Chapter 11

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The seductive notes of "Tainted Love" rang through the house as I made my way to the kitchen. My mind on nothing else but my need for Karlie, to see that look in her eyes once more. My brain had lost all sense of thought and my body responded to its need. Reaching the kitchen I inhaled sharply when I spotted Karlie standing next to the sink, her back to me with a glass of water in her hand, moving her hips to the beat of the song. The muscles in her back moved with her, her tan skin perfect, calling for me. Her head turned upon my arrival, her eyes locking on mine, filled with the same need they held in the doorway. Her hips didn't stop moving as I stood with my mouth open, breathing heavily as I watched her. Fuck it I decided, finding her in four strides, pulling her towards me by the waist. Our eyes connected once more as I pushed her against the kitchen wall, pressing my lips to hers. Her tongue found mine almost immediately as she moaned into my mouth, being caught off guard by my kiss. Her hands tangled in my curls as I pulled her closer by the waist, her bare skin hot, still only wearing a crop top and shorts. We breathes heavily into each other as our mouths moved desperately together, hands travelling greedily over one another. "Your hair is so fucking sexy curled" she gasped in between kisses as I moved to her neck, laying open mouthed kisses below her ear. Her words sent desire pulsing through my veins, feeling myself grow warm. Our kiss was clumsy, too desperate for each other, trying to get as much of each other as we could at once. Our hands moved around each other, grasping hair, pulling each other's waists, running along each other's back. My lips moved to suck on her collarbone as she groaned, breathing faster, wiggling around under my touch. As I sucked on her most sensitive parts of her neck she moaned louder, seemingly unaware of the sounds she was making, or how turned on they made me. Her hands slipped from my lower back to grasp my ass, massaging it as I moaned into her neck. Pulling away abruptly she looked desperately lost for a second before I began to pull her to the lounge. Collapsing on top of her she began to massage my behind again, as my mouth moved lower down her neck, reaching the edge of her collarbone, hands grazing her sides. Her long fingers slid down the back of my thighs pulling me on to lay straddled on her. Placing my Hands on her abs I moved myself in line with her, her neck arching as I went back to her jaw, moving to her mouth. "Why do you have to be so fucking hot" I mumble against her lips, as she catches the bottom lip in her teeth, pulling on it slightly, licking it slowly with her tongue, sending an uncontrolled moan out of my mouth. My hips began to grind against her, her breathily heavier as we both moaned as our mouths connected. I needed more. I wanted all of her. But the back of my mind clicked, we only got together last night...if this is what this need to slow this down. My hips slowed against hers, her mouth on my neck, leaving open mouthed kisses on my jugular. " much as I don't want to stop this, trust me, I think we should slow down" I breathed against her. She sat up, wrapping her arms around my waist  and looking up into my eyes with her darkened green orbs. "I know, I know.... fuck your irresistible babe" she mutters with a smirk, placing a gentle kiss on my swollen lips.
We sat on the lounge with a seat cushion separating us. The physical barrier between us didn't change the uncontrolled desire running through our veins. Eyes still dark we stared into each other, I needed to take this slightly slower. Because if I gave into my desire right now it would end up a lot further than what happened earlier. Karlie stretched her neck out, pushing the little baby hairs out of her eyes. My eyes focused on the muscles in her long neck, being reminded of our morning with the small red marks over her collarbone. God I want her. I just want to fuck her right here and right now. Okay Taylor you need to calm down otherwise that will happen. I've literally never wanted anyone this badly. I moved around uncomfortably, shifting my legs as I desperately tried to ignore the heat in between them. Looking away from her neck I checked my phone as it vibrated indicating a text message. "Hey babe!! Hope your doing well, Cara and I are in town for a shoot and wanted to know if you want to catch up for dinner tonight? Ask Karlie too!! I miss you guys xx". I smiled at the text from lilly, it had been a while since I had caught up with her and Cara. Plus it's probably smart if you and Karlie get out of the house into a public place where you an focus on anything but wanting to do her. Oh my god Taylor shut up. "Babe this is lilly, her and Cara want to have dinner tonight with us, do you want to go?" I asked Karlie with a smile. "Well as much as I would love to just be with you tonight....." Oh god kloss don't give me those eyes I will loose all of my self control, "that sounds great babe, tell her I'm in!" She finished. "Excellent! I'll let her know" I trailed off, texting lilly back to confirm where we would meet them tonight.
After eating lunch we sat on the lounge, resting my head against her stomach as she played with my fingers. "Karlie" I said softly, "yeah babe?" She replied, stroking my hair out of my eyes. "Um I guess...I want to know...what are we doing here?" I stuttered, face turning warm. "Well I don't really know, I know this is sort of happening a bit fast and I understand why you want to slow down a bit, but I just want you to know....I want to be with you Taylor" she said gently, slightly breathless. My cheeks turned into a tomato, butterflies taking over my organs. "It's not that I want to slow down, trust me I don't, but I'm just scared I'll move to fast and scare you away I guess...but I want to be with you too" I said nervously, looking down at my hands. "Taylor you could never scare me away, I've wanted you since I saw you. I'm yours" she said strongly. Her words sent shivers running down my spine as I turned in her arms to face the green eyes I love so much. "As I am yours" I said huskily, moving forward to press my lips against hers. The kiss was short lasting, but one of the most intimate ones we had shared yet. I rested my forehead against hers, her arms wrapped against my waist, looking into each other's eyes. "So...we're together?" I mumbled shyly against her, "if that's what you want, if your ready for that" she breathed. "Karlie I think your forgetting something, I've wanted you since the day I saw you as well, all I want is to be with you" I said looking up into her eyes once more. The smile that followed was pure sunshine, it made my heart rise, feeling lighter, happier than I've ever felt. " you want to tell people just yet?" She said softly. "Well obviously this is up to you too but I would prefer to keep it to ourselves for at least a week or so, just to let ourselves move at our own pace" I said, avoiding her eyes, scared she would be angry. "Uh but selena knows we kissed...I'm sorry it just slipped out, she won't tell anyone" I mumbled.
"Taylor don't ever be afraid to tell me how you feel, I don't care that selena knows babe, she's your best friend" she said gently, "but honestly I agree, we just got together, I think we should give ourselves some time" she said with a smile, kissing my temple. She moved in close to me once more, her eyes glinting with passion once more and huskily said "besides, it's kind of sexy to have this to ourselves". Leaning in her lips found mine once more, electricity running through my lips.

A/N: next chapter will involve the dinner with Lilly and Cara, let's see if anything interesting happens ;)
Thanks for reading lovely humans.

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