Chapter 16

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Karlies weight shifted in the bed as I squeezed my eyes shut, pretending I hadn't been awake for hours. Pretending I hadn't been overthinking everything and making every single assumption possible. My eyes are sore, the kind of sore you get after crying silently for a long amount of time.
I don't understand, what changed? She was like a different person.

I feel her stare on my face, hear her exhale roughly, the kind of breath she does when something is bothering her. Maybe I'm reading too much into this?
I rack my brain of any conversations that Karlie and I had had about her parents over the last few months, and I can't come up with anything, other than Karlie mentioning they weren't close with the same tense stature as last night. I try to remind myself that I have an unusually good relationship with my parents, not everyone is that lucky.

I feel her begin to move around, I can feel her irritation, I can almost hear her brain ticking. What is going on in that mind of hers. Yet I remain still, eyes closed, not ready to face the green eyes of the girl who can read me like a book, I don't want her to know I'm upset. I don't want her to think I'm too obsessed or invested in this relationship when we had only been together officially for a week.
But it's been months of more and you know that. I remind myself, it wasn't as if we had gotten together randomly, there was feelings from the very first day, no matter how hard I avoided them.

Her slim frame moves out of the bed, feeling the springs become lighter as she pads quietly out of the room, heading towards the kitchen. I open my eyes, staring at the ceiling, overcome by a sadness that was filled with overactive thoughts and paranoia.
She's leaving today. I remind myself, feeling my emotions become more spiked. Okay pull yourself together swift, you need to stop assuming things and talk to her, you need to enjoy this last day. I tell myself, climbing out of bed, wiping my eyes and walking down the stairs.

