Chapter 18

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Slumping down on my lounge I exhaled loudly, still in the haze of euphoric shock. She loves me.
Letting out a laugh, my smile grew so big my cheeks threatened to break open from sheer overuse. This is real. She really loves me. How did I ever get this lucky? What did I ever do to get this lucky?
My lips still tingled from the powerful kiss shared not long over an hour ago. Those lips that I lived for, I longed for, the lips I wouldn't feel for a whole week.
But after this week everything would change, we would be living in the same neighbourhood, minutes away from each other in the most amazing city in the world. I craved those city lights, the feel of the streets, it had been a year or so since I was last in New York for my album promotion. I'd been a regular visitor to the powerful city every year since my first album came out, if there was any place to get your music out to the people, New York was it.
But my fascination of the city had changed since meeting Karlie, now every fantasy I had of the city she belonged in, enjoying the memory next to me. Apparently even the paparazzi where better in New York, once they had their shot they generally left you alone. But I was never left alone, I was used to this. But for the first time in my life, when i was with Karlie I didn't see them, I didn't hear their flashes, yells of interrogative questions. All I saw was her.
The last time I had been with someone in the city that never sleeps it had only worsened things between us, the cameras a never ending suffocation, the crowds running, we had no chance in the end. But it didn't scare me with Karlie, I wasn't worried about being seen with her, I knew my fans well enough to know they would accept and respect our relationship. I'd already seen edits of our photos together as VSFS tagged as "kaylor", I had giggled at them quietly, not showing Karlie in the fear of scaring her away.
I wanted this summer to be freeing, to be open, to not have to hide from the world. New York City seemed like the perfect place for this fresh start. I wasn't going to let other people's opinions rule over me anymore.
Getting up from the lounge I made my way to my coffee machine, needing the caffeine today after the unusually early start.
I can't believe this morning actually happened. I need to tell someone oh my god. Grabbing my phone I dialled the number of the only person I wanted to tell right now.
"Hey Tay!" Selena answered, sending another huge smile on my face at the sound of my best friends voice.
"Selena Gomez you wonderful human, what are you doing today?" I ask, unable to hide my happiness.
"Well nothing really, but now I have the feeling your creating my plans for the day, when should I come over?" She laughs, she knows me too well.
"Is an hour okay?" I giggle like a little kid, excited to tell her everything.
A knock on the door surprises me as I pause in front of my wardrobe, half way through getting ready. Checking my phone, I was right in thinking I shouldn't be expecting Selena for at least 45 minutes. But my security let the person through to my door so clearly it must be someone I know. Walking curiously to the door I opened it to come face to face with a tall man, screaming I jumped up and down and almost tackled him in a hug. "AUSTIN OH MY GOD" I yelled into his shoulder. Pulling myself down I take him at arms length and look at him, "well hello mr drama major actor manly man" I tease, scruffing his brown curly hair and tapping his stubbly cheek. "Hey sis" he says with a laugh, clearly confused as to why I was so overtly happy, I couldn't control myself today.
"What are you doing here!!!" I ask him, leading him inside as I lock the door behind me. "Well I overheard from a certain mother that you apparently have something to tell me" he says with a dramatic eyebrow raise that breaks in moments with a boyish laugh. Leading him into the kitchen I turned the coffee machine on once more to make him one. "Well as always our mother dear was correct, as of next Friday I'm moving to New York!!" I burst out, too excited to tease him.
"What!!! Oh my god Taylor thats amazing! Now we can see each other so much more often this is so great sis!" He jumped up, hugging me energetically. "But was that all? Cause...your acting a bit....weird" he hesitantly mutters. I burst out laughing, only increasing his confusion, this is going to be funny.
"Well dear brother I guess you are right, there is something different in my life...or someone" I tease.
His eyebrows go up, "oh that's great Taylor! who's the lucky guy?" He asks, unaware of what I'm about to drop on him. "Karlie Kloss" I say proudly, his jaw dropping and eyes bulging out of his head. "As in like... Victoria's Secret model Karlie kloss?" He asks, "oh yeah, super sexy underwear model Karlie kloss" I tease once more.
" much as I'm really jealous" "AUSTIN!" I cut him off with a shocked laugh, "if you'd let me finish I would have said, as much as I'm jealous and definitely sad that you get to date a hot model and I don't, I'm really happy for you Taylor, you look really happy." He finishes with a smile.
