Chapter 9

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I turn and face him, my eyes automatically landing on the hickey I made. I start laughing looking at my creation. He raises his eyebrows at me.

"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you?"

"And why's that?" I ask, crawling closer to him.

"Go look in a mirror." He pushes me off of him gently, as I roll my eyes and walk towards the mirror.

My eyes grow the size of half dollars at the sight under my ear.

"Cole!" I screech. He just falls off the bed from laughing so hard. The hickey on my neck is literally the size of my hand. No joke. I stalk over to his figure and stand above him. Placing my hands on my hips, I raise my eyebrows.

"You think this is funny?" He nods his head, trying to stop the laughter. I bend down getting closer to him and getting over him, so that I'll be straddling him. He stops instantly, shocked. I smirk down at him. I lean down, getting closer to his lips. But I pull away just as I'm about to kiss him. I stand and walk towards my closet. Putting on a pair of light colored, tight Daisy Dukes, and a tight long sleeved white shirt where the sleeves fall just to my elbows and show my stomach and some cleavage, I walk out of my closet, seductively.

I flip my head to the side to see Cole eye rapping me. His mouth falls open as he flips over onto his stomach and doesn't take his eyes off of me. My Daisy Dukes are short but not too short! My butt is...covered...

"I'm" I say, slowly, raising my eyebrows. I hear him swallow and gasp for air.

"Do we-uh-uh-have to?" He stutters, licking his lips. I turn away from him, smirking. I look into the mirror, fix my hair and boobs, and turn back to him. I walk slowly over to him, swaying my hips as I go. I hear him gasp for air again, as he drags his eyes up my body back to my eyes. I stand above him, and bend over as he stares down my shirt. I lean in close to his ear, making sure my chest is in his face.

"Maybe we can have---"

"DINNER!" Adam yells, swinging open my door and seeing our strange position.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't--"

"Stop staring at her ass Adam." Cole warns him, pushing me to stand up, as he stands up as well. I watch as Adam blushes and scratches the back of his neck, looking away.

"I-I wasn't." I stumbles. "Come on it's time for dinner." He grumbles walking away. I smirk at Cole, walking away from him as he struggles to put his shirt on.

"Wait! Lo! Maybe we can have what?!" I only smirk, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

As soon as I step in the kitchen, I instantly regret wearing my outfit.

Genny, Ben, Jade and Tiara and the little kids aren't even in the kitchen yet, but the guys are. All of them.

Jacob, Cody, Adam...Jer, even Jonah came home from college to see Conner! And Cole is behind me, staring at my butt probably.  

And they're all watching me.

 I blush, looking away from their piercing eyes.

Cody walks up behind me and whispers in my ear. "What the hell are you wearing?" I close my eyes, trying not to laugh.

"No reason."

"Is it cause of Jer?" he asks, so quietly I barly hear him, my smirk drops, and I turn to look at him.

"No." I say, coldly. "I've moved on." I throws his hands up as if in surrender.

"Sorry!" He looks up then back down at me. "Who?" Me and Cody have gotten very close since he was in the hospital. I feel like he is more of my brother than someone I live with. We tell each other everything. When Jer wouldn't talk to me, Cody was who I went to cause Cole wasn't here. I love him. In a brotherly way.

I give him a look and he smirks, automatically knowing who. "Hey guys!" I hear a new voice say, as they come into the kitchen. Cody turns and I see its Conner. Cody leaves my side and I walk over to the cabinet to start setting the table. I open the cabinet and stand on my tip toes, trying to reaching the plates. I hear a couple of growls and moans and roll my eyes at their childishness.

I hear a scoff as I finally reach the plates. "Geezz Ren. Put on some clothes why don'tcha?" My head snaps up as I glare at Conner, the only boy in this family, besides for Cole, who has enough balls to actually say anything. And he's not even part of THIS family yet!

"Ren?" I question with a grin. I like it. It's cute.

"Yeah. I liked it better than...the other one." He grins at just me. In a matter of seconds, Jade walks in, and the guys peel their eyes from me, trying to make it as if they totally wern't thinking about doing the undo-able to me. They start talking up again, as I watch Conner walk behind me out of the corner of my eye. I start set the table, when I feel his hands go on my bare waist. My breathing hitches as I play it off and keep setting the table. I feel his warm breath on my neck.


"Uh-Uh-Hmm?" I finally stutter out. He chuckles lightly.

"Do you have sweatpants?" I shake my head saying no.

"Then go to my room and put on a pair of sweatpants." He tells me. Somehow I feel like I should listen to him and nod my head, hesitating to walk away. He laughs and gently nudges me towards the stairs.

My shorts are starting to hurt anyway, they're riding up on me and probably showing more of my butt than needed. I'm actually really appreciative of Conner for caring enough to give me a pair of sweats so they don't drool over me all night long. I walk into Conner's room and over to his dresser and open it to reveal a couple of sweats. I grab a pair of grey sweats with a drawstring, and pull them on. I look around quick and then walk out to go downstairs and eat dinner.

The Miller Boys (Sequel to TBBATGG)Where stories live. Discover now