Chapter 6

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I roll my eyes but only to go back to a perfectly tan 6-pack. My eyes roam there a little too long, I peal my eyes away only to hear a scoff.

I whip my head back to him. "What!?" I snap, glaring at him. He smirks at me.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer baby doll." I look at him rudely.

"I am not your "baby doll"." I scoff, putting air quotes around baby doll. He only smirks.

"You are to me." He brushes past me and goes down stairs to our weight room. I quickly turn around and head to my room. I shut the door behind me and slump against it. There's a knock at the door and my heart soar's.

What if it's Cole?

I slowly open the door and find Adam standing in front of my door awkwardly. I smile at him, realived.

"Mom was wondering if you wanted to go with me and her to the store?" I smile at him and accept his offer and follow him downstairs.

"NO! I said goldfish!" I whine at Adam. He laughs and throws the goldfish my way. I catch it with ease and send a triumphant smile Adam's way. He pouts and walks down the aisle ahead of me.

I let out a loud laugh. "You are such a baby!" I proclaim as he turns around shocked. He stalks closer to me. I've got to admit, I am kinda scared.

"What did you just call me?" He raises his eyebrows at me. My smirk drops.

"A-uh- baby?" I stutter out. He only smirks and walks away, leaving me shocked and confused.


"Come on kids. Time to check out." Genny proclaims walking past us. We follow her to the checkout line then go home with our car full of groceries.

"You picked the goldfish, so you get to take in the groceries." Adam states, getting out of the car. I quickly grab his strong arm.

"Oh no you don't! You are helping." He only smirks at me, shaking his head and walking away.

I run after him and jump on his back, startling him and causing him to fall over. I lay on top of him and then we both bust out laughing. He flips over so we're facing each other. I get lost in his eyes and don't even realize that we're getting closer.

"Ehh hemm!" Someone coughs, making us both jump to our feet.



"Oh-uh-Cole! We were just getting the groceries!" I say, blushing.

"Uh huh sure you were." He mumbles, pushing past me and going out to the car. I turn to Adam and elbow him in the gut and shoot him a glare and run over to Cole. I grab his elbow to stop him but he shrugs me off and walks in the house with groceries in hand. I grab two bags and run after him, concerned.

Worried that I lost him again.

He sets down his things and turns to go back outside to get more. I throw my stuff down and step in front of him. I look up at him but he doesn't look at me.

"cole what's wrong?" I whisper to him. He doesn't answer me, just tries to get around me, but I'm not going to let him by.

"Cole?" I say a little louder.

"Why don't you go cuddle with your boyfriend or something? I have to go pack." I place my hands against his chest and stop him from walking away.

"My boyfriend!" I say a little disgusted. "You mean Adam?" He looks away from me.

"Cole? Adam fell and I was too close and feel on him. We were laughing and got lost in the moment. I do not like him. Please believe me?" I beg more than state. I watch as Cole's walls break but he builds them back up in an instant. I push against Cole's chest and push him into an empty room off of the kitchen, closing and locking the door behind me. He looks irritated.

"What Lauren?" He used my full name. Now I know he's pissed.

I grab his face to make him look at me. He looks startled and shocked.

"What are you do-"

"Shh. I thought you wanted to hang out with me all day today?" I say, smirking. He subconsciously places his hands at my waist. He rolls his eyes at me, but still looks pissed.

"Are you mad at me?" I say in a small, child like voice, my voice cracking. He doesn't speak at first, then sighs.

"Lauren, I need to tell you something." He looks worried and scarred.

"Uhm...ok?" He sighs, closing his eyes. He opens them again, looking right at me.

"Lo Lo? I'm in love--"

The Miller Boys (Sequel to TBBATGG)Where stories live. Discover now