"Thanks baby bro, I am really really happy with her, happier than I've ever been before" I say, our eyes sharing a smile together. "Okay so Selena is actually coming over in 20 minutes so I need to get ready so I gotta cut this short but are you in town this week? Come stay with me for the rest of the week? I'll be free after tonight".
"That's okay I actually have to go and catch up with some friends I just thought I would drop by and hear the gossip, but that sounds great I'll see you tomorrow?" He says with a smile, getting up and placing his coffee cup in the dishwasher. "Yeah for sure, we need some sibling time, plus I don't like to be alone now without Karlie so" I trail off with a blush. "Oh sis you got it bad don't you?" He asks with a laugh, engulfing me in a hug that feels like home.
The spare key I had given Selena months ago rattles in my door, the smell of food wafting into the hallway as I run to the door. Walking straight in with arms full of bags she runs to my kitchen dumping everything on the counter before I have time to say hello.
"Okay so I've got, ice cream, alcohol, our favourite Sushi and groceries for dinner and hello by the way" she says finally free of bags, walking over to kiss me on the cheek and embrace me in a hug. Pulling out of the hug she faces me and begins to Analyse my face, my cheeks begin to hurt again from the smile I cannot get off my face. "Hmmmm somethings different, come on girl we need to talk this shit out" she says grabbing the bag that held our lunch and heading outside.
Selena throws her head back laughing as we lay in the hammock lounges in my outdoor living area. "So you accidentally rubbed up against Cara's leg under the table instead of Karlie's" she says between fits of laughter. Laughing at my own mistakes I said "yeah and then what's worse is later on when we get home she caught a very...heated position" I stammered as Selena goes into hysterical laughter once more. "And then she tells us she fucking knew there was something going on and she knew all about the bathroom and oh my god" I laugh putting my hands over my face. "Ooo what happened in the bathroom Taylor?" She winks and wiggles her eyebrows. "Please tell me you didn't have sex in a public bathroom" she says on a more serious note but still laughing. "Oh my god no Selena!!!!....not in the bathroom" I mutter the last sentence. Selena bursts out laughing and leans over to high five me, "YESSSS my best friend had sex with a Victoria's Secret model" she fist pumps the air as I laugh at her reaction. Pausing her laughter she leans over and quietly says "so how was it?" With a wink that sent me into giggles again. " oh my god you have no idea" I say just as seriously causing her to laugh loudly and lay back in her chair. "Oh man Taylor, your great. I'm glad your happy babe, you seem very happy." She sighs contently. "Thanks, I am, happier than I've ever been" I smile back at her, her eyebrows raise and she analyses me silently. " seem a lot happier than you were the last time I saw you with her....what changed?" She questions with her finger on her chin. "Well uh...this morning before she left for New York I sort of...hastily legged it to the airport and uh...told her I love her" I mutter, my cheeks burning. "Awwww Taylor!!!! That's great I'm so happy for you!! And did she say it back?" She asks with a wide smile lighting up her brown eyes. "She told me she loved me since the day she saw me" I smile, unable to contain my happiness. "So I'm assuming she's happy about your move to New York?" She laughs, her smile still just as big. "Oh yeah she was happy alright" I tease with a wink causing her to laugh. "I wish you didn't have to move so far away, I'm going to miss you" she says with a sad sigh. "I know babe but I promise we'll still see each other often, I'll come and visit and you are welcome to stay with me anytime, I've always thought you should move with me" I smile, trying to cheer her up. "Ha ha nice try, no I know we will see each other often but still ill miss you" she says, "I'll miss you too, a lot. But remember...I have a private jet" I giggle with a wink.
Putting my glass of wine down on the coffee table I get up to reach for my phone, hearing the FaceTime tone ringing. "You keep watching Selena I'll be back its Karlie" I tell her and she smirks at me. "Tell the model I say hello" she giggles as I run into the hallway on my way to my room. Clicking 'accept' karlies face lights up my phone. Sunshine.
