and lays down next to me.
"Goodnight darling" he says

"Night" I say
Jasper wraps his arms around my waist. I then slowly feel myself falling asleep.

Jennifer Swan (Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now