14. James

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"I believe this belongs to you" says the man in the middle while holding the ball in his hand and twisting it around. He then throws it and Carlise catches while twisting it in his hand.

"Thank you" says Carlisle

"I'm Laurent and this is Victoria" he says while pointing at the red hair woman standing next to him. She just nods her head. "And James" he says while pointing at the blonde man standing to his other side.

James was starting to freak me out. He kept looking at Bella and I while moving his head to the right and it was just overall creepy. He had this look on his eyes that gave me goosebumps. I then got closer to Jasper and he wrap his arms around my shoulder keeping me close to him.

"I'm Carlisle and this is my family" Carlisle says while moving his hands toward us.

"Hello" says Laurent

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess to us" says Carlisle

"Our apologies, we didn't realised the territory has been claimed" answers Laurent while James kept looking at me as if I was a snack.

"Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residency nearby" Carlisle says

Laurent looked amused after hearing about the permanent residency and then Victoria said something about leading the human East but I wasn't really listening.
I couldn't really, James stare was getting me uncomfortable. I look at the ground and looked back up and see him now staring at Bella.

I didn't even notice Jasper was dragging me towards the car until a hush of wind pass by us.
I didn't even have time to process what was happening.

"You brought snacks" said James darkly

"The girls are with us" said Carlisle
Bella and I were pushed behind the Cullen's while they were all having a stare down.

Jasper grab my hand and started dragging me towards Edward's jeep, while Edward was dragging Bella.

Jasper and I sat at the back while Bella was on the front.
When Edward started the car, Jasper wrapped his arms around my shoulder and brought me closer to him.

It was a disaster. Bella and Edward were screaming at each other. Edward said something about James being a hunter. Edward was driving full speed through the woods. When the car was silent I found my voice and ask"is he coming for us?"

"Yes, he's a hunter, he won't give up." Edward answers stiffly

"What about Charlie?" Bella asks frantically

"I think I have a plan" I say

I start explaining them my plan: Bella and I come into the house screaming at Jasper and Edward and telling them is over. Then Bells and I will tell Charlie that we need to go back home. And hopefully he will let us go easy while Edward and Jasper wait on the truck or the woods nearby.

I look outside and window and look at the trees passing by in a blur. I juggle myself more into Jasper chest, he hugs me and pulls me closer if that's even possible.
When we got home Bella and Edward got off first and started talking outside the door.
"Just so you know I don't mean anything I'm about to say. I want you to know that I love you so much that just thinking about what I'm going to tell you kills me" I say while looking at his golden eyes

"I know darling and I love you so much too" he says.

We both got out of the car and started walking towards the door.
"Ready?" I ask Bella

"Yeah, go" she says while giving me a small smile. I open the door and we both start saying for the boys to leave us alone.
"We are done" I say loudly

I see Charlie come from the living room. I run upstairs while Bella is still downstairs telling Edward that they are done. While I'm walking to my room tears stream down my cheeks.
It hurt so much to say that.

"What happen? Did they hurt you" I hear Charlie ask
I go to my room and lock the door and let Bella answer Charlie's question because I suck at lying.

When I get to my room I already see Jasper packing some of my stuff in a duffel bag.
"I'm sorry" I say while standing next to him

"It's okay" he says while pulling me into a hug and
then giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

I go to the bathroom and see Bella getting some of her stuff.
I get my brush and toothbrush and all of the things I might need.

When I'm done Jasper goes out through the window while I go downstairs.
"Bella, ready?" I yelled

Bella comes downstairs and stands next to me while Charlie is in from of us looking at us confused.
"It's too late to go out now at least wait until tomorrow" he says
"It's okay if we get tired we will stop at a hotel and it will gives us more time to think if we just drive" Bella says

"Come on girls, I just got you back, Bells, kiddo" he says while looking at us when saying our nicknames.

He won't let us go unless we say something that will convince him. I then say something that broke my heart into millions of pieces
The same thing our mom said when she left him
"If we don't leave now, we'll be stuck here just like mom"
Charlie looks at me stunned. Bella then grabs my hand and drags me out the door. I get on the passenger side while Bella start driving.

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