"Hey baby!!!!" She says with a wide smile that sends my legs to jelly, "Hello miss sunshine!" I reply with a smile just as wide. "How are you going? I miss you so much already" she says, sending another jolt of jelly into my legs. "I'm good, Selena is here having a. Girls night and austins in town she he's going to stay with me for the rest of the week, basically I'm doing everything I can do compensate for how much I miss you, which is a lot." I say with a giggle. "Aw babe I'm glad your spending some time with them, it's so good to hear your voice." She says with a content sigh. "You too, I miss your big girrafe limbs to keep me warm! But how are you going? How was your flight?" I ask, getting lost in her eyes. "It was good, quick and painless, but I'm good I'm having a girls night with Cara too so I guess we're matching" she says with a giggle. "aw say hello to miss Delevingne for me!", "I will, you look beautiful, I miss your kisses" she says sighing the way I had a minute earlier. "6 more days baby, then the summer is ours" I remind us both, trying not to be sad about how much I missed the tall girl. Pausing slightly her eyes search my face, as my eyes drink hers in the same. "I love you so much" she sighs, sending my heart into a frenzy, "I love you more".
Hanging up the phone call I sigh contently and lay down, the smile that Taylor produced seemingly unable to shift. "So how was miss swift?" Cara says walking back into the room and collapsing dramatically onto the double bed next to me. "Good, amazing." I sigh, still lost in the memory of her eyes, her smile, her voice. "Jeez you got it bad don't you?" She laughs, but there's a seriousness to her tone. Rolling over to face her I look her in the eye, "I'm so in love with her". She smiles brightly and lays down next to me, "I know babe, I could tell from the day you met her". "So she's moving to New York huh? Sounds serious, I'm glad your happy" she says but there's something in her eye that is a bit hesitant. "Yeah it is serious Cara, I'm going to meet her parents and we're going to start telling people soon" I reply, curious as to her agenda.
"Karlie...does she know about your past?" She asks, ah of course, always worried about me she is.
"Yeah she does, it wasn't easy but I told her mostly everything" I say, looking down at the sheets. "So does she know they've tried to contact you since? Does she know about the recent stuff?" She asks gently and I try not to get irritated because I know she's only looking out for me. "No Cara, I didn't tell her that they're looking for me, it's not something I want to think about or even consider to be happening, I just didn't want to have to tell her" I sigh. "Fair enough karls, but just don't be afraid to tell her stuff, she loves you and I know that you mean everything to her.". "I know, and she means the world to me, and I will tell her, but it's just hard to get out anything let alone everything all at once you know? I'll tell her soon, it's not like it's some big thing though I haven't heard from them in a few months" I say, trying to get Cara to understand. "I know, I'm really proud of you though, your very strong" she says in her strong British accent. "Thank you, that means a's just...I don't know Cara I feel so stupid" I mutter putting my head in my hands. "What is it babe you can tell me anything?" She asks, feeling her concern through her gaze. "I'm just...scared to meet her parents, like what if if happens again? What if they pull her away and what if I loose her? I can't loose her Cara" I say, getting upset. "Karlie, listen to me, you won't loose her I promise, from what I've heard from Lil, her parents are two of the loveliest people she's ever met, they're the people who raised the person your in love with, they're good people and you don't have to worry about that okay?" She says seriously, easing my worries a bit. "I guess..I don't know I'm know me I guess I have a reason to be scared, but I trust her and I love her so...i can do this." I say with a stronger voice. "I'm so proud of your Karlie." She says, holding my hand and smiling at me.
"One more zip, come on Austin we need to get this shut!" I say through gritted teeth as I push as hard as I can on the top of the suitcase. The zip moves and we're finally finished. "Thank god, is that all?" He asks panting as we move the suitcase down to the pile waiting by the door. "Yeah...I can't believe I'm moving tomorrow" I sigh with a smile, incredibly excited at the prospect of seeing Karlie and my new start. "I'm proud of you Taylor" he says sincerely, getting up to move with me back upstairs.
Pausing the music I had playing on my laptop I minimised the screen, getting ready for bed. My wallpaper caught my eye, the shining lights of New York City, my new soon to be home. Excitement hitched in my chest as another huge smile made its way onto my face. The next time I see those lights it will be from my apartment.
The next time I see those lights I'll be with my green eyed love.
Turning the light off I crawled into bed, dreaming of New York City.

A/N: Thank you for reading guys!!! Sorry for the long wait for this one but the next update will be full of kaylor beautifulness. Also how do you feel about switching POVs every now and then?
Hope you like it! Enjoy and merry Christmas! Hope you all have a safe holiday ❤️

P.S: I'm writing a few kaylor Christmas oneshots! The first ones published so check it out! ❤️

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