I see her filling her gym water bottle from the top of the stairs, clad in work out gear and carrying her gym bag over her shoulder. Panicking I look at the clock. Of course she's going to the gym, how could I forget her daily routine. Continuing my walk down stairs I spot a platter of fruit and fresh waffles on the cupboard, coffee made. Her eyes find mine and she looks down, almost guiltily. "Uh I um made you some breakfast, I need to go to the gym, I'll be back in an hour okay?" She says unsteadily. I nod, moving towards her and encasing her tall form in a hug, which she sighs into, I can feel the tension in her frame. What is bothering her?
Leaning up I dare to meet her gaze, feeling embarrassed at my emotions. She kisses me gently on the lips, before leaving a single kiss on my forehead and heading to the door. The same look of unease on her face. "I'll be back" she says quietly, almost like she knows she's upset me, but neither of us say anything.
"Okay" I reply, matching her volume as she closes the door behind her.
I tried to focus on my laptop, replying to work emails to try to take my mind of what was running through my head.
Why didn't she want to tell her parents about me? Why was she less than enthusiastic about me telling mine? Did I do something? Did she think we were taking this too fast?
Breathing deeply I tried to refocus on my computer, minimising my work emails to retrieve a file from my desktop I was faced with a photo of Karlie kissing my cheek as my background. Putting the laptop down on the coffee table I curled into a ball, dissolving into pathetic sobs. What if she doesn't want me anymore? I tried to slow my tears but they only grew more rapid, tears of fear coming out, fear of losing my sunshine.
The spare key I had given Karlie rattled in the door, wiping my eyes frantically I tried to stop crying, but my eyes were watery, puffy and I was surrounded by tissues, the damage was done. Her long body walks timidly into the room as I avoid her eye contact, but she must see that I'm crying because she rushes over. Taking me in her arms I begin to cry more, I feel pathetic. She kisses my head and doesn't say anything, a look of extreme pain on her face.
Just talk to her Taylor, you don't know what's going on in her head.
"Karlie.....w..why don't want to t..tell your parents? Do you think we're moving too fast? Do you still want to be with me?" I stammered, sobs still coming from my mouth uncontrolled.
The horror that comes from my words reflects in her face, her eyes begin to water. "Taylor of course I want to be with you, no I don't think we're moving too fast, we waited months to be together I think what we have is perfect" she says in a rushed tone, as if desperate for me to understand. "But... I guess I need to explain some things to you, you were going to find out eventually, it's just....hard for me to talk about" she whispers, a tear dripping down her beautiful face.
She pauses, taking a deep breath before beginning. "I've never been close to my parents, we always had different views on life, they hated everything I loved and vice versa, when I was 16....I had a birthday party, the first one they had ever let me have. My best friend at the time I had grown a crush for, i kissed her. It was dark and I didn't think they would see us..but.." She stops for a minute, pain etched all over her face. "They saw, they kicked everyone out, banished my best friend from ever seeing me again, then they kicked me out of home, told me they never wanted to see me again, told me I had disgraced the family with my behaviour. So I left, moved to New York to live with my oldest sister Kristine, I haven't spoken to them since, they were gutless, homophobic assholes Taylor and as far as I'm concerned they're dead to me" she says with a venomous voice, tears still dripping from her face. "I'm so sorry I seized up on you last night, it just brought back so many feelings and memories that I would rather forget. And I do want you to tell your parents, I'm just scared....because I couldn't handle being rejected again, I couldn't handle thinking about loosing you." She breathes. "What I have with you, Taylor, means the absolute world to me and I need you to know how strong my feelings are for you, how much I'm in this, for good." She says with a stronger voice, tears no longer falling but a small smile taking its place. How could they do that to her, to my sunshine? No wonder she shut off last night, I'm such an idiot.
"Karlie...I'm so so sorry, you deserve so much better than that. I'm so sorry I asked you that last night, I didn't know. But you need to know that you won't loose me, I'm never going to leave you, you are the most important person in my life Karlie." I said, getting emotional once more. Her eyes water as her smile returns to the sunshine I crave everyday. "My parents will love you I promise babe, but we don't have to tell them if it brings back too much stuff for you" I say gently, stroking her hair. "No, no I want to tell them, I need to begin living my life and not letting the shadow of them overtake my future, you are my future Taylor" she says with a stronger voice. My cheeks burn red at the last sentence she says, moving closer to her. "And you Karlie kloss, are my future" I whisper as the space between our lips closes. Our lips move together desperately, reminding each other of the love we had for one another. Her hand tangled in my hair, the other hand cupping my face so gently as her tongue lightly grazed my lips, feeling myself heat up. Her hands moved to my back, lips to my neck causing a moan to escape my lips. My body moved against her, craving her in ways I couldn't describe. Her hands suddenly wrapped around my thighs, standing up I wrapped myself around her as she carried me to the bedroom. Placing me gently on the bed I moved on top of her once more, grinding into her desperately as my breath hitched from the friction it caused. Karlies lips moved further down my neck, teeth grazing my collarbone, hands moving up my sundress to cup my behind. Switching us around quickly, Karlie straddled my waist, taking her shirt off and removing her small shorts. Moving faster I began to wiggle out of my sundress, with the help of Karlie it was deposited in the growing pile of clothes next to the bed. Lust raced through my body causing me to shiver at the sight of the glowing woman on top of me, eyes as black as night. Suddenly our touches were more desperate, bras flung to the side, underwear removed as her fingers found me causing a large groan to echo through the bedroom. Her lips moved from my chest down, overcoming me with pleasure as her eyes remained locked on mine as I became a shaking mess. Her teeth grazing my clit sent me over the edge, yelling incoherent words loudly as Karlie climbed back up to me. Seconds later I was out of my haze, ripping her remaining clothing off and instead of switching positions I pulled on her hips to bring her forward to straddle my face. Locking my arms around her thighs I held her against me, unable to move. Her moans grew louder as she screamed above me, eyes shut, mouth open as her legs began to shake around me. It didn't take long for her to come undone, the taste of her only turning me on further. Moving down she kissed my lips, tongue touching mine in ways that seemed illegal. Moving against each other once more we came undone against each other's lips minutes later, collapsing in each other's arms.

After what seemed like hours of silence, her lips moved against my collarbone, muttering "well fuck, maybe we should have make up sex more often". I giggle, but reply "Mmm nah I prefer if we don't need to make up, I need my sunshine".
"I need you too" she whispers intimately.
"I'm so happy your moving to New York Taylor, I don't know if I told you that, but that makes me happier than I've been in months, you make me happier everyday" she says gently, causing me to smile uncontrollably. "Only a week baby, then we're always around each other" I say, kissing the side of her head.
"We should probably get out of bed and do something on my last day here, as much as I would love to stay here all day and do naughty things to you" she winks, causing me to blush.
"I need to tell my parents I'm moving at the least, they didn't know I was looking to move" I say gently, trying to remind her in the easiest way. Her eyes are warm though, her smile not faltering as she says genuinely, "okay, let's start off with that, and then I'm taking you somewhere this afternoon, but I'm not telling you where, it's a surprise". Kissing my lips once more she gets out of bed, not bothering to put on clothes as she moves to the shower, "joining me?" She winks.
Disappearing behind the door I hear the water start, the smile cannot be wiped off my face. I could not get over this girl. She is perfect in every way. My mind moves to think about telling my parents, but then I realise I'm not even nervous like I was earlier. And then I realise why.

I'm in love with her.

A/N: yaaaaay!!! Drama resolved for now :) hope you enjoy the make up sex as much as Karlie and Taylor did ;)
Thanks for reading, comment any feedback or thoughts!!!

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