Chapter 14

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My eyes slowly opened, a smile immediately finding my lips at the warm my body held due to the 6 foot long pillow of sunshine wrapped around me. Her arm tenderly holding me against her, wrapped around my bare waist. Our legs tangled together, her front pressed against my back giving me endless warmth at her contact. I couldn't keep the smile off my face at waking up like this, no clothes to act as a barrier for our warmth, completely tangled up in peace together. It was so simple, so natural. Laying in her arms I realised I'd never felt more content then I do wrapped in her arms, her breathing faintly tickling my neck. Craving my sunshine I turned over slowly in her arms as she began to stir, her emerald eyes flickering. Pressing my lips against her warm ones her eyes opened fully, a smile overtaking her lips as I was suddenly kissing teeth. Giggling I broke the kiss for the best reason, karlies smile unable to be swayed. "Well good morning sunshine" I said, leaning forward to kiss her nose. Her laugh fills my ears and somehow I feel even happier than I did before, "good morning baby" she says softly. "I don't think I've ever been this happy, I can't describe it" she says just as softly, looking deeply into my eyes. My cheeks burned, stomach filling with happy butterflies at her words. Being in such close proximity of course she noticed, she doesn't miss much this one. "Awww baby I made you blush" Karlie says with an adorable giggle. "Shush you" I muttered pulling her in to press our lips together once more. Resting my head against her forehead I smiled against her, "me too though, I've never been this happy before kloss" I said, planting a soft kiss against her once more.
Staying cuddled together for as long as possible we talked about anything and everything, engrossed in the sound of her voice, addicted to her eyes, her lips. I feel intoxicated by her presence. I feel fearless, like all I need is her to be happy forever.
Your in deep swift.
"What's your plans for today babe?" I asked, hoping I wouldn't have to be away from her for too long, we only had two days before she was due to return to New York. "Well, spending as much time with you as I can, obviously, but seriously I need to go to the gym in about an hour and a half" she said into my hair. I groaned sadly, I didn't want to be away from her even for a short amount of time. "Can't you skip it today babe?? I'll make up for the calories burned I promise" I said wiggling my eyebrows at her suggestively with a giggle. "As much as I would love to do THAT all day long with you, I do need to go to the gym, but I have an idea" she says, sneakily kissing my lips quickly. "Why don't you come with me?" She mumbled, bursting out into laughter I looked up at her. "Wait are you serious?" I was met with her smile that was pure sunshine. I leaned against her chest, suddenly remembering the sight of Karlie covered in sweat in very little clothing. Groaning against her chest I mumbled, "fine kloss, I'll come, but you have to promise me one thing". "Seriously?? You'll come with me?? What baby anything?" She giggled in disbelief.
"Wear those tiny tight shorts again" I smirked, seeing karlies eyes darken once more.
Moving her hand down my bare back she moved her lips back to me, teasing her slightly I played along before pulling away and jumping out of bed leaving her hanging.
"Come on kloss, I do believe we have a workout to attend" I said with a large smirk.
My muscles burned in pain, pushing myself to keep up with the picturesque girl next to me. I watched as her leg muscles contracted, her abs perfectly toned, shining with a thin layer of sweat. Swallowing the drool in my mouth and ignoring the heat in my core I faced the floor as I counted down the seconds left in my plank, trying not to watch Karlie do burpees in front of me. "Okay break Taylor! Good job, grab some water" the trainer called as I got up and headed to the bench in the corner of the gym space. Karlie smirked in my direction, switching to stretch purposefully in my direction. Bending over to touch her toes with her behind exactly facing me I sat with my mouth slightly open trying to close it but failing. My body broke out into flames of desire once more for her, trying to distract myself with my water bottle but miserably failing as Karlie switched positions to pull her legs behind her head.
Well. Fuck.
"Okay Karlie we're done here, good work today!" Her trainer called as mine called me back over to stretch. Walking over I attempted to act like I wasn't incredibly turned on, but karlies dark eyes found mine and the chemistry between us flowed through each other. Karlie sat on the position I had held on the bench as I began to stretch, deciding that two can play at this game. Bending over in my small green shorts I face Karlie, stretching my legs, then my arms above my head, my hips and back, dipping my spine down to provide a full backside view to my girlfriend. Turning around with a smirk I met karlies eyes, black with lust, full of desire my smirk dropped, breathing hitched. Grabbing my bottle I always dragged her to the locker room, closing and locking the door. Before I could act I was pressed against the wall, our lips passionately meeting, Loud moans escaping both of us as our hands traveled greedily over one another. Her hands moved across my breasts down to my shorts, suddenly rubbing me over the thin material. "You are so fucking hot" I gasped, biting down on her neck. "We need to get home, right now." She said with a breathless throaty voice. Within seconds our bags were grabbed, heading to the car that waited outside of the gym, thankfully no paparazzi to be seen. Closing the Partion in the car I straddled her, running my hands through my hair as our lips collided once more. Our hips began to move against each other, her breathing turning into moans against me. Her hands moved down my shorts quickly, her fingers entering me with a gasp, a moan louder than expected suddenly escaping my mouth. My legs shook underneath her as her fingers continued to work inside of me, driving me crazy as I tried to stay quiet for my drivers sake. The car suddenly stopped as my apartment building was seen outside the tinted windows. "Fuck" I groaned as she pulled her fingers out and placed them in her mouth with black eyes.
