16. indescribable

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We opened the double doors and walked into our old ballet studio. The floor was covered in dust and half of the things had blankets draped over them.

Everything was dark, empty and cold. The only sound you could hear through the space was the low hum of the air conditioner. The curtains by the windows were wide open, letting the moonlight be the only light source. I don't know if that made everything scarier.

Bella and I stand there in the middle of the room. I look around but I can't seem to move. Maybe it is because I don't want to face reality.

The reality being that I might die and never get to see Jasper ever again. That I will never get to hear my mom voice. That I won't get to watch another game with Charlie. That Phil won't take me to our favourite park to play.

I want Bella to be happy so being older by two minutes or somewhere around there. I have decided that Bella will leave out of this place alive. Hopefully. No matter what, I'll do everything in my power to keep her safe even if it means I die.

"Bella! Jenny!" Our mom frantic voice snapped us out of our trance. I quickly look at the rooms from where her voice came.

"Jenny!" She screams again

"Mom!" I scream as I run towards the run. Opening each door. I open the last closet door and find a tv sitting in top of a dark wood table.

(I'm using the book version which is a little different then the movie on this part)

Bella stands behind me looking over my shoulder. The tv had one of our old tapes. It was when we went to visit Grandma in California for Thanksgiving. Bella and I were around 12 when that happened. We went to the beach and my sister and I were leaning too far over the edge of the pier. I remember mom wouldn't leave us out of her sight for the rest of the trip.

I heard a dark chuckle come from behind us. I pushed Bella behind and look at all the mirrors that James appeared in.

He was talking but I couldn't hear. My heart was pounding against my chest too loud for me to hear what he was saying.
When I snap out of my daze, James is walking around filming us. I look around, searching for our mom when the fact that it was all a trap caught up to me.

I was more scared now. My heart sped up way more now, I couldn't even hear my breathing. I was panicking so bad that I didn't even notice where Bella went.

Really?!? It's my job to keep her safe.

James walks towards me slowly with a camera on his hand. "Where's Jasper?" He asks as he moves the camera closer to me, "aw, this will totally break his heart." He laughs as tears now seem to fall down my face.

I kept my mouth shut as Bella walks up behind him. James turns around slowly and all I hear is something being sprayed.
"Run!" As soon those words leave Bella mouth. I grab her hand and run to the exit. We keep running until James jumps right in front of us, making us stumble.

He pushes Bella to a wall. My eyes go wide as she groans and I try to come up with something. I feel a cold hand grab my neck and push me against the wall. I cough as he shakes me and pushes me against a mirror. When the mirror breaks, the shards instantly cut through my back and the back of my head.

I breath deeply as I try to regain my breath. I looked around but I couldn't see much except for dark spots.

"Beautiful, very visually dynamic, I chose my stage well" James says as he lightly chuckles letting a cold shiver run down my back

I finally get my vision back and see James approaching Bella who was leaning against the wall she was thrown into. I can't see much because of his back but I definitely heard a bone crack.

I wanted to stand up and help my sister. But all I can feel is the blood running down my back. Bella's scream can be heard all over the studio.

James turns around and starts walking towards me. He grabs my arm and snaps it like a freaking stick. I could feel the bone break and the pain is horrible. I tried to get rid of the pain by thinking about something else but the fact that he grabs my head smashes it to the rest of the mirror behind me grabs all my attention. Every piece of glass that was stuck to the back of my head now seems to be the most painful thing I have ever felt.

Right at that moment his body was taken off of mine. I didn't know at this point what was going on. The pain on my arm was too much to handle.
James grabs me by the neck and throws me halfway accross the studio, he then walks toward Bella.

I then noticed Edward pinning him in a wall. In less than a second Jasper was there grabbing him out of Edward's hands and throwing him halfway across the studio.

I sob as the pain became indescribable. I can't even begin to explain how it feels. Because there is no words that expresses the amount of pain I feel.

I feel two hands wrapped around my waist. I'm pushed against a chest and I instantly recognise Jasper's cologne.
"Darling, keep your eyes open" he says but I couldn't.
Right at that moment I hear Bella painful scream.
What happened?!?

I tried to move but everything hurt. At this point I couldn't feel my arm or tell the difference between reality and the dark spots that want to take over.

I open my eyes to see Jasper looking down at me.
"I'm sorry" I managed to say

"Don't apologise"he says quickly, voice breaking and dark eyes that would scare anyone but me

"I'm so tired" I whisper

"Keep your eyes open Jenny. Don't close th-"

I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore so I just closed my eyes and let the darkness take over.

Jennifer Swan (Jasper)Where stories live. Discover now