Chapter 15

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"I'm moving to New York Karlie"

Her mouth drops in surprise, the corners of her lips almost breaking with the smile that follows the shock. Her eyes are wide and shining, a surprised laugh escaping her lips.
"YOU'RE MOVING TO NEW YORK?" She almost yells as I nod with a smile that's growing larger and larger as she reacts. Suddenly she's standing and her long legs fly across the room as she launches herself at me, wrapping her arms around me as we fall on the lounge as a result of her enthusiasm. Her lips find mine as we kiss desperately, each aware of what this means for us, for our relationship. Our kiss breaks not a second later when her teeth graze my lips, unable to stop her smile from overtaking her features. I giggle at her, this is such a Karlie thing to do, to never be able to stop smiling.
She pulls back, resting her forehead on mine, a smile so purely sunshine that it almost blinds me, but in the best way.

"Tell me everything, how is this happening" she breathes, her breath tickling my nose.
"Well I guess, a few months ago I started to feel like Los Angeles wasn't really my home anymore, I don't know how to explain it really, it just started to feel like it wasn't where my heart belonged" I started, nervous as to how she would react knowing my main motive to moving. "But what I've realised recently is that I started to feel like this wasn't where I belonged anymore..when I met you, even though we had only just met, I felt a connection to you that I couldn't explain" I said carefully, staring at her collarbones unable to meet her green gaze. "But I don't want you to think that I'm only moving to be with you, because I'm not, I need a change Karlie. I need to be in a city that consumes me, to be in a place where the main focus is not the celebrities that live here. I want to experience the lights that never stop shining, I want to see the building shine at night, to walk through Central Park." I said, pausing as my cheeks burned red at what I was about to confess. "But the last few months, I've realised that in all of these daydreams of living in New York City, you've appeared in them all. I realised its you I want to spend those nights with staring at the city lights, you I want to walk through Central Park with, you I want to have coffee with at midnight, listening to the sounds of the streets. I want you Karlie" I breathed with a trembling voice, cheeks warm as my heart pounded in my chest at my vunerability.
Instead of words I was met with gentle, warm lips, brushing mine with the most delicate of touches. Pulling back her hands cupped my cheeks, looking into her eyes I saw they were shining, an emotion I had never seen before captivating them.
"You are perfect Taylor. I can't describe how happy hearing that makes me. How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?" She gently says with her lips inches from mine.
Lips brushing mine again more passionately, I feel the depth of connection between us, the trust we have in each other, the gentleness. Pulling away her lips tickle my ear as she whispers into my neck " I want you too Taylor, for worse or for better".
Our laughter filled the house as I lay between her legs, an episode of friends on, filling the comfortable silence between us. Her long slender fingers played with mine, tracing my knuckles, my thumbs, brushing lightly over my rings, my Bare ring finger.
"So when are you moving?" her warm voice breaks the silence. "Next Friday actually, I'd been planning it for a while but I only just got the final word on it, I'm moving to a penthouse in the TriBeCa area" I said, smiling at the thought of being closer to her. "So that means we will only have a week apart before we see each other again" she says gently, my smile dropping at the reminder she was leaving tomorrow night. She must have sensed my silence, because her hands hold mine and her lips kiss my scalp. "Hey, don't be sad, it's only a week babe we've been apart for so much longer" she says gently, still kissing my head. "I know I know but..its...different now" I try to get out the words without becoming emotional at the thought of being without her even for a week. "I know it is baby, but a week from tomorrow, we will be in the same city, with the whole summer ahead of us to spend doing everything you dreamed of." She says with a smile, I can tell by her voice.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, I realise I need to tell people I'm moving, mainly my parents who have become used to me living close to. Do I tell them I'm dating Karlie? They don't even know I like girls.
I didn't even know I liked girls until Karlie...but you know they will be supportive, you have a good relationship with them.
" you think I should tell my parents about us?" I stammer nervously. Karlies body tenses unusually around me. " Sure I guess if you want to, it's up to you" she says quietly, her voice very unlike her usual sunshine.
Oh...maybe she doesn't think we're there yet... But I'm moving to another city to be with her so I'm pretty sure we are there..... My mind races, unease filling my stomach at her hesitation.
"Well I do need to tell them I'm moving, so I guess it's up to you if you feel okay for me to tell them about us, there's no pressure babe." I say gently, trying not to jump to conclusions.
" sure tell them..." Karlie says unsurely. Okay well now I'm definitely not reading into things.
"Babe are you okay?" I say quietly, praying that she isn't suddenly scared of by me wanting to tell my parents. "Yeah I'm fine, um I'm going to...I'm really tired so uh...want to come to bed with me?" She asks, still with the strange body language that was so unlike her usual stature. Maybe she just isn't feeling well? Just calm down Taylor you don't know what she could be thinking.
Laying in bed, the silence surrounding us seems awkward for the first time, her arms around my body still slightly stiff. " you not want me to tell my parents about us?" I ask deathly quiet. She's silent for a moment before responding in an equally quiet tone, "no no, it's fine babe, their your parents your close to them, you want to tell them so do it". Her voice seems a little calmer now, almost sad. What is going on?
Taking a moment to think, I realise what I need to ask next.
" you want to tell your parents?"
More silence
Then before my heart rate could become any higher she whispers so quietly I could almost not hear her response.


My heart drops to my stomach. Turning away from her before she could see the tear that drops down my face.

A/N: draaaaaaammmaaaaaa
okay!! Sorry for the late update guys! Also sorry for the drama, I just don't want to feel like it's becoming repetitive or boring. But don't worry there shall be another update in a day or so :)

comment any thoughts or feedback please!!!!!

Thanks for reading ❤️

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