15. Us

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We have been on the road for like 10 minutes. I feel bad about what I said to Charlie, I didn't mean it but if I didn't say it he wouldn't let us go.

I closed my eyes but jumped when the door next to me opened. I let out a small shriek as Jasper lean over. He closed the passenger side door and put me on his lap to make space for Bella and Edward.

"Your father will forgive you both" says Edward while glancing at Bella and I

I'm too tired to answer. This has been a stressful day. My eye started getting heavier by the minute, I think Jasper notices because he leans in and whispers in my ear"you can go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we get there"
Right after he said that I instantly let sleep take over.

I wake up when I someone run their fingers through my hair. I noticed we just got to the Cullen's house but Bella and Edward aren't in the car.

"Where are they?" I ask

"They went inside already, I wanted to give you a few more minutes" Jasper says quietly, he touches my cheek softly, running his fingers down my jaw lovingly

After a few more minutes, I open the car door and get out. I open my arms so Jasper would give me a hug. He gets out of the car smiling and hugs me.

he smells nice

"Come on, let's go inside" Jasper says
We walked inside and no matter how many times I come here it always amazes me. The beauty of this house is indescribable. Since it was night all the lights of the house were on making it look way more beautiful than what it already is.

Jasper guides me to the garage where everybody is moving around getting car keys or putting some jackets away.

"Hi shorty" says Emmet when he notices me
I smiled at him
"Come on, give me your jacket" says Rosalie with a small smile

"Why?" I asked curious but still giving it to her

"Edward, Emmet, Carlisle, Esme and I are trying to get the tracker(James) to follow us instead of you... and Bella" She says as she gives one of her jackets to keep me warm

I walk over to Bella and give her a hug trying to reassure her that everything will be fine. Jasper guides me to the passenger seat while he gets on the driver side. Alice gets on the back and Bella is still talking to Edward.

"Wait" I say while getting out of the car.

I walk over to Rosalie, Esme, Emmet and Carlisle and give them each a hug and say, "be careful and thanks for everything"
I'm so thankful for what they do for Bella and I.
I get back on the car and give Jasper my hand.

I still can't believe how my life change so much in a couple months. When I got here it was because I wanted to see Charlie then I was thinking of leaving but Jasper made me stay. He is the reason why I don't want to leave Forks.

I fell in love with him. Every time I think about him I get this warm feeling in my stomach and get goosebumps on my arms.

I look at the stars and moon and then close my eyes and go over everything that has happen in the last few months.

I open my eyes and see we are driving through woods. It's early in the morning, I take out my phone and decide to take a picture (picture above)

Like an hour later we get to an hotel. Jasper being a gentlemen gets Bella and I duffel bags. We get inside and it's a nice hotel. Really busy though.
Bella and I sit down while Jasper and Alice gets us a suite.
They come back and we go to the elevator.

When we get to the suite we all just sit down on the couch to wait. I decide to take a shower, I go to my duffel bag and take out my black sweatpants and a white long sleeve shirt and black socks.

While I'm in the shower I decide to wash my hair. I wash my hair and shave my legs and all. I mean I just feel like we are going to be on the road a lot more so I need to be ready. I get out of the shower and brush my hair. I put my hair in a sideway braid. I get dressed and go outside.
"Where's Jasper and Alice?" I ask looking around the room

"Getting us food" Bella says as she stares at the wall

"Jenny..." Bella says quietly

"What's wrong?" I ask as I take a sit next to her

"I got a called from James. He has mom." Her voice cracking and tears welling up in her eyes.

"What?!" I ask

"He has mom and wants us to meet him where we took ballet classes. He wants us, Jenny." Bella says

"We need to go" I say

Bella nods her head
"Now" she says

I put my white converse on while Bella is putting on her jacket.
We walked down the lobby and go outside. Bella gets us a taxi. We both get on the back while I give the driver the directions.

I hate the fact that I couldn't tell Jasper that I love him one more time.
During the ride Bella tells me every thing James told her so I could be more inform.

"We are here" says the driver

"Thank you" I say
I give him $20 while Bella gives him $20 more and we complete the money.

We get out of the car and start walking towards the studio.

Jennifer Swan (Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now