10. Remember

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Today Bella and I are going shopping together. We haven't really spend some some time together so I decided to plan a little evening for us. The plan is to buy my dress for the dance and find Bella some books she wants to check out.

School was boring like always. Not much happen other than the fact that we went to this green plant place. Mike asked Bella to the dance which she kindly rejected him by saying, "Sorry Mike, I'm going to be out of town". Which is technically true. Oh and Bella and Ed got on a small argument. All I know is that she didn't ride back with us.

Bella drives as I finish up some homework for my math class.
"I'm bored" I groan out as I finish doing the last equation

"You wanted to do this so be patient." She laughs as she shakes her head

"Bella. I'm your sister. You should know by now that I am not a patient person." I quickly say while staring at her with a duh face

"Just thirty more minutes" she quietly says as I lay my head on the window.

When we get to Port Angeles, Bella parks on a parking spot and we get out.
"Where should we go first?" I ask

"How about we buy your dress first then go to the library" she states

"sure" I say excited

"So tell me about Jasper?" she asks a slight smile on her face

"It's going well. He's so nice and he genuinely cares about the little things. I still get nervous over everything but he doesn't mind."

"You're so happy. I guess Casey calling didn't bother you that much."

"Casey called?" That's the second time she calls but I don't know about it

"Yeah, this morning. House phone." Bella explains

"I haven't talked to her ever since she left." I tell her sadly

"Next time she calls, I'll make sure to ask her for her number or her brother's. What was his name again?"

"I think it was Riley, something like that." I shrug as a memory of the dark brown hair boy comes up

After walking two blocks, we find a small store in the corner. I instantly run to the dress section and pick out the ones that call my attention.

To every dress Bella would say no and I was starting to give up until I saw this beautiful dress just hanging(literally).
I went into the dressing room and put on the dress.

It was perfect, it hug my curves perfectly and it made my skin look less paler in a way. I came out of the dressing room and Bella said "that's the one"
I bought the dress and then we were on our way to the library. When we got to the library I instantly pull Bella over to the fiction part.
"Oh look they have Divergent and the fault in our stars and the hunger games, ohh my they have the Percy Jackson books, oh lord have mercy they have the maze runner series" I basically scream while Bella was trying to get away from my fan girling self
(By the way I read all those books and the series and they are amazing)

I received looks from the people around me but ignored them as I was in a happy place right now.

When Bella goes away I start picking up all the books I just named. I read all these books from my school library back in Phoenix and I fell in love. At that time I didn't have money so I couldn't buy them but now I can. You are probably asking me why buy them if u already read them, well my half-blood divergent friend I want to own them just in case they run out of them in the stores or they stop selling them or something.
I get all the books and go to find Bella.
"Hey um Jessica texted me she said she is on Port Angeles and she invited me to have dinner with her and Angela. They will give me a ride home so you can take the truck if you want" she said apologizing after
"It's okay, give me the keys and I'll see you when you get home" I tell her

I pay for the books and make my way to the truck. I drive around town for a little while deciding to buy myself snacks at the grocery store.

I walk inside the store, picking up a basket. I bump into a girl with brown hair. She look oddly familiar but I can't remember from where. In a way, she looks like Casey but at the same time she doesn't. Her hair, nose and eye color are different and I remember Casey having a more round nose and light green eyes that went well with her blond hair.

I shake my head at the thought and apologize. The girl gives me a warm smile and has a loving gaze on her eyes, as if she had just met the love of her life.

I walk away from the brunette and continued making my way to the candy aisle, picking up everything I recognize.

"I love those." a soft voice says, I turn to see the brunette as she points to the bag of sour patch kids on my hand

"I never liked them. They're too sour for me." I laugh lightly

Her eyes shine and I see her shift softly on her feet.

"Yeah, I remember."

"Sorry?" I asked confused

The brunette shake her head and looks at me sadly before turning away. I continued to shop for things, and then made my way home.

I know it was a short chapter but since I made you wait so long in a couple hours the next chapter will be posted. Thank for reading my loves.

Jennifer Swan (Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now