Slamming the door behind us I pushed her against the kitchen wall, pulling her up onto the marble counter as our mouths collided furiously, moans escaping us now louder as we were alone. Pushing her down I yanked her small shorts down, placing my mouth over her with no hesitation or teasing. Loud moans filled the apartment as my tongue worked inside of her, her hands pulling my head closer, screaming my name as she reached her climax. Without pause Karlie slipped off the counter, practically ripping my clothes off as we stumbled backwards to the lounge, mouths connected once more. Minutes later I was lost for air, drowning in pleasure as I screamed her name. Climbing back on top of me we collapsed against each other.
"Jeez karls, two workouts in an hour, maybe that's Victoria's Secret" I said with a wink, teasing the beautiful girl on top of me. "Your such a fucking dork" she laughed against me, "but your my dork".
Walking around my kitchen Karlie looked through my cupboards, occasionally picking up ingredients and placing them on the counter. "I'm going to make you dinner tonight" she announced after ten minutes of going through my kitchen. "Babe I thought we just ate out?" I said with a devious smirk. Turning around to face me with an eyebrow raised, Karlie smirked at me judgementally. "Sorry, back to very serious swift now" I giggled, forcing my posture to be very serious, my expression cooling to my concentration face. It was Karlie who burst into laughter now, coming over to wrap her arms around me, kissing my lips softly. "Your in a good mood today beautiful, I love hearing your laugh" she mumbled against my lips. "Hmmmm I don't know why I'm so happy though" I smirked, "oh really? Not idea?" She played along with me. "Hmmm it might have to do with a 6 foot tall giraffe I might know" I giggled, scratching my chin as if in deep thought. "Your such a dork" she giggled, kissing me once more. "So what are you making me?" I asked more seriously, still wrapped around her. "Well I did promise you a delicious vegetarian meal so I'm going to make you my signature vegetarian curry" she said with a proud smile. "Mmm she's beautiful and she cooks for me, how did I get so lucky" I said, pulling her down to kiss her soft lips.
Sitting on my kitchen I scrolled through my phone chewing on a carrot stick as Karlie chopped vegetables and prepared our dinner to begin cooking for the afternoon. Going through my music I put it on shuffle, returning back to tumblr. "Oh I love this song Taylor!" Karlie exclaimed suddenly, coming around to take my hand and pull me up from the stool as "A thousand years" by Christina Perri played softly from my phone. Pulling me softly against her we stood slowly dancing in the kitchen, resting my head against her chest as she softly sung the lyrics to me.
"I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more".
Feeling my cheeks warm, I leaned up to look into her emerald eyes, feeling their Intensity and love, feeling like they were home. Her lips softly brushed mine, sending chills down my skin, her warmth touching my whole body.
"Okay I don't want to brag but I think you need to prepare yourself for a pretty beast meal swift" Karlie teased as she placed two bowls of her curry and rice onto the table, pouring crisp cold white wine. "This smells incredible babe" I said genuinely, inhaling the strong smells that filled the house. My Mouth watered as I sat down, ready to destroy this meal.
"Oh my god Karlie you have to cook for me always" I almost moaned as I finished the last mouthful of her dinner. Karlie giggled, taking a sip of her wine, "well if I'd known it was going to make you react like this I would have cooked for you months ago". Reaching across the table I took hold of her hand tenderly, rubbing my thumb across her soft skin. The buzzing of my phone interrupted our moment, looking down at the number I felt a jolt of nerves in my stomach. "Sorry babe I have to take this" I said with a smile I couldn't hide as I quickly made my way outside before answering the call.

"Thank you so so much! I will see you in a week!" I said hanging up the phone with a huge smile as I walked back into the dining room to a curious Karlie.
"why are you smiling so big baby?" She said with a confused smile.

"Well... I didn't want to tell you until I knew for sure but I just got the call" I said, breathless with excitement and nerves at telling Karlie what I had kept to myself for months.

"I'm moving to New York Karlie".

A/N: hope you enjoy guys!!! Comment any feedback or just any thoughts you have I love seeing your reactions! Thanks for reading !!! And THANK YOU FOR THE 3K AHHHHH I LOVE YOU ❤️

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