17. Better

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That is the first thing I feel when I gain consciousness. The pain was so much that I couldn't even open my eyes.

Be strong. You can do this.

I opened my eyes slightly but instantly shut them as a bright light hits them.

"Sorry sweetheart" I hear my mom's calming voice say

I open my eyes again and see that the light was now off and the only light source was the lamp in the corner.

"Mom" my voice cracks

"Baby, are you okay?" I hear her ask

"Water" I say

She gets up from the bed and comes back with a small cup. I drink the water and feel much better.
"What happened?" I ask confused as she brings a chair next to my bed

"You got on an argument with Jasper. You were walking down the stairs of the house when you tripped and then Bella came after you but tripped on her feet and you both went through a window" she says but then memories come back of what really happen.

"Where's Bella?" I ask

"She is on the room next door and she is fine" she says

"Where's Jasper?" I ask

"He is sleeping right there" she says while pointing at the couch where he is indeed laying down with his eyes closed."He refuses to leave the hospital. He hasn't left ever since they brought you in. I'm going to go check on your sister. If you need anything call me." She kisses my forehead and leaves the room

The moment she leaves the room I quietly say "I know you're not sleeping"
Jasper opens his eyes and smiles at me. He gets up from the couch and sits on the chair where my mom was sitting at before.
"I'm sorry" I say

"Don't-" he starts but I cut him off

"It's my fault that I'm here" I say

"No, it's not" he says

"Yes it is" I argue back, "I shouldn't have left without telling you. He made us think he had our mom and- all I could think about was helping her."

Jasper softly grabs my face and leans down, giving me a slight peck on the lips.

Jasper explains to me what happened after I passed out.

I had to stay at the hospital for a few more days so they could watch my back because of the glass. They said I was recovering really well. My arm was broken though but that's basically it. I was lucky I didn't break my neck when James threw me halfway through the studio. And some of my bruises were cleaning up.

Bella had more injuries than me. She had a broken leg and a lot of cuts on her body especially her back. She had a small concussion but nothing serious. Also James bit her and she was about to turn and all but Edward suck all the venom out so she is fine.

Today I was finally going back home to Charlie. Charlie visited yesterday and I apologise like 50 times but he said it's okay. Jasper left this morning back since Charlie was driving Bella and I back home. Mom went back to Florida since she bought a house over there.

"Finally home" I say while I walk through the door

"Finally" Bella says smiling

I went to my room and got settled in. I wash my clothes and clean my room which took me a long time because I still have the cast on my left arm. 

Today was Tuesday and we will get excuse from school until Friday because it's the dance.

I decided to get some rest so I can feel better tomorrow.

I open my eyes and instantly look at the clock.2:45pm. It's really late but I have been sleeping on hospital bed which it's not that comfortable.
I brush my teeth and go to Bella room to see her on her laptop.
"Morning"she says when she sees me

Bella and I basically just stay all day watching Netflix. I got the snacks and she chose the movie.

Today was the same as yesterday except that Jasper came to visit. He said that I have been indoor for too long so we went to take a walk on the woods behind the house.
"How's your arm?" He ask
"Better" I say

We found another meadow which is like my favourite part about the woods.
We laid down and just enjoyed each other company.

At some point it got late so we started walking back to the house. I went inside the house and ran upstairs and there he was again.
I took a shower and cuddle with him because I can.

Jennifer Swan (Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now