4. Sick

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I wake up in the morning due to the coldness that enters through the window. I open my eyes and see that my blanket is now lying on the ground with my laptop and my headphones. 

Why is my window open?

I closed the window and make my way to the closet like every morning and choose a comfortable outfit. Black jeans, maroon hoodie and my black vans. I grab my undergarments from my drawer and slowly make my way to the bathroom.

Today is not raining though the clouds were dense and opaque. And some parts of the ground are cover in a thin layer of ice. I put my clothes on and brush my teeth. I brush through my hair and quickly put it on a messy bun.

I get my phone and put it on my back pocket then I go downstairs and see Charlie's cruiser gone. I make some blueberry waffles for Bella and I. Hoping her favorite breakfast will cheer her up after yesterday.

"Ooh you made waffles" Bella says as she grabs herself a plate

"And coffee, I figured it would make you feel better about what happen yesterday." I shrug

She gives me a smile and we eat in silence. The only sound that can be heard are the birds and the neighbours dogs.

After finishing my breakfast, I walk back up to my room and seat on the window seat. I have always loved the view I got. The forest on the back.

The trees are dark green. And they cast a shadow on the ground making it seem like a dark and scary place but when you are walking through it's another world. The sunlight shines through the trees giving it a warm scenery.

I go back downstairs and enter the living room taking a seat on the couch waiting for Bella.

a few minutes later

"Ready?"I hear Bella ask as she walks down the stairs

"Yeah, but wait I need to get my bag" I say while going upstairs and getting my bag. I walk downstairs and notice that Bella is waiting for me to walk out.
While walking down the steps, Bella slips on the ice that covered part of the ground. I bursted out laughing while trying to help her up.

"Don't laugh" she murmurs 

I ignored and follow her to the truck. I get on the passenger seat while Bella is locking the house. 

We get to the school quickly with Bella's reckless driving. I get out of the truck and wait for Bella.
"I don't want to go to class." Bella says walking up to me

"Come on, it's not that bad." 

I drag Bella while walking on the parking lot when Jessica, Mike, Angela, Eric appear right in front of us.
"Hey guys" I smile

"How can you be so happy when it's 7 in the morning?" Eric asks with a frown

"I'm just in a good mood", I shrug and look around the parking lot. I let myself start daydreaming.

"So are you coming with us?" Mike voice snaps me back to reality

"Uhh... where?" I looked at Bella confused

"Mike invited us to his camping trip. You want to come?"

"I'm actually busy this weekend. I promised dad that I would watch the game with him." I lied

I avert my eyes from Bella's knowing she is giving me the "I know you are lying" look. I keep looking around until I see Rosalie and Alice calling me over.

"I'll see you in class" I tell Bella and make my way to my friends

When I reach them, Alice instantly pushes me into a bone crushing hug

Jennifer Swan (Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now