Chapter 10

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Closing the door as Karlie left for the gym I exhaled a breath I didn't realise I had been holding. Now alone, what had happened began to sink in. Oh my god. Is this real life? Holy shit. Walking back into the kitchen as my mind began to have an explosion of thoughts I stopped to think who I could talk to about this, before my mind exploded. Selena... The obvious name came to my brain straight away as I pulled out my phone and dialled her number. Within three rings, her voice filled my ears. "Hey babe! How are you going?" I said, trying to be normal but my voice uncontrollably high in pitch. "Taylor Alison Swift, I do believe you have been keeping something from me" her voice was immediately smug. "What are you up to today? I was going to say coffee but to be honest I don't think we should talk about this in public" I said, giving her the reassurance that she was indeed correct. "Ooooooo omg now I'm so curious omg okay I'll be there in 30 minutes" she hung up as a I giggled and walked up the stairs to shower and change before she got here. Undressing, I stood under the hot water, calming my frenzied mind and taking a deep breath as the water relaxed muscles in my back I didn't even realise had been tense. What did all of this mean? Are we together? Do I want to be with her....of course I do...but do i want to risk this friendship? Rubbing my temples I put my face under the hot water.
Denim high waisted shorts and a flowing lace top found my body as I applied make up, my mind still a blur as I brushed and curled my hair. Finding my tube of red lipstick I quickly smoothed on a layer and headed downstairs to wait for Selena, trying to busy myself in the kitchen to stop my mind from running away from me. A knock on my door had me breathing a sigh of relief..I need to get this off my chest. Opening the door to my brunette best friend, I immediately pulled her into a tight hug, breathing in her familiar scent and feeling myself calm down already. Pulling away she took in my outfit, looking me up and down. "Well well.. I mean I know I'm special but your dressed awfully sexy for our coffee date" she teased, knowing exactly why I had put a little extra effort into my appearance. " coming back after she goes to the gym" I muttered, unable to look her in the eye as I blushed brightly. Bursting out in a giggle Selena took my hand and pulled me to the kitchen, "okay Taylor, we need coffee and we need to talk by the sounds of it" she said. Sitting down on the lounge with our coffee I groaned and leaned into her shoulder. "My mind is so messy selena" I mumbled into her hair. "Well, feel free to clear it if you want to, you know you can trust me with anything babe" she said sincerely, no longer teasing. Taking a deep breath I sat up, staring at my nails I exhaled shallowly, struggling to get it out. "We made out.... Twice...last night and then this morning .. it got very...heated" I said shakily, my cheeks burning up at the words. Looking up to her eyes they were full of surprise and amusement, "you and Karlie hooked up? Twice? Wow I got the feeling there was something there but dayyuuuuum swift! I'm impressed" Selena said with a giggle. "How did you possibly know? I didn't know until a few days ago!" I burst out, confused. Selena giggled once more and said, "babe we've been best friends since we were 17, you don't think I know when you want someone? Even if you don't know it yourself?". I laughed, she was so right, I could always tell with her, we knew each other like a book. "Do you have feelings for her?" Selena asked bluntly, always one to get to the point. Staring down at the floor my cheeks felt warm once more, "yes" I mumbled. "I don't know what to do Selena! What if it's awkward now? Or what if this ruins our friendship I can't even think about not having her in my life" I huffed. "Okay first of all take a deep breath, was it awkward this morning?" She asks. "Not...really I guess, I was scared it would be, but we talked and..she told me she has feelings for me, that she always had" I said quietly. "Awww really!! That's so cute Taylor!" Selena gushed, all I could do was smile. "But I told her I was scared, scared of loosing her, of loosing her friendship. But she told me she would never leave me Selena" I said, feeling my stomach do a strange little jolt at recalling this morning. "And then...she kissed me and oh my god" I said with a breathy laugh, her laugh filling the room with mine. "Okay so what's the problem? She sounds perfect?" She says with a smile. "I'm just..scared I guess, scared of being hurt again and scared the friendship will be ruined" I said honestly. "I know babe, but just take it slow, if it's right, it will happen on its own" she says sincerely, placing her hand over my own and squeezing. A knock on the door sent shivers running down my spine as I jumped up. "Oh my god I lost track of time. That's her Selena oh my god. Do I look okay?" I said smoothing my shorts, fixing my hair. She giggled with a knowing smile, "you look perfect, go open the door". I ran to the door like a little kid, opening it to fling myself into her arms, feeling her sweaty limbs press into mine. "I missed you" I said into her shoulder. "I was only gone for a little bit babe" she muttered, kissing my neck and sending waves of desire shooting through me. Stepping out of the hug I took in her appearance. Crop top and tiny shorts clinging to her, a light sheen of sweat still covering her body, her eyes hypnotic. I could feel her eyes reflecting my own lust filled ones as suddenly a voice broke my trance. "So you must be Karlie? I'm Selena, I've heard a lot about you" shit I forgot she was here for a second...I literally forgot everything...god she's hot. "Taylor??" Selena said clicking her fingers in front of my eyes. "What sorry I'm here" I said, looking away from selenas amused eyes before I started laughing. "Jeez babe, we were left here to bond on our own, what was your mind so very locked on?" Karlie teased. Your abs. Oh my god Taylor control yourself. "Sorry, I was just" I stuttered, Karlies eyes still locked on mine, sending my mind loopy, her pupils blacker by the second. "Well I think I'll leave you guys to it, I need to meet up with my producer anyway, lovely meeting you Karlie!" Selena said, knocking both of us out of our trance as karlie embraced Selena. Karlie walked to the kitchen to allow us to say goodbye as Selena slapped my arm "TAYLOR??? Are you there? Are you with me or are you still eyefucking Karlie?" She said, laughing at my entranced state. "Oh my god I'm sorry about that, she's just..oh man" Selena burst out laughing as she patted me on the head. "Okay babe I'll leave you whatever it is you wish to do..." She said, a smirk overcoming her features. My cheeks burned bright red, "thank you for talking though, means a lot...and please don't tell anyone." I said, bringing our conversation back to a sincere tone. "My lips are sealed, love you, I'm always here" she said lightly kissing my check as I hugged her goodbye. Closing the door she leaned in and whispered "don't eyefuck too hard Taylor" with a wink, shutting the door with a giggle. I laughed, but immediately remembering the look in Karlies eyes, and the fact that we were in a very alone state right now. With the thought of karlies lustfilled stare on my mind, I walked into the kitchen. I needed her, now.

A/N: hope you like this update guys, not a particularly eventful one but the next one should be more exciting hopefully. Thanks for reading :)

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