Chapter 8

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After dinner we found ourselves tangled up together on the couch once more. In a position that we had found ourselves to return to more frequently than I could explain why. Her legs wrapped around mine, arms around waists, heads against chests. This time I was the one laying on top of Karlie, my head resting on her chest, her heartbeat thumping into my ear, calming my racing thoughts. How could I let myself do this? How could I have feelings for Karlie she's your best friend! My mind raced in circles as I could no longer deny my feelings to myself, every touch, every stroke of the skin felt like electricity. No longer having the energy to deny how I felt I melted under her touch, allowing myself to fully appreciate the warmth of Karlies touch. But this could never happen... Karlie would never feel this way for me I'm just her best friend...but then what was that moment earlier? Oh my god this is such a mess. Sighing deeply I closed my eyes against her chest and focused on her heartbeat. "You okay babe?" Karlie said softly, "did you drink the wine too fast?" Karlie said softly with a small giggle. "No..I'm fine..just some stuff on my mind I guess" I said back, trying to to reveal too much, Karlie could read me like a book. "Anything you want to talk about?" She said gently, leaning down to rest her lips on my hair, sending shivers down my spine. Holding my breath I moved my head up to look Karlie in the eyes, my chin resting on her chest her sweet breath grazed my face, sending more goosebumps onto my skin. Our eyes stared into each other, so intently that I almost felt like I was dreaming. My eyes flashed down to her pink lips momentarily, plump and round they looked so soft.. They would be so soft. Moving my eyes up to hers before she caught me looking I saw something I didn't expect, Karlie staring at my lips. Breathing deeply I felt my face begin to warm. "Ummm..uh.. No's fine..uh. Nothing major, work stuff" I lied, my stammering increasing as her eyes bored into mine, our faces closer than ever. I felt warm all over, our faces inched closer subconsciously, what is this? Karlies hand began to rub small circles on my lower back, her touch sending my skin to flames. Tingles being left everywhere her fingers lingered. Her breathing touched my nose, heavier than normal, I swallowed nervously. Was this happening? What do I do? Her tongue traced her lips quickly and a familiar warmth was felt in my core, my body burning. "Taylor..." Karlie said, so softly that I wouldn't have heard her if I hadn't been so close. My phone vibrated aggressively on the glass coffee table as we both jumped, quickly getting up off Karlie I grabbed my phone, seeing it was selena. "One minute" I muttered to Karlie, leaving the room quickly to head outside. "Hello" I said breathlessly, "Heyyy babe!!!" Selena greeted enthusiastically, "how's your night going, what are you up to?" She continued. I sat down on the outdoor setting chairs as I still breathed heavily, my mind whirling. "Taylor?" Selena said, taking a deep breathe to regain myself I spoke up "sorry, I'm here", "are you okay?" She asked, worry lacing her voice. "Yeah what I'm fine, what I'm doing tonight, uh lets see. Well Karlies over and she's uh staying for the week and uh yep, what about you?" I blurted out, my voice higher than ever. "Whoa whoa whoa, Karlies staying with you? As in beautiful goddess, flirty angel Karlie?" Selenas voice was smug. "Mmmmhmmm" was the only response I could muster, my heart still pumping from our almost kiss. Everything was happening at once. "Okay well you sound well occupied, so I'll let you get back to your Victoria's Secret angel now, have fun." Selena said, giggling. "Wha..what no she's not 'mine'" I stammered. "Okay Taylor, that's great. Have a good night, don't let the underwear model bite" Selena teased, I count almost see her wink through the phone. "I'll talk to you later" I said, finally giving her the promise of information on what was happening. "Yeah you better swift, love you" Selena giggled, hanging up the phone. Locking my phone I took a deep breathe, fixing my hair and clothes as I walked back inside. Karlie sat in the same position on the couch, her phone in her hands and a smirk on her face at whoever she was talking to. Her face lit up as I walked back over, sitting next to her, " who was that?" She asked with a smile, "Selena, she says hello" I said with a smirk. "Ah the mystical Selena Gomez which I hear a lot about but have never met, say hello back" Karlie said, her smile filling the room with sunshine, like always. "And whoooo are you talking to miss kloss?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at her and leaning on her shoulder. "Miss Cara Delevingne, who also says hello" she said, with an even bigger smirk for some reason.
"What did you want to do now?" Karlie asked, her smirk still present that made my cheeks burn red. "Ummm... Wanna watch some friends in bed? I have a TV in my room?" I asked, with a returning smile Karlie got up, grabbing my hand in hers. I led her up to the bedroom, our hands connected and my face still burning red, my blood pumping in my ears. Something about Karlies smirk made me nervous to bring her up to my bedroom.
Under the covers we returned to our previous position, cuddled right into one another, my head on her chest, her face resting on my hair. Our bodies shook lightly together with laughter as we watched one of my favourite episodes of friends. My body felt warmer than usual, filled with nervous excitement at being this close to Karlie once more after what had happened earlier. My mind continued to race, with thoughts of doubt that Karlie would never feel the same, but I couldn't deny the feeling of hope that rested in the back of my mind as a result of our near kiss. The episode finished with Monica and chandler admitting they were in love with each other, karlies arms held me tighter and my face grew warmer. Rolling off Karlie I moved to lay facing her, her green eyes finding my own blue orbs immediately. We lay talking for what seems like hours, when Karlie sighs and smiles at me in a way that sends my mouth dry. "What do you think that would be like Tay?" Karlie sighed, "falling in love with your best friend.." She continued. My heart pounded against my chest as I tired to think of a response, "I think... That would be the most magical feeling in the world...but the thought of it scares me in a way" I whispered. Our legs gravitated slightly closer, now touching, skin to skin. "Why does it scare you?" She said softly, looking deep in my eyes, "because... I couldn't stand to loose that person ...if things went wrong.." I replied, my voice hitched. "But what if you knew that person would never leave you? What if they promised to stay?" She whispered, so quiet that I could only just hear her. "Then it would be perfect" I said just as softly. My heart thudded quickly in my chest, my hands trembling, don't overthink this, you know that you and Karlie could never happen I sighed internally. Rolling over to switch the lamp off I moved back to face Karlie, our bodies slowly finding each other in the dark. Minutes passed as we lay in silence, staring into each other's dark form, brains ticking. Ever so slightly our hands moved to be touching, legs grazing each other. My eyes began to adjust to the dark, now able to see Karlies glassy eyes reflected in the moonlight, her smooth skin and plump lips. I needed to know what she was thinking. More seconds passed us as Karlie moved slightly, half leaning upwards as if to turn over but stopping halfway. Her face so close to mine I could smell her minty breath. "Whoa is that your face? It's so dark.." Karlie chuckled, my skin broke into goosebumps as our faces grew closer and closer. My body reacted, a warmth growing in my core, my skin on fire, desire and fear pumping through my veins. "Karlie..." I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Taylor..." She whispered back, her pupils darker than I've ever seen before. My eyes stared at her lips, is this actually happening?
Before my mind would answer that thought, Karlies hands shot down to my cheeks, our lips connecting passionately for the first time. My body was on fire. Passion running through my blood.

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