2. Hi

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"Wake up"
"Come on... wake up"
I open my eyes and see Bella standing over my bed.

"What?" I ask confused

"You have to get ready for school" she states as she puts her hands on her hips, just like mom would do.

"Oh yeah" I say while remembering that today is our first day in Forks high school.

"I'll be in my room, Charlie is downstairs" she says as she walks out of my room.

I get up from my warm and comfy bed. I stretch my arms above my head and make a weird noise as I sigh. I look out the window to see clouds covering the beautiful sun. I walk to my closet and choose an outfit for today.
Black sweater and jeans.

I walk toward the bathroom and lock both doors. I turn on the shower and undressed. I quickly jump into the shower as the cold air hits my skin. I wash my body with my ocean breeze soap and wash my hair with Bella's shampoo and conditioner.

I get out of the shower, instantly getting goosebumps. I dry myself and put on my undergarments. I get dressed in the outfit I chose and brush my teeth. I brush my hair and add my usual hair cream that smells like coconut.

I go to my room and put on my black converse. I pick up my bag from the floor, my navy blue jcket and my phone. I walk down the stairs and drop my stuff in the living room.

"Good morning" I tell Charlie who sits in the dining table

"Morning" he says as he takes a sip of his coffee and reads the newspaper.

"You still read the paper? Really?" I laugh as he rolls his eyes at me

"You used to read it with me when you were younger. Wouldn't leave me alone until we had finished the puzzles." He laughed

"I remember, I used to wake you up every morning for that", I grab a bowl and pour myself Cheerios. I add a small amount of milk and take a seat on the table.

We sit in a comfortable silence until Charlie gets up from his chair as the sound of engine is heard outside. He walks outside while I finish my breakfasts.

"Bella! Jenny!" Charlie yells from outside
I drop my plate in the sink and step outside with Bella.

"Girls, you remember Billy Black" Charlie says while pointing at Billy

"Yeah" I say while giving a smile to the familiar face

"You look good" Bella says as he gets closer on his wheelchair

"Still dancing" Billy says "Well, I'm glad you girls are here, Charlie here hasn't shut up about it"

"Alright keep exaggerating ... I'll roll you down the hill" Charlie says rolling his eyes and mocking Billy

"till I ram you in the ankles" Billy says as he wheels his chair closer to Charlie making both go to the middle of the street and start playing around.

"Hey, I'm Jacob, we used to make mud pies when we were little" the long-haired boy turns to us

"Oh yeah, I remember. It was the time I accidentally threw my mud pie at Bella." I say while laughing at Bella's expression. I ignored her and turn to Jacob, "Are they always like this?" I ask while looking at Billy and Charlie

"It's getting worst with the old age" he says chuckling

"So, what do you think?" Charlie says walking up to us

"About what?" Bella ask

"Your homecoming present" he says with a smile

"This?" I ask while pointing to the kind of orange-red truck in the driveway

Jennifer Swan (Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now