18. Him

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I woke up feeling happy and excited. Today is the dance and I finally get to wear the dress I have been dying to show off ever since I got it.

The dance starts at 7:00pm and Jasper is coming to pick me up at 6:30, so I have around five hours to chill.

I brush my teeth and decided to wake Bella up. Bella decided to go to the dance but since she didn't have a dress, Alice let her borrow one of hers.
I went downstairs and saw a bag and Charlie in the dining room.
"Hey kiddo, this are sandwiches for you and your sister" he says
"Thanks dad"

I get the bag, two cokes and go upstairs to Bella room. We eat our sandwiches while watching mean girls.

When we finish the movie it was 4:00pm and I decided to go to my room and do some of the homework Jessica and Angela brought us during the week.
When I was done with homework I look at the clock 5:45pm
I need to start getting ready

I go to my shower and wash my hair and shave my legs and all. I wrap my hair in a towel and wrap another one around my body.
I floss and brush my teeth. I put mouthwash and left there for like 2 minutes.

I then start doing my hair. I straighten my hair and curled it. I then put it on a high ponytail with my bangs out.

Damn, my hair looks amazing.

I usually don't do make up but decide that it wasn't going to kill me so I decided to put make up on.
I got out of the bathroom and hear the shower start, guess Bella started getting ready.
I decided to put my dress later on and just stayed in a towel for now. I put my phone to charge and checked all my social media through my laptop.

At 6:20pm I got dressed and was ready (outfit above) I love my outfit, I usually don't wear high heels but they look so cute with this dress. Bella then came in looking beautiful. She was wearing a purple dress with converse on and her cast on her left leg. She had curled her hair and put on make up.

"Hey, you look amazing" she smiled

"Thanks and you too sis" I say smiling at her
We both looked at each other and then hear the doorbell ring.
I still have the cast on my arm but I think it looks good. Hopefully, I mean it's not my choice to have it.
Bella and I started walking down the stairs. I saw Jasper, he was wearing a navy long sleeve button up shirt, black pants and dark navy converse.
He looked hot.

Right after I thought that I saw Edward shaking his head from side to side and laughing.

Shut up
I say in my mind knowing he is listening.

"You girls look amazing" Charlie smiles

"Thanks dad, well Jasper and I have to go bye" I say wanting to leave Charlie, Edward and Bella alone.

Charlie likes Jasper and it's not mad at him but he doesn't feel that way about Edward.
Jasper opens the passenger door and gets on the driver side.

"You look beautiful, darling" he says
"You don't look so bad yourself" I say while flashing him a smile.

The first they do before you go in is take a picture.
We took the picture and went inside. I said hi to some people but we then decided to go to this small little pathway they had behind the school. Light up with lights hanging on trees. It looked amazing. It was perfect.
A slow song came on.

"Can I have a dance?" Jasper ask his southern accent showing off a lot
I nod he wraps his arms around my waist while I wrap my arms around his neck.

"You know one day you have to change me" I say softly

"I know" he says

"I want to spend eternity with you" I say wanting him to know

"I do too, darling, I love you so much. Words can't describe how much I love you" he says
"You're going to make me cry." I laugh as my eyes start to water

The night was perfect, we danced and talked and laugh. It was the best night of my life.
Alice found her mate tonight, Emmet and Rosalie had an amazing night too.
Now we just have to get through summer and start our senior year.
Who knows what is going to happen in the next few years because all that matters right now it's Jasper and I.

Jennifer Swan (Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now