3. Human

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I walked down the hallway, clutching my books. I quickly reached my destination and walk towards the teacher who sits on his desk.

"Hi" I awkwardly say as I look around the classroom looking for someone that I know.

"Jennifer?" he asks

"Jenny" I correct him

"Okay, I'm Mr. Molina. Welcome to Biology", he says while marking me present and signing the paper for the office.

"Guys, we have a new student in class. Her name is Jennifer but she prefers to be call Jenny. Okay, Jenny well, you can sit next to Jasper over there" Mr.Molina says pointing to a table in the back.

I walk over there and say "oh hey" as I recognise the blonde hair and golden eyes that have been in the back of mind all day.

"Hello, how has your day been?" he asks nicely

"Boring" I respond as I drop my bag to the floor

I sit in my chair and look at him in the eye. This time I got my eyes to move away and pay attention to the lesson.

~Jasper's point of view~

She is what I've been looking for all these years. Her happy energy radiated and instantly made me forget what I was. It made me feel human.There we were staring at each other's eyes. It felt amazing, I'm surprised she didn't noticed how nervous I am. I'm sure she could feel the connection but she's human so it's easier for her to ignore it. She broke off the eye contact and started writing some notes Mr.Molina put in the board. Then I ask her "hey, so what is your favourite subject?"

"U.S history especially the civil war. How about you? "she answers

"U.S history and I think the civil war is the best "I tell her. We just keep talking through the lesson, I learn about her sister and why they move back here. I noticed that she was nervous so I calmed her down a little using my gift. I can't wait to tell my siblings about this.

When class is done I made my way to Rosalie's car and say "I found my soulmate. "I tell Emmet, Rosalie and Alice.

"Really?" Emmett ask surprised. After many years of searching, I had honestly given up, until today.

"Yes her name is Jennifer but she likes to be called Jenny, she is really quiet and beautiful." I say

"The new girl?" Emmet asks as he looks across the parking lot where she stands with her sister

"She is my best friend", Alice says "well not now but she will be. I totally see it"

"She is my best friend too. I like her, she's really nice and something about her tells me she's perfect for you." Rosalie said, I was shocked Rosalie likes her I mean she doesn't really like people that fast.

~Jenny's point of view~

I was walking outside to meet Bella at our new but old orange truck.

"Hey" I say when I see her, "how was your day? "I ask her.

"It was going good but now is bad "she says with a pissed off expression

"Why?" I ask her, wondering who I have to talk to

"I will explain at home." She says as she slams the door and starts up the truck

"Ok" I say as I take a seat on the passenger side

Across the parking lot I see Jasper and his family looking at me. I wave at them and they wave back with a little smile.

When I get home I think about today. So I already have two really good friends, Rosalie and Alice. Jasper is extremely attractive, and we both have a lot of things in common and all. And I don't know but it's this nice feeling I get when I'm around him.

I look at the time it reads 5:30 I go to my dresser and take a black shirt and green shorts then I go to the bathroom and take a shower. After my shower I brush my teeth and pass a brush through my hair I then put my hair in a messy bun. I go downstairs and eat a quiet dinner with Charlie and Bella.

After dinner I go upstairs and do my homework. When I finish my homework I go to Bella's room.

"Are you going to tell me what happened at school?" I ask her as I sit next to her in her bed

"You know Edward?" She asks, "Edward Cullen?"

I nod my head

"I walked into my biology class and saw him. The teacher made me sit next to him. I thought it would be okay but it wasn't. The whole time he kept pushing his chair farther away from me. And he also had his hand on his nose. I thought I smelled but I didn't" she explains

"Oh Bella" I say, "maybe he was having a bad day already. Or maybe he was sick"
I know my reasons sound stupid but I don't want Bella to think there's something wrong with her.

"Maybe I should talk to him about it. Confront him and ask him what happen today." She tells as she lays down

"Yeah, and I'll be there next to you" I smiled at her

"So, what's going on with you and Jasper?" She asks

My eyes go wide as she finished the question. "What do you mean?" I ask her

"At lunch, he kept looking at you." She shrugs

"We're just friends" I tell her as I get up from her bed

"Sure" She sarcastically says

"I'm going to sleep. Goodnight"I say

"It's early "she says

"I know but I'm tired "I tell her, it was a long day and honestly I'm ready to sleep.

"Okay, night oh and before you go to bed call mom you forgot yesterday" she says

"You talked to her?" I ask

"Yeah, free period" she says

I close all the doors that lead to my room. I get my phone and sit down on my bed. I dialed my mom's phone number and wait for her to answer
"Hi sweetie" she says

"Sorry, I didn't call yesterday. I forgot" I say

"It's okay, honey" she says and I can basically hear her smile

"Mom... I miss you" my eyes get watery

"Ooh Jenny, I miss you too. Phil misses you too"she says, "Did Casey called you?"

Casey was my best friend back in middle school and beginning of high school but one day she moved away without telling anyone. She just disappeared leaving me alone.

"Why would she call me?"

"Her mom gave me a call asking for your number, I figured it was for Casey." Mom answers

"I don't know, anyway, how's Phil doing?"

We spend the next hour or so just talking about random stuff. Phil has been doing better at baseball and hopefully they won't have to move soon.

I turn off my phone and put it to charge after finishing the conversation. I turn off my lights and instantly fall asleep.

I wake up , and look at the clock 2:07am.
Ugh why??
I can't sleep now. I walk downstairs and drink water and eat cookies. I go back to my room and just sit on my bed looking out the window.

The full moon shines down the street making it look more scary than it's supposed to be. The fog on the forest makes it worst.

I stand up and get my laptop and headphones. I put a random movie on.

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