6. Surprise

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My eyes slowly peeled opened and bright golden eyes stare into mine. Alice gives a me a bright smile as I sit up.

"Your dad let me in." Alice quickly says before looking around the plain room

"What time is it?" I ask as I run a hand through my messy hair

"1:30", Rosalie answers
She stands by the door with a smile tugging on her lips.
I groaned and say it's too early even though it's already past lunch time but they insist on me getting out of bed. I take a shower and brush my teeth and wash my hair. When I get to my room, I see an outfit put out on my bed. Jeans and a maroon sweater with my white converse sitting by the end of the bed. I quickly get dressed and spray some perfume.

When I reached the kitchen, I open the drawers and decide to make myself some French toast. I add syrup on the top and turn around when the front door opens. Alice walks in and stares at the plate on my hand.

"Do you want? It's French toast." I ask kindly

"No, I ate breakfast already"

"Can you ask Rosalie if she wants?" I say

"Umm...yeah, sure" she then goes outside. A minute later she comes back "she's not hungry "

I ate my french toast and went back upstairs. I brush my teeth again. When I walk inside my room Rosalie and Alice are there.
"Sit" Alice orders

I sit down on a chair that was put in the middle of the room. Then I feel someone start brushing my hair. "So, how did he ask you?" Rosalie asks
"We were walking towards class when he says he needs to ask me something and he just asked
me" I explained as a smile quickly take over their expression

"Done" I hear Rosalie mutter to herself.
"My turn" Alice says and she starts doing my make up. When she is done I go to the bathroom and see myself. I look pretty. Alice added blush to my cheeks and mascara to my eyes. For my hair, Rosalie did half up and half down with my bangs to the side.
"You're ready, now all we have to do is wait" Alice says
I go to my room and check the time 2:50pm.
"We have ten minutes" I say
We go downstairs and turn on the tv.

"Jasper should be here any minute" Alice says, right after she said that there was a knock on the door. I got up from the couch and open the door. I see Jasper in jeans and a long sleeve shirt.
"Hi" I say smiling

"You look beautiful." Jasper says as his eyes scanned me, making me nervously shift on my feet

"Thank you" I say while my cheeks heat up

Alice and Rosalie come to us at the door "well, we should get going" Rosalie says then they get on her car and drive away.

"You can come in, I just need to go upstairs for a minute" I say
I go upstairs, get my phone and enter Bella room. Bella is on her bed reading something.
"Hi" she says

"Hey, I'm leaving for my date"

"Ok, love you and have fun" she looks up from her book

"Love you too" I go downstairs and see Jasper standing by the door.

"Ready?" He ask

"Yes" I answer confidently

Jasper opens the door of the car for me and I say thank you and put my seat belt then he comes through the other side, puts his seat belt and starts driving.
"Where are we going?"I ask

"It's a surprise"he says

I don't like surprises. While Jasper is driving I take glances towards him.
"You want to ask each other question?" I ask

Jennifer Swan (Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now