7. later

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Beep beep

"Shut up!" I yell slamming my hand on the annoying alarm. When I finally locate the snooze button, I sigh in relieved and slowly get out of bed, running my fingers through my tangled hair. I look out my window, ice cover the roads and snow lay on our front lawn.

I walk to my closet and choose a black hoodie out of the many I have. I may have a small obsession with hoodies. But it's just that they're too comfortable and warm. I grab a pair of jeans from my drawer, a long sleeve shirt to go under my hoodie and my undergarments.

I slowly make my way to the bathroom, cringing at how cold the floor was. I turn on the water and brush my teeth while I wait for it to warm up. I undressed from my pyjamas and take a shower.

I dried my body and get dressed in the outfit I chose. I walk back to my room, quick long putting on my shoes. I put my hair up in a ponytail with a black headband matching my hoodie.

I run down the stairs, letting the scent of pancakes guide me to the kitchen. I smiled at the plate sitting at the table. I take a seat and quickly start eating.

"Hey! Those were for me." Bella pops out of nowhere

I shrug and continue eating. Bella sighs and serves herself the last piece left.

"So, Mom called. She kept asking where you were."

"I'll call her after school." I say quietly

When I'm done with breakfast, I go upstairs and brush my teeth, get my bag and phone.

I walk downstairs and see Bella waiting at the door for me.

Bella parks on the usual spot. I close the passenger door behind me and make my way to my boyfriend and his siblings. As soon as I reached him, his arms were around my waist holding me tight.

"Good morning" I smile brightly

"Hey shorty" Emmet says

"We need to borrow her for a moment" Rosalie says while grabbing my arm. I hear a growl and look next to me to Jasper. His eyes a darker than usual and a small frown on his pink lips.

"What" I mutter thinking that I heard wrong.

Rosalie and Alice start dragging me to the main building."So, what happen on the date? How did it go?" Alice ask

I'm surprised he didn't tell them.

"It went amazing" I say. I then proceed to tell them what happen on the date and over the weekend.

In first period Jasper and I talk about ourselves wanting to learn as much as we can in 45 minutes or something like that.

The whole day went by like a blur. The only thing that happen today was that Edward was back. I had approached him at lunch and introduced myself.I was really hoping he didn't treat my sister like he did the first time they met since he seemed like a nice guy.

I wait for Bella on the truck while reading Wattpad.

"Hey" she says approaching me.

"Hey" I say

"Edward is back" she says

"I saw him, did you talk to him today?" I ask

"Actually we had a good conversation until I ask if he wore contacts because his eyes were a totally different color" she tells me simply

"Oh, did he told you why he acted the way he did last time?"

"Yeah he said he was mad about something and he took his anger out on me but he said sorry about it" she said

"Ok cool" I say while standing up from the front seat keeping the door open with my hand, with Bella leaning on the back of the truck. I then start to put my phone on my pocket  when I hear tires screeching.

I was expecting everything to go in slow motion but everything was as quick as the Flash. One moment I'm looking at the navy blue van approach me, and the next I'm leaning against the driver side seat. I opened my eyes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I look up and my brown eyes meet black ones.

"Are you okay?" Jasper asks but honestly I'm not sure


I start to stand up to look for her but Jasper holds me down."I want to see Bella"
He lets me go but stands by me, I look for Bella and I see Edward's hand pushing the van away and holding it up from crushing Bella's feet. Then I hear people start screaming our names while running toward us.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Someone in the crowd screams
What the fuck just happened

Edward eyes meet mine, he gets up and walks away like nothing happened. I turn to the bent on blue van.
Charlie quickly runs to us and engulfs us in a hug. I hug him back, tears appearing in my eyes. I quickly blink them away and let myself think back to the question I can't get out of my head.

How did jasper reached me so quickly?

"I'll be right back." I tell dad as I look for Jasper. I find him on the other side of the parking.
Jasper gives me a sweet kiss before I break it looking into his now golden eyes.

"What is happening? How did you get over th- to- I can't-"

"I promise to tell you everything later, darling" he says. I love when he says darling it make my heart flutter.
"Ok "I say taking a deep breath

in the hospital

I just got checked up by Jasper's dad, Carlisle and he told me everything was alright. I have been thinking and I noticed how Jasper hasn't really let me go after the accident he keeps me close to him just to make sure I'm okay well except in front of Charlie we were thinking of telling him that we are dating later on. Anyway, after they check Bella they bring Tyler in the room with a bandage in his head. When the doctors take off the bandage I noticed Jasper put his face into my hair.

Uhh weird.

"I'm so so sorry" Tyler repeats
"It's okay " Bella says
After a few more minutes of telling Tyler it was alright we went home. When I got home I call Jasper and told him to pick me up that we need to talk.

Jasper point of view

"Let's vote ,who wants Jenny to know that we are vampires?" Carlisle ask. Right now we are doing a family meeting talking about if we should tell Jenny about us. Well I mean me.

She nods




Edward hasn't responded. I know he doesn't know her yet but he still trust her. Edward knows that I love her already and I feel like he is starting to love her like a little sister.
He nods

I nod

"Ok well then Jasper will talk to Jenny about this, we are done here"

After that I get a call from Jenny and she wants to talk to me. Well I guess it's time. I might as well take the car and give her a ride somewhere I mean it's not that late it's just 6:30pm.

Jennifer Swan (Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now