13. Hair

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Today was the best day of my life. Charlie called around noon and said that he was going to be late due to some investigations to the animal attacks. Bella texted that she was going straight to the Cullen's house. Which means I have the house all for myself.
First thing I did was connect my phone to the speaker and blast some music. I ran to the kitchen singing and dancing on the way. I took out my ingredients to make an omelet.

I decorate my omelet with cheese on the top and a piece of bread with Nutella on the side. A small cup with strawberries next to my bottle water.

I took all the food to my room and put Netflix on my computer. I spend the whole day eating junk food while watching Netflix. Then I took a warm shower, and I also wash my hair with Bella's strawberry scent conditioner. I got into sweatpants and a sweatshirt with black fuzzy socks. I then went back to Netflix. I then ended up falling asleep.

I wake up and look at the digital clock on the dresser. 5:59pm. I decide to clean the house a little and go back to sleep. When I'm finally done cleaning I lock every door and window expect mine just in case Jasper comes by. When I walk back into my room I see Jasper looking at the books on my dresser.


He approaches me and hugs me tight. "are you sick? I didn't see at school" he says still giving me the warm hug

"I'm fine, I just didn't want to go to school" I say while laughing a little

We lay down and I end up falling asleep

When I wake up in the morning I see Bella coming into my room.

"come on, we have a game today" she says

"what?" I ask confused

"The Cullen's invited us to play baseball" she says

"I don't play" I say

"I know and they said you could keep track of the scores. Edward is coming to pick me up so he can meet dad" she says

"good luck" I say while she is walking out of my room

Jasper already met Charlie and he approved. More like Charlie almost caught us making out in the living room. I turned on my phone to see a text from Jas.

good morning, Picking you up at 12:30

I look at the time 12:00, I have 30 minutes to get ready

I'm ready. I hear knock and see Charlie opening the door

"hey jasper, how are you doing?" he asks

"Good, sir" Jasper says

"call me Charlie" he says, a smile overtaking my face after

I then walk the rest of the steps and see Edward pulling up. "bye dad, love you"

"love you too, have fun kiddo" he says

Jasper open the door for me while Edward is getting out of his car. Jasper then goes to the driver side and starts driving through the woods. For a moment I thought we were going to the meadow but we pulled up into a huge area with the grass short like as if has been recently cut. I get out of the car and run to Alice and Rosalie.

"hey" I say while giving them each a hug

"hi" I say while hugging Esme and Carlise

"how are you?" Esme ask in a motherly tone

"good, merci"

Esme then smiles at my French word. I took French through middle school so I know how to communicate a little.

"hey shorty" I hear Emmet say from behind me

"really Emmet? Can't you find a new nickname.
" I say while giving him a small push which didn't do anything.

"Nope" he laughs fixing the cap covering his hair

Through the whole game I couldn't keep my eyes off of Jasper. I mean he look so hot. Now that I think about my heart kinda hurts. Not physically but emotionally. My love for him hurts, and even though he is less than a mile away I feel like the little space between us is too much.

I lost track of the scores. ooopss

Bella was saying the whole who is out and all that stuff I don't know. I love this moment. I get to spend time with my amazing boyfriend, my best friends, my second family and the best sister.

Out of nowhere fog comes out of the trees. Damon Salvatore? Is that you? The Cullen's then start pushing Bella and I behind them. Jasper comes to me and whisper in  my ear "stay by me"

Even the small gesture made my heart sped up.

Three people come out of the woods. When they stop right in front of us I notice their red eyes meaning that are vampires.

"they were leaving but they heard us" Alice says

"put your hair down" Carlise says while looking at Bella and I.

"what is happening?" I ask Jasper

"I need to get you out of here."

"It's too late." Rosalie tells him while bringing down my hair

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